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Table of Contents


We define an homogeneous environment as an environment where the JobScheduler Universal Agents that want to be installed will be installed under the same conditions. The following scenarios only differ between a fresh installation and an update from an already installed Agent.

Scenario 1: Fresh Agent installation where same conditions in each Agent server

Let be the following scenario:

  • One JobScheduler Master is running.
  • N different servers, where ONE JobScheduler Universal Agent instance will be installed (Agent server). 
  • The ports where the JobScheduler Universal Agents will be running are the same ones.
  • The users, which the JobScheduler Universal Agents is running under, are the same ones.
  • There has been no previous JobScheduler Universal Agents installations on these N servers.

Scenario 2: Agent Update where same conditions in each Agent server

Let be the following scenario:

  • One JobScheduler Master is running.
  • N different servers, where ONE JobScheduler Universal Agent instance will be installed. 
  • The ports where the JobScheduler Universal Agents will be running are the same ones.
  • The users, which the JobScheduler Universal Agents is running under, are the same ones.
  • It is NOT a fresh installation, instead it is an UPDATE of the JobScheduler Universal Agents that have been already installed on these servers.

Installation and Configuration Steps

For both scenarios above, the same steps will be carried out:

  1. Download the JobScheduler Universal Agent Batch Installer zip File
  2. Unzip the JobScheduler Universal Agent Batch Installer zip file.

  3. Download the JobScheduler Universal Agent installation file.
  4. Copy the content of the live folder to the live folder of your JobScheduler Master instance
  5. Copy the content of the folder batch_install to any folder (where the JobScheduler has permissions to access)
  6. Copy the JobScheduler Universal Agent installation file to the same folder (mentioned in step 5) and rename the JobScheduler Universal Agent installation file to jobscheduler_unix_universal_agent.tar.gz
  7. Create the installer configuration file (see paragraph below Installer Configuration File
  8. Job AgentBatchInstaller: Adjust the parameter values for the Job AgentBatchInstaller in your JobScheduler Master
    1. The only parameter to adjust in that case is installation_definition_file, where it is set the path to the XML file that contains all parameters for the batch installation.

    2. The rest of the parameters should be let as defined per default.

  9. Create the YADE settings file (see section below YADE profiles for the file transfer)

Example: 2 Agents and 2 Servers

The following example describes how to do the installation of two JobScheduler Universal Agents in two Servers, that is, one JobScheduler Universal Agent installed per Server.



The JobScheduler Universal Agent Batch Installer is a set of files used together by a JobScheduler Master to install the Universal Agent on local and remote servers.

This article is one of a series describing how to configure the JobScheduler Universal Agent Batch Installer so that a number of Universal Agents can be readily installed on a number of servers.

Article Scope

This article describes how to use the Universal Agent Batch Installer to install Agents in a homogeneous environment. Other use cases in this series of articles are listed in the introductory JobScheduler Universal Agent - Batch Installation and Update of Agents article.

A general introduction to installation of the JobScheduler Universal Agent can be found in the JobScheduler Universal Agent - Installation & Operation article.

The JobScheduler Universal Agent - Batch Installation and Update of Agents article provides an overview of how the Batch Installer works. New users are strongly recommended to read this article before proceeding with the instructions presented here.

The Batch Installation - Reference Documentation article provides a detailed guide to configuration of the batch installer with, for example, full lists of parameters.

Installation Environment

This article describes the use of the JobScheduler Universal Agent Batch Installer in a homogeneous environment - that is an environment in which a number of JobScheduler Agents will be installed according to the same prerequisites:

  • Requirements for this use case:
    • The Agent installations are to be performed on any number of servers that have the same operating system. One Agent is to be installed per server.
    • The Agents will be operated with the same user, listening port and installation path.

Installation Procedure

General requirements:

  • A JobScheduler Master is up and running.
  • A Java Run-time Environment in version 1.8 or newer is installed on the system(s) the Agent is to be installed on.
  • We recommend that you use the SOS XML Editor to manage the configuration files required for the Batch Installer. More information about the installation and use of the XML editor will be provided later in this article.

