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Profiles form the starting points for specifying file transfers, with a Profile being specified with each command with which JADE starts time a command is sent to YADE to start a file transfer operation. 

Among the parameters specified within a Profile are the ProtocolFragment(s) to be used - i.e. one or more references specifying predefined connection configurations.

The subject of this page is the basic principles lying behind this two-stage configuration procedure.

Configuration Elements in the


YADE Schema

In the XSD Schema used to structure the JADE YADE configuration parameters, the Profiles element, which is the parent of all individual Profile elements, the Profiles element, lies at the top of one of the three major main branches in the configuration, alongside the Fragments and General branches. This hierarchy is shown schematically below:

  • ProfilesFragments
    • ProtocolFragmentsFTPFragment (nameProfile (profile_id='f1p1')
      • Operation
        • etc.
          • *FragmentRef (attribute
        FTPFragment (name
          • = '
          • f1')
    • Profile (nameprofile_id='f3p2')
      • Operation
        • etc
        • .
          • *FragmentRef (attribute = 'f2')
    • Profile (profile_id='p3')
      • etc.
  • Fragments
    • ProtocolFragments
      • FTPFragment (name=
      • 'f1')
      • FTPFragment (name= 'f2')
      • FTPSFragment (
      • name= '
      • f3')
      • etc.
  • General
    • etc.

The Fragments branch is the second-most important a further main configuration branch in the Schemaschema, containing the ProfileFragments elements that specify in detail how the transfer is to be carried out.

The General branch is used to specify overall aspects of YADE's operation that are not directly related it individual file transfers, such as logging. It is not directly relevant for the purpose of this article and is only mentioned here for completeness.

This two-stage configuration procedure - calling a Profile which contains a reference to a Fragment - allows a flexibility not possible with a single XML hierarchy and, in particular, allows profile fragment elements to be reused.

What is a Profile Element



A Profile can be seen as a specification of what is to be done and contains hierarchical information about:

  • the Operation to be carried out - e.g. Copy or Move,
  • the protocols to be used for the source and, if relevant, target, parts of the transfer and
  • references that specify ProtocolFragment elements. These in turn define in detail how the file transfer connections are to be made.

Any number of profiles can be specified within a file transfer configuration.


What are ProtocolFragments Elements?

ProtocolFragment elements can be seen as a specification of how the file transfer is to be carried out. Each file transfer Profile contains a reference calling at least one ProtocolFragment.

The ProtocolFragment element ProtocolFragments elements contains hierarchical information about:


ProtocolFragments are protocol-specific - that is, they apply for a specific protocol and the . The XSD schema defines which configuration elements can be used for the protocol in question.
For example, the Schema does not  allow SSH authentication to be specified for an FTPFragment.


ProtocolFragment elements can be reused - i.e. a ProtocolFragment can be referenced from any number of profiles.

Configuration Procedure

Whilst Profiles form the starting points for when running a file transfer command and , with the ProtocolFragments are then being called from within a Profile Element, the configuration procedure is usually carried out in the reverse order: The necessary ProtocolFragments are configured first, before the Profile elements which call these fragments are specified.

Referencing Profiles and ProtocolFragments

Both Profiles and ProfileFragments ProtocolFragments can be seen as predefined file transfer specifications that are specified called up as required: A Profile is specified when a JADE command is called and the relevant ProfileFragments are specified in the Profile.

All Profile elements require a profile_id attribute which is used to call the profile from the YADE Client.

All ProfileFragments require a name attribute which is used to reference the fragment .See Running File Transfers with the JADE Client for an example of how to call a Profilefrom an element in the Profile element.

Configuring File Transfers with the XML Editor

We recommend that you use the SOS XML Editor to generate all the parts of your whole configuration file. Due The editor effectively functions like a wizard: due to the use of the JADE YADE XSD schema in the editor, you will be effectively guided through the configuration process and end up with a validated configuration that you can implement as required.


General Comments

The advantage of this approach - which may at first seen somewhat complex - is that:

  • fragments can flexibly reused within the otherwise strict XML hierarchy and
  • configurations can be validated against an XSD schema. Validation means that the possibility of configuration errors is greatly reduced.

A fragment can be used as both a source or as a target within the one configuration.

Further Information

Related Sections of this User Manual:

Other documents

    use of the Operations element - the only Profiles child element whose use is required - is described in the Operation Element section of this manual.The Profile parameter reference