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Table of Contents
outlinh1. true
outlinh1. true
2stylh1. none


  • A Jade Client YADE Client in the DMZ is used to send files to the internet via a DMZ as a jump server it is necessary to install the JADE YADE client (barebone client without configuration)  on the jump server before starting the file transfer.
  • JADE YADE Client or JobScheduler with JADE YADE JITL Jobs on local site.
  • Configuration file with jade YADE profiles

Start the File Transfer


  1. the local jade4dmz client from command line
  2. the job Jade4DMZ_Copy_To_Internetjob chain job_chain_jade4dmz.job_chain.xml with orders 
    • order job_chain_jade4dmz,CopyFromInternet.order.xml
    • order job_chain_jade4dmz,CopyToInternet.order.xml

The jade4dmz client is to be started with


The process is controlled and checked by a JADE YADE Client in the intranet.
The JADE YADE Client is running the steps described below and as shown in the diagram.


As a first step, after checking and creating the temp-folder, the files from the local filesystem file system are copied by the JADE client YADE Client to the temp-temporary folder in the DMZ.

(2) Start


YADE Client on DMZ by SSH

The JADE YADE Client is starting the JADE YADE CLI on the DMZ, using SSH.

(3) Copy data to Internet

The JADE YADE CLI on the DMZ is transferring the files to the destination site in the internet.


After successful transfer the JADE YADE Client is deleting the files on the DMZ using SSH.


If configured to do so, the files on the sending site will be deleted by the JADE YADE Client.

Example CopyToInternet



Code Block
titleJADE YADE JITL Job CopyToInternet
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<job  order="no" stop_on_error="no">
    <params >
	    <!-- SOURCE ==> DMZ ==> TARGET -->
	    <!-- file settings -->
        <param  name="file_spec"              value="^jade_test_bigfile_.*\.csv$"/>
        <!-- operation copytointernet -->
        <param  name="operation"              value="copytointernet"/>
        <param  name="verbose"                value="2"/>

		<!-- file source local_source Jobscheduler host-->
		<param  name="source_host"            value="localhost"/>
        <param  name="source_dir"             value="C:\sandbox\source"/>
        <param  name="source_protocol"        value="local"/>
        <!-- DMZ server settings-->		
		<param  name="jump_host"              value="gollum"/>
        <param  name="jump_user"              value="jenkins"/>
        <param  name="jump_ssh_auth_method"   value="password"/>
        <param  name="jump_password"          value="Bt347w%3Ka-AuZp"/>
        <param  name="jump_protocol"          value="sftp"/>
        <param  name="jump_command"           value="/home/jenkins/"/>
        <!-- target server settings-->		
		<param  name="target_host"            value="homer.sos"/>
		<param  name="target_port"            value="22"/>
        <param  name="target_protocol"        value="sftp"/>
        <param  name="target_user"            value="test"/>
        <param  name="target_ssh_auth_method" value="password"/>
        <param  name="target_password"        value="D3f*-ex;n55N6Hx"/>
        <param  name="target_dir"             value="/home/test/inbound"/>
        <!-- useruse explicit passive mode if firewall blocks the data connection -->
        <param  name="target_passive_mode"    value="true"/>       
    <script  language="java" java_class_path="" java_class="sos.scheduler.jade.Jade4DMZJob"/>
    <run_time />


Receive files from internet via DMZ

1) Copy data

As a first step, after checking and creating the temp-folder, the files from the remote server are copied by the JADE client to the temp-folder in the DMZ.

(2) Start JADE Client on DMZ by SSH

The JADE Client is starting the JADE CLI on the DMZ, using SSH.

(3) Copy data to Internet

The JADE CLI on the DMZ is transferring the files to the destination site in the internal zone

(4) Delete data on DMZ

After successful transfer the JADE Client is deleting the files on the DMZ using SSH.

(5) Delete data on local

If configured to do so, the files on the receiving site will be deleted by the JADE Client.

Example CopyFromInternet JADE JILT Job

Example CopyToInternet YADE Client Profile

Code Block
titleYADE Client Profile CopyToInternet
file_spec              = \.txt$
;;operation copyfrominternet 
operation              = copyfrominternet
verbose                = 2
;; file source server settings
source_host            = homer.sos
source_port            = 22
source_protocol        = sftp
source_user            = test
source_ssh_auth_method = password
source_password        = D3f*-ex;n55N6Hx
source_dir             = /home/test/outbound
;; use explicit passive mode if firewall blocks the data connection -->
source_passive_mode    = true	
;; DMZ server settings
jump_host              = gollum
jump_user              = jenkins
jump_ssh_auth_method   = password
jump_password          = Bt347w%3Ka-AuZp
jump_protocol          = sftp
jump_command           = /home/jenkins/

;; file target localhost ( YADE Client host)
target_host            = localhost
target_dir             = C:\sandbox\target
target_protocol        = local


Receive files from internet via DMZ


1) Copy data

As a first step, after checking and creating the temporary folder, the files from the remote server are copied by the YADE Client to the temporary folder in the DMZ.

