Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Hostnames, IP Addresses, Ports
  • Accounts
  • Database Names

There are situations when where log files should be anonymized before forwarding to a 3rd party, to the SOS Ticketing System or to a public forum to receive community support.


Anonymization is available from a Java class and is invoked from by a shell script available at the following default locations:


Code Block
titleInvocation of Log Anonymizer Script
Usage: [Options]

    -l | --log-file=<log-file>       | optional: location of a log filefiles that shouldto be anonymized; a single filesfile, directoriesdirectory andor wildcards can be specified;
    -o | --output-dir=<directory>    | optional: output directory of anonymized log files
    -r | --rules-file=<rules-file>   | optional:                       the pathargument tocan aoccur fileany holdingnumber rulesof for anonymizationtimes
    -eo | --exportoutput-rules=<rules-file>dir=<directory>    | optional: theoutput pathdirectory tofor aanonymized filelog tofiles
 which built-in rules are exported



-r | --rules-file=




  • This option can be specified repeatedly for a number of files. Wildcards can be specified and directories can be specified if all included files be anonymized.
  • Plain text log files with the .log file extension and compressed log files with the .gz file extension are considered - see the JS7 - Log Rotation article.
  • Anonymized log file names are prefixed with the string: anonymized- 
  • By default anonymized log files are stored in the directory in which original log files are found.



Rules include specifying regular expressions for searching and related placeholders as replacements. The built-in rules cover typical configuration items such as URLs, IP addresses, Host names etc. 


   | optional: path to a YAML file holding rules for anonymization; by default built-in rules will be applied
    -e | --export-rules=<rules-file> | optional: path to a YAML file to which built-in rules will be exported


  • Options
    • -l | --log-file=<log-file>: Specifies the location of the log file(s) to be anonymized.
      • This option can be specified repeatedly for a number of files. Wildcards can be specified and directories can be specified if all included files are to be anonymized.
      • Plain text log files with the .log file extension and compressed log files with the .gz file extension are considered - see the JS7 - Log Rotation article.
      • Anonymized log file names are prefixed with the string: anonymized- 
      • By default anonymized log files are stored in the directory in which original log files are found.
    • -o | --output-dir=<directory>: Optionally specifies the output directory in which anonymized log files are to be stored. If this argument is omitted then anonymized log files are stored in their original directory.
    • -r | --rules-file=<rules-file>: Optionally specifies the location of a file in YAML format that holds the rules to be applied for anonymization.
    • -e | --export-rules=<rules-file>: Optionally specifies the location of a file in YAML format to which the built-in rules for anonymization will be exported.


Rules include specifying regular expressions for searching and related placeholders as replacements. The built-in rules cover typical configuration items such as URLs, IP addresses, Host names etc. 

  • Users can export the built-in rules to a file to verify available rules and expressions.
  • Users can add individual rules to a file that is used when invoking the Log Anonymizer Script. It is recommended that individual files are validated as being YAML compliant.

Code Block
titleExample for built-in Rules
- item: url-component
  search: ://(.*):(\d{2,5})
  - <host>
Code Block
titleExample for built-in Rules
- item: url-component
  search: ://(.*):(\d{2,5})
  - <host>
  - <port>
- item: ip-address
  search: (([01]?\d\d?|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.([01]?\d\d?|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.([01]?\d\d?|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.([01]?\d\d?|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5]))
  - <ip-address>
- item: host-install
  search: host[\s]*=[\s]*(.*)
  - <host>


Code Block
titleExample for Invocation of Log Anonymizer Script --log-file=/var/



Code Block
titleExample for Invocation of Log Anonymizer Script for a number of Log Files --log-file=/var/  \
                  --log-file=/var/ \


Code Block
titleExample for Invocation of Log Anonymizer Script with Wildcards for Log Files --log-file=/var/*  \


  • Creates anonymized versions of the log files indicated from the given directory. The wildcard specifies any log files carrying a name that starts with joc will be used.
  • The wildcard includes consideration of plain text log files available with the .log file extension and also consideration of compressed log files which are available with a .gz file extension.
  • Anonymized log files are stored in the output directory.