1. Download and Extract the Batch Installer and Agent Files

The following steps have to be carried out. Files can be downloaded from

  • 1.1 Unix
    • Download the "JobScheduler Universal Agent" tarball for Unix.
    • Download the "Universal Agent Batch Installer". The archive contains the following folders and sub-folders: 
      • live/batch_install_universal_agent
        • This folder contains the Jobs and Job Chain used to carry out the installation.
        • Extract these files to the the live folder of the JobScheduler Master: SCHEDULER_DATA/config/live.
      • batch_install
        • This folder contains the configuration files for the Batch Installer.
        • Extract these files to the config directory of the JobScheduler Master: SCHEDULER_DATA/config.
    • Copy the JobScheduler Universal Agent installation file to the SCHEDULER_DATA/config/batch_install folder.
  • 1.2 Windows
    • Download the "JobScheduler Universal Agent" for Windows.
    • Download the "Universal Agent Batch Installer". The archive contains the following folders and sub-folders
      • the live/batch_install_universal_agent folder
        • This folder contains the Jobs and Job Chain used to carry out the installation. 
        • Extract these files to the live folder of the JobScheduler Master SCHEDULER_DATA/config/live.
      • the batch_install folder
        • This folder contains the configuration files for the Batch Installer.  
        • Extract these files to the JobScheduler configuration directory SCHEDULER_DATA/config.
    • Copy the JobScheduler Universal Agent installation file to the folder SCHEDULER_DATA/config/batch_install folder.

2. Configure the Transfer of the Universal Agent Installation Files and the Installation of the Agents

2.1 Edit the XML Configuration files

Configuring complex XML files with a text editor is often a tedious and error-prone procedure. To get around this, we recommend that you use our XML Editor to manage the configuration files required for the Batch Installer. The XML Editor automatically validates configuration files and therefore reduces the possibility of configuration errors. See the Using the XML Editor chapter below for more detailed information about using the XML Editor. 

  • After downloading the XML Editor, extract the contents of the zip file to a convenient folder (an installation routine is not required) and start the sos.xml.editor.exe program.
  • Use the XML Editor to configure transfer of the Universal Agent installation files:
  • Use the XML Editor to configure the installation of the Universal Agents:
    • Open your batch_installer_config_file.xml configuration file in the XML Editor and assign the scheduler_universal_agent_installations.xsd schema: both files are located in the config/batch_installer folder.
  • The  XML Editor is available for Windows.
  • YADE is an Open Source file transfer solution for FTP, SFTP, FTPS, WebDAV and other protocols. Concretely, it will be used here for transferring the following files from the JobScheduler Master to the Agent servers:
    • JobScheduler Universal Agent installation files: jobscheduler_unix_universal_agent.<version>.tar.gz
    • Start script for an Agent instance: jobscheduler_agent_<port>.sh
    • Installation script:
  • For more information about YADE, see the YADE product site.

2.2 Configure the JobScheduler Jobs

Once the Job and Job Chain have been extracted to the live folder of your JobScheduler Master carry out the following: 

  • AgentBatchInstaller Job:
    • Set the parameter values for the AgentBatchInstaller job in your JobScheduler Master.
    • Set the installation_definition_file job parameter to the path that points to the Batch Installer configuration file.

3 Installation of the Agents

The Agents can be installed after the XML configuration files and JobScheduler Jobs have been configured. Start a task for the AgentBatchInstaller job as follows:

  1. Open a JobScheduler Operating Center (JOC) browser window for the JobScheduler master.
  2. Go on the "Jobs" Window and open the "batch_installer_universal_agent" folder.
  3. Right click on the job to open the context menu.
  4. Select the Start task immediately operation.

Example Use Case: Installation of two Agents

The following example describes the installation of two Agents on separate servers. First of all, the YADE configuration file for the file transfer will be configured (in XML format), it will then be converted to the YADE settings file format (.ini) and finally the Batch Installer configuration file will be specified.

YADE Configuration File for File Transfer

We assume that you  have opened the yade_agent_batch_installer_settings.xml YADE configuration file in the XML Editor and assigned the XSD schema.

A separate profile in the YADE configuration file is required for each Agent installation. The default profile name is <host>:<port> where:

  • <host> will be substituted with the value from the <installation><agent_option><scheduler_ip_address> element and
  • <port> will be substituted with the value from the <installation><agent_option><scheduler_http_port> element.

Now carry out the following steps:

  1. Add a <ProtocolFragments> element and nodes for each host that you want to install the Agent for. The best way to add another <ProtocolFragments> element using the XML Editor is copying the element and pasting it to the parent element - in this case <Fragments>.
  2. Add a <Profile> element and nodes for each host that you want to install the Agent for. The best way to add another <Profile> element using the XML Editor is copying the element and pasting it to the parent element - here <Profiles>.
  3. The default profile_id is <host>:<port>. If you do not use the default then you have to specify the profile name in the Batch Installer configuration file.

