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Performs test runs for JS7.


Invoke-JS7TestRun [[-ControllerId] <Uri>] [[-TestRun] <String>] [[-Count] <Int32>] [[-BatchSize] <Int32>] [[-AtDate] <DateTime>] [[-BaseFolder] <String>] [[-SourceArchive] <String>] [[-SourceDirectory] <String>] [-Recursive] [[-WaitInterval] <Int32>] [-Prepare] [-Run] [-Monitor] [-Check] [-Cleanup] [-Progress] [<CommonParameters>]


-TestRun <String>
Specifies an identifier for the given test run. This identifier is used to create
folders for objects in the JOC Cockpit inventory and it is used to qualify oder order IDs.
Choosing a unique identifier simplifies to identify identifying orders created for a given test run
with the JOC Cockpit.

Default valueTest0000000000
Accept pipeline input?true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?false


-AtDate <DateTime>
Optionally specifies a date for which the test run should be executed.

If -AtDate is specified then the test run steps to monitor, to check and to cleanup monitoring, checking and cleaning up steps are not performed.
Instead the cmdlet can later on be used with the -Check or -Cleanup parameters to verify test results
and to cleanup test resouresresources.

Default value
Accept pipeline input?true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?false


-Prepare <SwitchParameter>
A test run lifecycle includes the steps to prepare of preparing test case resources, to run running test cases, to monitor monitoring test case execution,
to check checking test results and to cleanup cleaning up test resources.

With this parameter only the step to prepare of preparing test resources only is executed.

Default valueFalse
Accept pipeline input?true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?false


-Run <SwitchParameter>
A test run lifecycle includes the steps to prepare of preparing test case resources, to run running test cases, to monitor monitoring test case execution,
to check checking test results and to cleanup cleaning up test resources.

With this parameter only the step to run of running test cases only is executed.

Default valueFalse
Accept pipeline input?true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?false


-Monitor <SwitchParameter>
A test run lifecycle includes the steps to prepare of preparing test case resources, to run running test cases, to monitor monitoring test case execution,
to check checking test results and to cleanup cleaning up test resources.

With this parameter only the step to monitor of monitoring test case execution only is executed.

Default valueFalse
Accept pipeline input?true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?false


-Check <SwitchParameter>
A test run lifecycle includes the steps to prepare of preparing test case resources, to run running test cases, to monitor monitoring test case execution,
to check checking test results and to cleanup cleaning up test resources.

With this parameter only the step to check of checking test case results only is executed.

Default valueFalse
Accept pipeline input?true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?false


-Cleanup <SwitchParameter>
A test run lifecycle includes the steps to prepare of preparing test case resources, to run running test cases, to monitor monitoring test case execution,
to check checking test results and to cleanup cleaning up test resources.

With this parameter only the step to cleanup of cleaning up test case resources only is executed.

Default valueFalse
Accept pipeline input?true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?false