(2) Start YADE Client on DMZ by SSH

The YADE Client is starting the YADE CLI on the DMZ, using SSH.

(3) Copy data to Internet

The YADE CLI on the DMZ is transferring the files to the destination site in the internal zone

(4) Delete data on DMZ

After successful transfer the YADE Client is deleting the files on the DMZ using SSH.

(5) Delete data on local

If configured to do so, the files on the receiving site will be deleted by the YADE Client.

Example CopyFromInternet YADE JITL Job

Code Block
titleYADE JITL Job CopyToInternet
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<job  order="no" stop_on_error="no">
    <params >
	    <!-- SOURCE ==> DMZ ==> TARGET -->
	    <!-- file settings -->
        <param  name="file_spec"              value="\.txt$"/>
        <!-- operation copyfrominternet -->
        <param  name="operation"              value="copyfrominternet"/>
        <param  name="verbose"                value="2"/>		
        <!-- file source remote SFTP  server settings -->		
		<param  name="source_host"            value="homer.sos"/>
		<param  name="source_port"            value="22"/>
        <param  name="source_protocol"        value="sftp"/>
        <param  name="source_user"            value="test"/>
        <param  name="source_ssh_auth_method" value="password"/>
        <param  name="source_password"        value="D3f*-ex;n55N6Hx"/>
        <param  name="source_dir"             value="/home/test/outbound"/>
        <!-- use explicit passive mode if firewall blocks the data connection -->
        <param  name="source_passive_mode"    value="true"/>              
        <!-- DMZ server settings-->		
		<param  name="jump_host"              value="gollum"/>
        <param  name="jump_user"              value="jenkins"/
Code Block
titleJADE JITL Job CopyToInternet
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<job  order="no" stop_on_error="no">
    <params >
	    <!-- SOURCE ==> DMZ ==> TARGET -->
	    <!-- file settings -->
        <param  name="file_specjump_ssh_auth_method"   value="password"/>
        <param   valuename="\.txt$"/>
jump_password"        <!-- operation copyfrominternet -- value="Bt347w%3Ka-AuZp"/>
        <param  name="operation"    jump_protocol"          value="copyfrominternetsftp"/>
        <param  name="verbose"    jump_command"            value="2/home/jenkins/"/>

        <!-- file target sourcelocalhost local_source Jobscheduler(JobScheduler host) settings -->
		<param  name="target_host"            value="localhost"/>
        <param  name="target_dir"             value="C:\sandbox\target"/>
        <param  name="target_protocol"        value="local"/>

    <script    <!-- DMZ server settings-->		
		<param  name="jump_host"              value="gollumlanguage="java" java_class_path="" java_class="sos.scheduler.jade.Jade4DMZJob"/>
        <param  name="jump_user"<run_time />

Example CopyFromInternet YADE Client Profile

Code Block
titleYADE Client Profile CopyFromInternet
file_spec              value="jenkins"/>
        <param  name="jump_ssh_auth_method"   value="password"/>
        <param  name="jump_password" \.txt$
;; operation copyfrominternet 
operation              value="Bt347w%3Ka-AuZp"/>
    = copyfrominternet
verbose    <param  name="jump_protocol"          value="sftp"/>
        <param  name="jump_command"= 2
;; file source localhost (YADE Client host) settings 
source_host            value="/home/jenkins/"/>
= localhost
source_dir        <!-- target server settings-->		
		<param  name="= C:\sandbox\target
source_host"protocol        = local
;; DMZ  value="homer.sos"/>
		<param  name="source_port"server settings
jump_host              value="22"/>
= gollum
jump_user        <param  name="source_protocol"    = jenkins
jump_ssh_auth_method   value="sftp"/>
= password
jump_password        <param  name="source_user"= Bt347w%3Ka-AuZp
jump_protocol          =  value="test"/>
jump_command         <param  name="source_ssh_auth_method" value="password"/>
        <param  name="source_password" /home/jenkins/
;; file target remote SFTP server settings
target_host            value="D3f*-ex;n55N6Hx"/>
        <param  name="source_dir"= homer.sos
target_port             value="/home/test/outbound"/>
= 22
target_protocol        <!-- user explicit passive mode if firewall blocks the data connection -->
  = sftp
target_user            = test
target_ssh_auth_method = password
target_password      <param  name="source_passive_mode"    value="true"/>= D3f*-ex;n55N6Hx
    <script  language="java" java_class_path="" java_class="sos.scheduler.jade.Jade4DMZJob"/>
    <run_time />
</job>= /home/test/outbound
;; use explicit passive mode if firewall blocks the data connection -->
target_passive_mode    = true		

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