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  • JS7 offers has provision for two levels of integration with an Oracle DBMS:
  • For both scenarios users might prefer not to provide a user account and password for authentication with the DBMS from readable files.

    • Use The use of passwords is considered insecure when passwords are stored in clear text in external files or in job parameters.
    • JS7 offers JS7 - Use of Credential Store with JITL Jobs as an alternative way to store and to retrieve passwords.
    • The Oracle Wallet® provides a credential store keystore to connect to an Oracle database without specifying a user account and password from parameters or from readable files.
  • The following JITL Jobs can be used are prepared for use with Oracle Wallet®:

SOS does not accept any liability for use of JS7 with Oracle Wallet®. Configuration of Oracle Wallet® is the user's responsibility and can change based on the version of the DBMS. The following explanations offer an example how to integrate with Oracle 18c, the example is not authoritative and does not cover future versions of the DBMS. The database vendor's documentation offers authoritative instruction how to connect to Oracle Wallet® and how to analyze connection problems.

Oracle Wallet®

The Oracle Wallet® configuration is explained with described in the Oracle documentation. At the time of writing the following links are available:


Oracle Wallet®

Except for the use of the JS7 - JITL SQLPLUSJob no , no Oracle Client installation is required at run-time for use of a wallet with JS7 Agents.


  • The wallet does not necessarily have to be created on the machines where JS7 Agents are located. The wallet preferably consists of a number of keystore and truststore files that which can be copied from a remote machine to the servers that host the JS7 Agents.
  • Typical commands to create for creating a wallet include for example:

    Code Block
    titleExample how to set up a wallet
    # create the wallet in an arbitrary location
    mkstore -wrl /home/js7/wallet -create
    # add credentials to the wallet; specify key, user account and password for database access
    mkstore -wrl /home/js7/wallet/ -createCredential js7 some_account some_password
    # check that the key has been added to the wallet
    mkstore -wrl  /home/js7/wallet/  -listCredential

Oracle JDBC Driver

The JS7 - JITL SQLExecutorJob and JS7 - JITL PLSQLJob make use of the Oracle JDBC Driver.

  • Check the Oracle JDBC Driver version that ships with the JS7 release, see JS7 - Database, chapter: Individual JDBC Driver Versions. A newer JDBC Driver might be available for download from Oracle.
  • Oracle JDBC Drivers that ship for release 18c of the DBMS are reported to work. Previous Oracle JDBC Driver releases, for example 12c, are reported not to work with Oracle Wallet® when used by JS7. If in doubt use the Oracle JDBC Driver version that matches the version of the DBMS.
  • Users who want to use a specific version of the Oracle JDBC Driver can apply the following steps:
    • For on premises installations store the Oracle JDBC Driver's .jar file in the JS7_AGENT_HOME/lib/user_lib directory of the Agent installation directory.
    • When running JS7 Agent containers for Docker ® consider to store the Oracle JDBC Driver's .jar file in the JS7_AGENT_CONFIG_DIR/lib directory.

Oracle PKI Libraries

The JS7 - JITL SQLExecutorJob and JS7 - JITL PLSQLJob make use of Oracle PKI Libraries.

  • The Oracle PKI libraries are required and have to match the version of the Oracle DBMS and Oracle JDBC Driver.
  • The .jar files are offered provided by Oracle for download and are available from an Oracle Client installation, for example from:
    • ORACLE_HOME/jlib/oraclepki.jar
    • ORACLE_HOME/jlib/osdt_cert.jar
    • ORACLE_HOME/jlib/osdt_core.jar
  • For on premises installations store the Oracle PKI libraries to in the JS7_AGENT_HOME/lib/user_lib directory of the JS7 Agent installation directory.
  • When running JS7 Agent containers for Docker® consider to store containers consider storing the Oracle PKI libraries in the JS7_AGENT_CONFIG_DIR/lib directory.


Hibernate hibernate.cfg.xml Configuration File

The JS7 - JITL SQLExecutorJob makes use of uses a Hibernate configuration file.

The JS7 - JITL PLSQLJob does not use a Hibernate configuration file but uses the job argument db_url job argument for the database URL.

  • The explanations below explanations about describing use of a URL such as jdbc:oracle:thin:@/js7?tnsTNS_adminADMIN=/home/js7/wallet similarly apply in a similar manner.
  • For use with Oracle Wallet® the job arguments db_user and db_password arguments are omitted.

A Hibernate configuration file by default is looked up from JS7_AGENT_CONFIG_DIR/hibernate.cfg.xml, see JS7 - DatabaseThe Hibernate configuration can may look like this:

Code Block
titleExample of a Hibernate configuration file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
  <property name="hibernate.connection.driver_class">oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver</property>
  <property name="hibernate.connection.password"></property>   
  <property name="hibernate.connection.url">jdbc:oracle:thin:@/js7@js7?tnsTNS_adminADMIN=/home/js7/wallet</property>
  <property <property name="hibernate.connection.username"></property>
  <property name="hibernate.dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle12cDialect</property>
  <property name="hibernate.show_sql">false</property>
  <property name="hibernate.connection.autocommit">false</property>
  <property name="hibernate.format_sql">true</property>
  <property name="hibernate.temp.use_jdbc_metadata_defaults">false</property>
  <property name="hibernate.connection.provider_class">org.hibernate.hikaricp.internal.HikariCPConnectionProvider</property>
  <property name="hibernate.hikari.maximumPoolSize">10</property>

