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Adds Git credentials for to the profile of the current user account



This cmdlet adds Git credentials for to the profile of the current user account. The functionality considers the security level:

* LOW: credentials are added to the default account, typically the root account
* MEDIUM: credentials are added per user account
* HIGH: no credentials are added

Credentials are added for one of the following authentication methods:

* Password: A larger number of Git servers is configured to deny password authentication.
* Access Token: Such tokens are created and stored with the Git serverServer.
* Private Key: Makes use of SSH authentication with a private key file

The following REST Web Service API resources are used:

* /inventory/repository/git/credentials/add


-Server <String>
Specifies the hostname and optionally the port of the Git server Server for which credentials are added.


-Password <SecureString>
Specifies the passwword password for Git authentication. Use of passwords is considered insecure and
a larger number of Git servers Servers will deny password authentication.

The password has to be specified from a SecureString data type, for example like this:

* $securePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString 'rootsecret' -AsPlainText -Force

Default value
Accept pipeline input?true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?false


-AccessToken <String>
Specifies an access token for authentication that is configured with the Git SeverServer.
Access tokens are a replacement for passwords and do not tend to increase security.


-KeyFile <String>
Specifies the path to a file that holds the private key. The corresponding public key has to be configured with the Git serverServer.
Use of private keys includes the following options:

* Empty path to private key file: The private key file is looked up from its default location
** Unix: ~/.ssh/id_rsa
** Windows: %USERPROFILE%/.ssh/id_rsa
* file name of private key file: The private key file is looked up from the directory JETTY_BASE/resources/joc/repositories/private
* path to private key file: The absolute path to the location of the private key file.


-AuditComment <String>
Specifies a free text that indicates the reason for the current intervention, e.g. "business requirement", "maintenance window" etc.

The Audit Comment is visible from the Audit Log view of the JOC Cockpit.
This parameter is not mandatory. However, however, the JOC Cockpit can be configured to enforce require Audit Log comments for any all interventions.

Default value
Accept pipeline input?true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?false


-AuditTimeSpent <Int32>
Specifies the duration in minutes that the current intervention required.

This information is visible with shown in the Audit Log view. It can be useful when integrated
with a ticket system that logs the time spent on interventions with JobSchedulerJS7.

Default value0
Accept pipeline input?true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?false


-AuditTicketLink <Uri>
Specifies a URL to a ticket system that keeps track of any interventions performed for JobSchedulerJS7.

This information is visible with shown in the Audit Log view of JOC Cockpit.
It can be useful when integrated with a ticket system that logs interventions with JobSchedulerJS7.

Default value
Accept pipeline input?true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?false


Adds credentials for access to a Git server Server by password authentication.


Adds credentials for access to a Git server Server using a private key file specified by its absolute path.