Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Patches are offered from .tar.gz tarball archive files.
  • The same patch files are applied to Unix and Windows.
  • Patch file names follow the scheme:
    • Unix, Windows: js7_joc.<release>-PATCH.GUI-<sequence>.<issue-key>.tar.gz
    • The following placeholders are used:
      • release: The JS7 release number, for example 2.5.3, see Releases.
      • sequence:  Patches for a given release are assigned ascending numbers starting from 1. Patches with a higher number include any patches with lower numbers.
      • issue-key: The issue key in the SOS Change Management System, for example: JOC-1550.
    • Example:
      • Unix, Windows:js7_joc.2.5.3-PATCH.GUI-1.JOC-1550.tar.gz
  • Patch .tar.gz archive files do not include a directory hierarchy.


Find the following example for a patch:

ProductTypeMediaPatch Download URLHashSigTSR
JOC Cockpittarball archive.tar.gz


Caution: Do not apply the patch from the above example to any JOC Cockpit release different from 2.5.3, for details see JOC-1550.


Before applying patches users might want to verify the integrity and authenticity of downloaded patch files, see JS7 - Verifying releases.


Caution: Do not apply the patch from the example to any JOC Cockpit release different from 2.5.3, for details see JOC-1550.

Note: The JOC Cockpit has to be stopped before applying patches.

The examples "Automated Patching" make use of scripts 

  • Unix:
  • Windows: Install-JS7CJoc.ps1

For download these scripts see

Applying Patch on Unix

Manual Patching

Code Block
titleExample how to apply a patch from a .tar.gz archive to JOC Cockpit for Unix
# invoke shell and switch to the user account that owns the JOC Cockpit's data directory

# navigate to the targetdata directory for patches
cd /var/

# verify the directory by checking if this file is available
ls version.json

# take a backup
tar --exclude=./WEB-INF -cvzfcvpzf /tmp/backup-joc-cockpit-$(date +"%Y%m%d-%H%M%S").tar.gz .

# remove existing files and directories
find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -delete && rm -d -r ./assets ./styles

# download the patch archive
curl -O

# extract the .tar.gz patch archive
tar -xvzfxvpozf js7_joc.2.5.3-PATCH.GUI-1.JOC-1550.tar.gz

# remove the .tar.gz patch archive
rm js7_joc.2.5.3-PATCH.GUI-1.JOC-1550.tar.gz

Automated Patching

Code Block
titleExample how to apply a patch from a .tar.gz archive to JOC Cockpit for Unix
# invoke shell and switch to the user account that owns the JOC Cockpit's data directory

# download from patch URL
curl '' -O

# apply patch
./ \
    --tarball=js7_joc.2.5.3-PATCH.GUI-1.JOC-1550.tar.gz \
    --patch=JOC-1550 \
    --patch-key=GUI-1 \
    --home=/opt/ \
    --data=/var/ \

Applying Patch on Windows

Manual Patching

Code Block
titleExample how to apply a patch from a .tar.gz archive to JOC Cockpit for Windows
@rem invoke shell and switch to the user account that owns the JOC Cockpit's data directory

@rem navigate to the targetdata directory for patches
cd %ProgramData%\\js7\joc\webapps\joc

@rem verify the directory by checking if this file is available
dir version.json

@rem take a backup
set month=%date:~3,2%
set day=%date:~0,2%
set year=%date:~6,4%
set hour=%time:~0,2%
set minute=%time:~3,2%
set second=%time:~6,2%
tar.exe --exclude .\WEB-INF -cf %TEMP%\ .

@rem remove existing files and directories
del /q *.*
rmdir /q /s .\assets
rmdir /q /s .\styles

@rem download from URL
@rem copy from download location (could be different from this example)
copy %USERPROFILE%\Downloads\js7_joc.2.5.3-PATCH.GUI-1.JOC-1550.tar.gz .

@rem extract the .tar.gz patch archive
tar.exe -xfxzf js7_joc.2.5.3-PATCH.GUI-1.JOC-1550.tar.gz

@rem remove the .tar.gz patch archive
del js7_joc.2.5.3-PATCH.GUI-1.JOC-1550.tar.gz

Automated Patching

Code Block
titleExample how to apply a patch from a .tar.gz archive to JOC Cockpit for Windows
# invoke PowerShell and switch to the user account that owns the JOC Cockpit's data directory

# download from patch URL
Invoke-WebRequest `
    -Uri '' `
    -Outfile js7_joc.2.5.3-PATCH.GUI-1.JOC-1550.tar.gz

# apply patch
./Install-JS7Joc.ps1 `
    -Tarball js7_joc.2.5.3-PATCH.GUI-1.JOC-1550.tar.gz `
    -Patch JOC-1550 `
    -PatchKey GUI-1 `
    -HomeDir $env:ProgamFiles\\js7\joc `
    -Data $env:ProgramData\\js7\joc `
    -BackupDir $env:TEMP

Note: The JOC Cockpit has to be restarted to apply patches.

Note: As an alternative for Windows users can download the patch file to the target directory and use Users are discouraged from using tools such as 7-Zip to extract the patch archive in case of manual patching. Instead, use the tools available from the OS as indicated by the examples. Do not create a sub-folder from the archive name but extract directly to the directory hierarchy as indicated above.


Note: The JOC Cockpit has to be stopped before patches are removed.

Patches for JOC Cockpit




  • As a larger number of files are included in a GUI patch this will create


  • overlays in your container


  • storage.


  • Users can apply patches


JOC Cockpit expects .tar.gz archive files for patches from the following location:

  • /var/
  • The directory /var/ typically is mounted to a config volume when running the container: for details see JS7 - JOC Cockpit Installation for Containers. The patches sub-directory should be created if it does not exist before storing the patch file to this location.

Applying Patches

On start-up the JOC Cockpit container checks the above directory for existence of *.tar.gz files. If a file is found then:

Patches are applied on start-up of a container. Patch files remain in place in the /var/ sub-directory (typically mounted to the config/patches volume directory) for the lifetime of the JOC Cockpit release in use. Patches have to be removed if a newer release of JOC Cockpit is used.

Note: The JOC Cockpit container has to be restarted to apply patches.

Removing Patches

Patch files are removed by dropping the files in the patches sub-directory.

Patches are not automatically removed when updating or upgrading the JOC Cockpit image. If a newer JOC Cockpit release is used then this includes any fixes provided by previous patches. Users have to remove patch files when applying new releases.

Note: The JOC Cockpit container has to be restarted to make removal of patches effective.