The contents of the YADE configuration file for the example is listed in the following code block:

Code Block
titleYADE Configuration File
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Configurations xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="" xmlns:xsi="">
      <SFTPFragment name="SFTP_192.11.0.111:4445">

The installer configuration file contains an <installation> element for each JobScheduler Universal Agent instance. Set the name for the YADE settings file in the installer configuration file with the element <globals><transfer><settings>. An example for the installer configuration file can look like this:

Code Block
titleInstaller Configuration File
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<installations lastRun="2015-11-20 14:11">
            <command>echo ${ssh.sudo_password} | sudo -S cp ${install_path}/jobscheduler_agent/bin/jobscheduler_agent_${agent_options.scheduler_http_port}.sh /etc/init.d/jobscheduler_agent_${agent_options.scheduler_http_port}</command>
            <command>echo ${ssh.sudo_password} | sudo -S chkconfig jobscheduler_agent_${agent_options.scheduler_http_port}</command>
    <installation lastRun="2015-11-20 14:11">
    <installation lastRun="2015-11-20 14:11">


  • Note that no port is indicated here, that is, the parameter <scheduler_http_port> is not indicated here (in the section <installations><installation><agent_options>) . That is a very useful configuration in case the ports selected for the different JobScheduler Universal Agent would be all 4445, which is the default value. So for that example, all JobScheduler Universal Agents will be running on the port 4445 (in their Agent server respectively).
  • The commands defined under <command> (in the section <installations><globals><postprocessing><command>) will be executed for all installations defined afterwards in the file. In case you would install the Agents in different UNIX distributions, it is recommended to set them individually for each installation, instead of as a global parameter.



Each installation makes use of a profile in the YADE settings file. The default profile name is <host>:<port> where

  • <host> will be substituted with the value from the element <installation><agent_option><scheduler_ip_address>
  • <port> will be substituted with the value from the element <installation><agent_option><scheduler_http_port>

Please follow these steps:

  1. Specify the name of the YADE settings file with the <globals><settings> element.
  2. Open the YADE settings file or create a new one.
  3. Assign the XSD Schema
  4. Add a <ProtocolFragments> element and nodes for each host that you want to install the JobScheduler Universal Agent for.
  5. Add a <Profile> element and nodes for each host you want install the JobScheduler Universal Agent for.
  6. The default profile_id is <host>:<port>. If you do not use the default then you have to specify the profile name in the installer configuration file.


Code Block
titleYADE Profiles
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Configurations xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="" xmlns:xsi="">
      <SFTPFragment name="SFTP_192.11.0.111:4445">
       <SFTPFragment name="SFTP_192.11.0.95:4445">
  <SFTPFragment name="SFTP_192.11.0.95:4445">
      </SFTPFragment>    <Account><![CDATA[test]]></Account>
     <Profile profile_id="">
    <Profile profile_id="">
              <LocalSource />
    Program Files (x86)\\jobscheduler\vg_4444\scheduler_data\config\batch_installer]]></Directory>
              <SFTPFragmentRef ref="SFTP_192.11.0.111:4445" />
    <Profile profile_id="">
              <LocalSource />
                  <Directory><![CDATA[C:\tmp\agent_batchProgram Files (x86)\\jobscheduler\vg_4444\scheduler_data\config\batch_installer]]></Directory>
              <SFTPFragmentRef ref="SFTP_192.11.0.95:4445" />



YADE Settings File for File Transfer

Note that the file shown above is in the YADE XML format and that YADE versions 1.10 and older require a .ini file to perform the transfer that is specified in the <globals><install_path><transfer><settings> element in the Batch Installer configuration file.

Code Block


protocol                            = sftp
host                                =
user                                = test
ssh_auth_method                     = password


    = xxxx

protocol                            = sftp
host                                =
user                                = test
ssh_auth_method                     = password
password                            = xxxx

operation                           = copy
source_protocol                     = local
file_spec                           = .*\.(sh|gz)$
source_dir                          = C:\Program Files (x86)\\jobscheduler\vg_4444\scheduler_data\config\batch_installer
target_include                      = protocol_fragment_sftp@SFTP_192.11.0.111:4445
target_dir                          = /home/test/tmp/

operation                           = copy
source_protocol                     = local
file_spec                           = .*\.(sh|gz)$
source_dir                          = C:\Program Files (x86)\\jobscheduler\vg_4444\scheduler_data\config\batch_installer
target_include                      = protocol_fragment_sftp@SFTP_192.11.0.95:4445
target_dir                          = /home/test/tmp/

Batch Installer Configuration File

We assume that you  have opened the Batch Installer configuration file batch_installer_config_file.xml in the XML Editor and assigned the scheduler_universal_agent_installations.xsd XSD schema.

The Batch Installer configuration file contains an <installation> element for each Agent instance. In addition, the <global> element can be used in a homogeneous environment to specify parameters that will be applied to all Agent installations. If a parameter is specified in both the <global> element and in an individual <installation> element then the setting for the individual element will overwrite the global setting.

