Versions Compared


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  • JS7 uses Log4j2 for logging purposes. Log rotation is required to prevent log files from filling up disk space.
  • The default configuration allows disk space consumption to be limited for each of Controller, Agent and JOC Cockpit.
  • The configuration for the rotation of log files is similar for all JS7 componentsproducts.
  • Note that log output from orders and jobs in workflow is not stored with log files but is immediately added to the JS7 - Database and JS7 - History respectively.


Code Block
titleController log4j2.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Configuration status="WARN" shutdownHook="disable">
		<Property name="TimeZone">${env:JS7_CONTROLLER_TZ:-Etc/UTC}</Property>
		<Property name="LogDir">${env:JS7_CONTROLLER_LOGS:-logs}</Property>
		<Property name="LogBasename">${env:JS7_CONTROLLER_APPNAME:-controller}</Property>
		<Property name="RetainDays">30d</Property>
		<Property name="MaxSizeOfRolledOverFiles">5GB</Property>
		<Property name="MaxSizePerFile">100MB</Property>
		<!-- Log level of the Root Logger. -->
		<Property name="RootLogLevel">INFO</Property>
		<!-- Configuration for a 2nd debug log file (OFF|DEBUG|TRACE) 
			 If this value is set to DEBUG or TRACE then the above 
			 RootLogLevel has to have the same value.
		<Property name="LogLevelOfDebugLog">OFF</Property>
		<Console name="console" target="SYSTEM_ERR">
			<PatternLayout pattern="%highlight{%d{EE HH:mm:ss.SSS}{${TimeZone}} %-5level{INFO=info, DEBUG=debug, TRACE=trace} %logger - %message}{WARN=magenta}%n"/>
		<RollingRandomAccessFile name="fileInfo"
			<PatternLayout pattern="%d{ISO8601}{${TimeZone}} %-5level{INFO=info, DEBUG=debug, TRACE=trace} %logger - %message%n"
				<SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size="${MaxSizePerFile}"/>
			<DefaultRolloverStrategy fileIndex="nomax">
				<Delete basePath="${LogDir}/" followLinks="true">
					<IfFileName glob="${LogBasename}-*.log.gz" >
							<IfLastModified age="${RetainDays}" />
							<IfAccumulatedFileSize exceeds="${MaxSizeOfRolledOverFiles}"/>
		<RollingRandomAccessFile name="fileDebug"
			<PatternLayout pattern="%d{ISO8601}{${TimeZone}} %-5level{INFO=info, DEBUG=debug, TRACE=trace} %logger - %message%n"
				<SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size="${MaxSizePerFile}"/>
			<DefaultRolloverStrategy fileIndex="nomax">
				<Delete basePath="${LogDir}/" followLinks="true">
					<IfFileName glob="${LogBasename}-*.log.gz" >
							<IfLastModified age="${RetainDays}" />
							<IfAccumulatedFileSize exceeds="${MaxSizeOfRolledOverFiles}"/>
		<Logger name="spray" level="INFO"/>
		<Logger name="akka" level="INFO"/>
		<Logger name="akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger" level="WARN"/>
		<Logger name="js7.common.akkahttp.web.auth.GateKeeper" level="ERROR"/>
		<Root level="${RootLogLevel}">
			<!--AppenderRef ref="console" level="ERROR"/-->
			<AppenderRef ref="fileInfo" level="INFO"/>
			<AppenderRef ref="fileDebug" level="${LogLevelOfDebugLog}"/>


  • The Controller and Agent Log4j2 configuration file is files are the same same except for Controllers and Agents except for the fact that environment variables in lines 4-6 for Agents use:
    • <Property name="TimeZone">${env:JS7_AGENT_TZ:-Etc/UTC}</Property>
      <Property name="LogDir">${env:JS7_AGENT_LOGS:-logs}</Property>
      <Property name="LogBasename">${env:JS7_AGENT_APPNAME:-agent}</Property>
  • To modify the time zone that is applied to log entries and the point in time when log rotation occurs, modify <Property name="TimeZone">Etc/UTC</Property>. The time zone is specified by the Controller and Agent start scripts that set the environment variables JS7_CONTROLLER_TZ and JS7_AGENT_TZ respectively from the time zone reported by the operating system.
  • To enable the debug mode, change the <property name="RootLogLevel">INFO</property> and <property name="LogLevelOfDebugLog">OFF</property> to DEBUG.
  • To change the log retention period, modify <Property name="RetainDays">30d</Property> to some other value. Note the use of the suffixes d(ays), w(eeks), m(onths).
  • To limit the max. size of individual log files, modify <Property name="MaxSizePerFile">100MB</Property> to some other value. Note the use of the units MB, GB.
  • To limit the storage consumption of all log files, modify <Property name="MaxSizeOfRolledOverFiles">5GB</Property> to some other value. Note the use of the units MB, GB.


  • To change the time zone that is applied to log entries and to the point in time of log rotation, modify the <Property name="TimeZone">Etc/UTC</Property>. The time zone is determined by the operating system during installation.
  • To change the log retention period, modify <Property name="RetainDays">30d</Property> to some other value. Note the use of the suffixes d(ays), w(eeks), m(onths).
  • To limit storage consumption of all log files, modify <Property name="MaxSizeOfRolledOverFiles">5 GB</Property> to some other value. Note the use of the units MB, GB.
  • To limit the max. size of individual log files ,modify <Property name="MaxSizePerFile">100 MB</Property> to some other value. Note the use of the units MB, GB.
  • To enable the debug mode, change the <property name="RootLogLevel">INFO</property> to DEBUG. In addition, modify the value of one or more of the following properties to enable debug output with the respective debug log file: 

    Debug Log FileProperty
    joc-debug.log<Property name="JocLogLevel">DEBUG</Property>
    service-cluster-debug.log<Property name="ServieClusterLogLevel">DEBUG</Property>
    service-history-debug.log<Property name="ServieHistoryLogLevel">DEBUG</Property>
    service-dailyplan-debug.log<Property name="ServiceDailyPlanLogLevel">DEBUG</Property>
    service-cleanup-debug.log<Property name="ServiceCleanupLogLevel">DEBUG</Property>
    service-monitor-debug.log<Property name="ServiceMonitorLogLevel">DEBUG</Property>
    service-reports-debug.log<Property name="ServiceReportsLogLevel">DEBUG</Property>
    authentication-debug.log<Property name="AuthLogLevel">DEBUG</Property>
    connection-pool-debug.log<Property name="ConnectionPoolLogLevel">DEBUG</Property>