  • Consider Note the empty elements that are used for the account and password. Do not delete the respective these elements from the Hibernate configuration file.
  • The connection URL specifies js7 as as the key to an entry in the  tnsnames.ora configuration file and in the wallet wallet.
  • The URL parameter tns_admin TNS_ADMIN URL parameter is used to specify the directory of the tnsnames.ora configuration file. JDBC Connections usually do not need this configuration file as connection details (Listener, Service Name, Service ID) are specified with the URL. However, due to use of the js7 key to the wallet in the URL it is preferable to manage connection details from a tnsnames.ora configuration file.
  • In the above example this file is located in the /home/js7/wallet directory that which is in fact is the directory where the wallet is located. This location is not authoritative as the file can reside in any directory that is accessible to JOC Cockpit.
  • Consider Note that an sqlnet.ora configuration file is not used with the above setup of a JDBC connection.

Oracle tnsnames.ora Configuration File

Use of the tnsnames.ora file applies to all JITL Jobs.

The following example is not authoritative but is intended to explain a few basic settings:

Code Block
titleExample of a tnsnames.ora configuration file
# tnsnames.ora Network Configuration File: /home/js7/product/18.0.0/dbhomeXE/NETWORK/ADMIN/tnsnames.ora
# Generated by Oracle configuration tools.

JS7 =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
      (SERVICE_NAME = JS7)

  (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))

      (SID = CLRExtProc)


  • Line 4: The name JS7 of the first entry in this file corresponds to the key for which credentials have been stored to the wallet.
  • Line 5-9: The settings indicate the Listener's host and port and the database Service Name or Service ID.

Wallet Location for Java

The JS7 - JITL SQLPLUSJob identifies the wallet location from its sqlnet.ora configuration file.


  • Configure the location of the wallet by use of a Java define like this: This setting should point to the directory where the wallet files are located. This setting can be specified for an Agent with one of the following options:

Using Oracle Wallet® for the JITL SQLExecutorJob

JS7 offers provides the JS7 - JITL SQLExecutorJob template for use with Oracle Wallet®.

The This job template is running run with JS7 Agents and performs standard SQL operations for any DBMS including Oracle. This job template cannot be used to execute PL/SQL code that is specific for Oracle.


All of the above explained  Prerequisites explained above apply.


All of the above explained Configuration items items explained above apply.

Using Oracle Wallet® for the JITL PLSQLJob

JS7 offers provides the JS7 - JITL PLSQLJob template for use with Oracle Wallet®.

The This job template is running run with JS7 Agents and can be used to execute PL/SQL code that is specific for Oracle. This job template can be used for the Oracle DBMS only.


All of the above explained  Prerequisites explained above apply.


All of the above explained  Configuration items explained above apply.

Using Oracle Wallet® for the JITL SQLPlusJob

JS7 offers the JS7 - JITL SQLPLUSJob template for use with Oracle Wallet®.

The job template is running with JS7 Agents and makes use of the sqlplus Command Line Client. This job template requires prior installation of an Oracle Client that includes the SQL*Plus Command Line Client.


Prerequisites to execute SQL*Plus with Oracle Wallet® include that:

  • installation of the Oracle Client including SQL*Plus is installed
  • setting the following environment variables are setORACLE_HOME, LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib, TNS_ADMIN

The prerequisites for setting up the wallet are the same as explained above with chapter in the Prerequisites, Oracle Wallet® section.

  • Add Add the location of the wallet to your sqlnet.ora configuration file, for example:
    • Additional entries will be required for this file, please check Oracle's documentation.
  • This file is required by SQL*Plus and allows to execute execution of the command line client like this: sqlplus /@js7. 
  • The  js7 is the key for the tnsnames.ora configuration file which is used to identify the database connection settings and for . It is also used by the wallet to identify the matching credentials.


Environment Variables

The prerequisites to set for setting environment variables for use of SQL*Plus with Oracle Wallet® can be met by:

  • by adding environment variable to the Agent Instance Start Script or
  • by setting up JS7 - Job Resources to inject environment variables to workflows and jobs.

Environment Variables from the Agent Instance Start Script

  • Adjust Modify the Agent Instance Start Script
    • For Unix add environment variables to the Agent Instance Start Script  JS7_AGENT_HOME/bin/agent_<port>.sh Agent Instance Start Script
      • ORACLE_HOME=/some_location
    • For Windows add environment variables to the Agent Instance Start Script  JS7_AGENT_HOME\bin\agent_<port>.cmd Agent Instance Start Script
      • set ORACLE_HOME=C:\some_location
        set TNS_ADMIN=C:\some_location
    • The Instance Start Script is executed on startup of the Agent in the context of the user account that the Agent is operated for. The environment variables are forwarded to subsequent jobs in a workflow.
  • Restart the Agent.

Environment Variables from Job Resources

Instead of adding the above environment variables to the JS7 Agent's Instance Start Script, they can be added to JS7 - Job Resources that which are then assigned to the workflow or job that requires access to an Oracle database. Job Resources include name/value pairs that can be assigned any workflow or job.

Oracle sqlnet.ora Configuration File

This file is located in the directory specified by the TNS_ADMIN environment variable. The wallet location is identified from the sqlnet.ora configuration file.