The following configuration steps should be carried out:

  1. Specify the Global parameters:
    • Specify the <install_path> to point to a location where the Agent should be installed.
    • Specify the path to the YADE settings file (.ini file) in the Batch Installer configuration file with the element <globals><transfer><settings>. 

    • Specify the credentials for the SSH connection:

      • <user>: SSH login user 
      • <password>: Password for the login user
      • <sudo_password>: Password for sudo actions
      • <auth_method>: SSH authentication method
      • <port>: SSH port 
    • Specify the filename (not the path) for the Agent that has to be installed with the <installation_file> element. This filename contains the version of the Agent which you are installing and it is helpful for recognizing the version of the Agents that are installed.

    • Use the <postprocessing> element to specify the post-processing commands for the Agent server's operating system. The default commands for an Ubuntu distribution will place the Agent start script under /etc/init.d and will setup the autostart for the Universal Agent:
      • echo ${ssh.sudo_password} | sudo -S cp ${install_path}/jobscheduler_agent/bin/jobscheduler_agent_${agent_options.scheduler_http_port}.sh /etc/init.d/jobscheduler_agent_${agent_options.scheduler_http_port}
      • echo ${ssh.sudo_password} | sudo -S update-rc.d jobscheduler_agent_${agent_options.scheduler_http_port} defaults
  2. Specify the installation parameters for each Agent installation:
    • Agent options:
      • <scheduler_user>: the Agent user
      • <scheduler_log_dir>: the Logs folder for the Agent
    • <host>: SSH Host 

titlePost-processing commands
  • The SSH login user has to be set to root in order to execute these commands. Therefore the SSH login user should be included in sudoers.
  • These two commands will be executed by the PerformInstall job node, which is the last job node in the job chain. If you want to add more commands, please add the call to the job node.
  • Note that the values for the elements defined in the Batch Installer configuration file can be used for the postprocessing commands, for instance:

    • ${install_path}: the value for the element <install_path>

    • ${agent_options.scheduler_http_port}: the value for the element <scheduler_http_port>. If not defined, the default value (4445 in this case) is taken, as in the example below.

The Batch Installer configuration file for the example can be downloaded here: batch_installer_config_file.xml and its contents are  listed in the following code block:

Code Block
titleBatch Installer Configuration File
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<installations lastRun="2015-11-20 14:11">


Files (x86)\\jobscheduler\vg_4444\scheduler_data\config\batch_installer\yade_agent_batch_installer_settings.ini</settings>








            <command>echo ${ssh.sudo_password} | sudo -S cp 


${install_path}/jobscheduler_agent/bin/jobscheduler_agent_${agent_options.scheduler_http_port}.sh /etc/init.d/jobscheduler_agent_${agent_options.scheduler_http_port}</command>
            <command>echo ${ssh.sudo_password} | sudo -S 


update-rc.d jobscheduler_agent_${agent_options.scheduler_http_port} defaults</command>
    <installation lastRun="2015-11-20 14:11">














<installation lastRun="2015-11-20 14:11">








  • Note that if the port is not specified with the <installations><installation><agent_options><scheduler_http_port> element the default value of 4445 will be applied to all Agent installations.

  • For a homogeneous environment parameters can be specified with the <global> element and applied to all Agent installations.


Using the XML Editor

The XML Editor can be used to manage the Batch Installer configuration file and the YADE configuration file.

XML Editor for Batch Installer configuration file

An example Batch Installer configuration file for the installation of a single Agent is shown in the following screenshot:

Image Added

XML Editor for YADE configuration file

An example YADE configuration file for the installation of a single Agent is shown in the next screenshot:

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XML Editor for converting YADE configuration files (XML) into YADE setting files (.ini)

The "YADE Xml2Ini Converter" function in the XML Editor is available for converting YADE files from XML to the .ini format required by versions of YADE before 1.11. Clicking on the button of the same name will open the following form:

Image Added

Note that it is not necessary to create a Profile for the Batch Installer, as conversion will take place automatically once the "Autotransform" option has been chosen. Every time a change in the XML file is saved the XML file will be automatically converted and saved in .ini format. 

A pop-up window will show every time a change is saved if the option "Show notification on autotransform" is chosen.


Then XML Editor can be used to manage the installation configuration file and the YADE profiles for the transfer of the installation files as well.

Find more details from our XML Editor section.

  • After download of the XML Editor, extract the zip file, then start "sos.xml.editor.exe"
  • Open your installer configuration file and assign the XSD schema scheduler_universal_agent_installations.xsd

Please see the following examples (one example for each file):

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