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The JS7 can be used to execute any scripts, executables and programs including Python® scripts.

  • Python® is a frequently used scripting language available for Linux, MacOS, Windows and other platforms.
  • Docker® offers a Python® SDK to manage containers, see
  • This article explains how to use the Python® SDK for Docker® with JS7 job scripts.

Building Blocks

The following building blocks make up the solution:

  • Install the Python® SDK as available from

    Code Block
    titleInstall docker-py plugin
    pip install docker

    • Explanation:
      • Python® has to be available on the machine that the JS7 Agent is operated for. This includes Agents operated on premises and with containers.
      • This is just an example, there are more ways of installing the Python® SDK for Docker®.

  • Create a workflow with a shell job that imports the Python® SDK like this:

    Code Block
    titleImport docker-py plugin with Agents operated for Unix
    import docker
    client = docker.from_env()
    Code Block
    titleImport docker-py plugin with Agents operated for Windows
    @@findstr/v "^@@f.*&" "%~f0"|python.exe -&goto:eof
    import docker
    client = docker.from_env()


    can be executed from shell jobs
  • Create JS7 - Job Resources for your containers.
    • Best practice is to use a Job Resource per container.
    • This allows specification of any properties of a container such as image name, host name, container name, mounts etc. from variables of a Job Resource.


The examples make use of a Job Resource and a number of Workflows that are managed with the Configuration view like this:

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Job Resource for a Container

Download (upload .json): agent-2-0-standalone.jobresource.json

When managing a Job Resource this view offers two sub-views:

  • The Arguments sub-view allows specifying variables which hold pairs of variable names and values.
    • Arguments can be used for parameterization of JVM jobs and they can be used in workflow instructions such as the JS7 - If Instruction.
  • The Environment Variables sub-view allows specifying environment variables from pairs of names and values that are forwarded to shell jobs.
    • Environment Variables can be used for parameterization of shell jobs.
  • The following names and values are examples of frequently used parameters when setting up containers, for example with the docker run command:
    • repository_name: Identifier of the repository
    • image_name: Identifier of the image that is used to instantiate the container.
    • container_name: Name assigned the container.
    • host_name:  Hostname (FQDN) assigned the container.
    • etc.

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Consider the following example of the Environment Variables sub-view:

  • Names of environment variables can be freely chosen within the limits of the operating system. Names are stored with uppercase letters.
  • The values of environment variables reference variables previously configured with the Arguments sub-view.
    • This allows the use of variables from both JVM jobs and shell jobs.
    • As an alternative it is possible to directly assign strings to the values of environment variables and not to use the Arguments sub-view.

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Workflow to start a Container

The example uses a single job that runs on an Agent with access to the Docker® daemon.

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The job script of the single job in this workflow looks like this:

Code Block
titleExample of job script to start a container

import docker
from docker.types import Mount
import os

client = docker.from_env()

container = image=os.environ.get('REPOSITORY_NAME') + ':' + os.environ.get('IMAGE_NAME'), \
                                   hostname=os.environ.get('HOST_NAME'), \
                                   network=os.environ.get('NETWORK_NAME'), \
                                   detach=True, \
                                   environment={ \
                                                 'RUN_JS_HTTP_PORT': 4445, \
                                                 'RUN_JS_HTTPS_PORT': 4443, \
                                                 'RUN_JS_JAVA_OPTIONS': os.environ.get('AGENT_JAVA_OPTIONS'), \
                                                 'RUN_JS_JOB_JAVA_OPTIONS': os.environ.get('JOB_JAVA_OPTIONS'), \
                                                 'RUN_JS_USER_ID': os.environ.get('USER_ID') \
                                               }, \
                                   mounts=[Mount(target="/var/", source=os.environ.get('IMAGE_NAME') + "-var", type="volume")], \
                                   name=os.environ.get('CONTAINER_NAME'), \
                                   ports={ '4445/tcp': os.environ.get('HTTP_PORT'), '4443/tcp': os.environ.get('HTTPS_PORT') }, \
                                   remove=True, \
                                   tty=True \
print("Container started: ",

print("Container logs:")


  • The job script uses a number of parameters as it maps all options used to run a JS7 Agent from a container as explained in the JS7 - Agent Installation for Containers article.
  • The relevant part is the function which is parameterized with frequently used options for specifying the image name, hostname, network name etc.
  • Environment variables are available from the assigned Job Resource.
  • The optional part includes displaying log output created on start-up of the container using the container.logs() function.

Workflow to stop a Container

The example uses a single job which runs on an Agent with access to the Docker® daemon.

Image Added

The job script of the job in this workflow looks like this:

Code Block
titleExample of job script to stop a container

import docker
import os

client = docker.from_env()

container = client.containers.get( os.environ.get('CONTAINER_NAME') )
print("container stopped: ",


  • The job script reads the environment variable CONTAINER_NAME to identify the container to be stopped.
  • This environment variable is provided by the agent-2-0-standalone Job Resource.

Workflow to execute commands in a Container

The example makes use of a single job that runs on an Agent with access to the Docker® daemon.

  • Download (upload .json): pdExecContainer.workflow.json
  • The job is assigned the agent-2-0-standalone Job Resource that holds the parameters which identify the container to be stopped.
  • Consider the command workflow variable which holds the command to be executed in the container. Adding a variable from a workflow increases flexibility by allowing such variables to be updated for use with different values from each order that executes the workflow.

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The job script of the single job in this workflow looks like this:

Code Block
titleExample of job script to execute commands in a container

import docker
import os

client = docker.from_env()

container = client.containers.get( os.environ.get('CONTAINER_NAME') )
rc = container.exec_run( \
							cmd=os.environ.get('COMMAND'), \
                           	environment={ \
                          		'JS7_AGENT_HOME': os.environ.get('JS7_AGENT_HOME'), \
                        		'JS7_AGENT_DATA': os.environ.get('JS7_AGENT_DATA') \
                    		}, \
                    		tty=True, \
                    		user="jobscheduler" \

print("container exec return code: ", rc)


  • The job script reads the environment variable CONTAINER_NAME to identify the container to be stopped.
  • This environment variable is provided by the agent-2-0-secondary Job Resource.