Code Block
titleExample for Export of Rules to a File --export-rules=/tmp/rules.yaml


Code Block
titleExample for Invocation of Log Anonymizer Script with individual Rules from a File --log-file=/var/*.log \
                  --output-dir=/tmp/logs \


  • Creates anonymized versions of all log files in the indicated directory and stores them in the output directory.
  • A YAML file with individual rules is applied.

Running Log Anonymizer outside of JS7

Users who wish to run the Log Anonymizer outside of a JS7 installation can

  • copy a number of binary files as available from the Controller or Agent installation,
  • create a shell script to invoke Log Anonymizer.

Java Binary Files required by Log Anonymizer

The following binary files can be found from a Controller or Agent installation for Unix or Windows.




  • Creates anonymized versions of all log files in the indicated directory and stores them in the output directory.
  • A YAML file with individual rules is applied.

Running Log Anonymizer outside of JS7

Users who wish to run the Log Anonymizer outside of a JS7 installation can:

  • copy a number of Java related files as available from the Controller or Agent installation,
  • create a shell script to invoke the Log Anonymizer.

Java related Files required by Log Anonymizer

The following files can be found in a Controller or Agent installation for Unix or Windows.

  • Note that version numbers of binary files can change over time. The examples below assume Java related files as provided with Release 2.4.0.
  • Users can copy the following Java related files from the ./lib/3rd-party, ./lib/sos, ./lib/stdout directories to the location where they want to use Log Anonymizer:

Code Block
titleJava binary files required by Log Anonymizer
Code Block
titleJava binary files required by Log Anonymizer

Shell Script to run Log Anonymizer


Code Block
titleExample for Invocation of Log Anonymizer from an individual Script on Unix

test -x "${JAVA_BIN}" || JAVA_BIN="java"

script_dir="$(echo $(dirname "$0") | cd > /dev/null && pwd)"
cp="-classpath \"${script_dir}/lib/sos/*:${script_dir}/lib/3rd-party/*:${script_dir}/lib/*:${script_dir}/lib\stdout""

"${JAVA_BIN}" ${JAVA_OPTIONS} ${cp} com.sos.commons.util.loganonymizer.SOSLogAnonymizer $*
Code Block
titleExample for Invocation of Log Anonymizer from an individual Script on Windows
@echo off

set JAVA_BIN=java.exe
if exist "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java.exe" set JAVA_BIN=%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java.exe

set script_dir=%~dp0
set cp=-classpath "%script_dir%lib\sos\*;%script_dir%lib\3rd-party\*;%script_dir%lib\*;%script_dir%lib"

"%JAVA_BIN%" %JAVA_OPTIONS% %cp% com.sos.commons.util.loganonymizer.SOSLogAnonymizer %*


set cp=-classpath "%script_dir%lib\sos\*;%script_dir%lib\3rd-party\*;%script_dir%lib\stdout"

"%JAVA_BIN%" %JAVA_OPTIONS% %cp% com.sos.commons.util.loganonymizer.SOSLogAnonymizer %*


The directory hierarchy is assumed like this:

  • | .cmd
    • lib
      • sos
    The directory hierarchy is assumed like | .cmdlib3rd-party
        • sos-commons-util-2.4.0.jar
      • stdout
        • log4j2.xml
      • 3rd-party
        • org.apache.logging.log4j.log4j-api-2.17.2.jar
        • org.apache.logging.log4j.log4j-core-2.17.2.jar
        • org.apache.logging.log4j.log4j-slf4j-impl-2.17.2.jar
        • org.slf4j.slf4j-api-1.7.36.jar
        • snakeyaml-1.30
  • .jar
      • sossos-commons-util-2.4.0
        • .jar