Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Users can create a workflow with a single job that updates the businessDate variable.
  • The workflow is triggered by an order from JS7 - Schedules to switch the business date, for example, at midnight in the relevant time zone and for specific days.

Job for Unix using Shell

Download (.json upload)pduVariableBusinessDateSetShell.workflow.json

The job example for updating a business date uses the shell script explained with the JS7 - How to update a Job Resource using Unix Shell article.

Users have to download the shell script, make it executable and available in a directory that can be accessed by the Agent.

DownloadJS7 - Download (Section: Utilities, Unix: js7.encryption.tar.gz, Windows:

The job performs the following operations:

  • connect to the JOC Cockpit with the indicated user account.
  • reading the Job Resource.
  • updating the businessDate variable to the current date and specifying the desired date format.
  • storing the updated businessDate variable in the Job Resource.
  • deploying the updated Job Resource.
  • disconnecting from JS7.

Code Block
titleShell implementation to update the business date with a Job Resource variable

$HOME/ \
    --url=http://joc-2-0-primary:7446 \
    --controller-id=testsuite \
    --user=root:root \
    --job-resource=/ProductDemo/Variables/pdBusinessDate \
    --key=businessDate \
    --value=$(date +'%Y-%m-%d')

Job for Unix using PowerShell

Download (.json upload)pduVariableBusinessDateSet.workflow.json


Code Block
titlePowerShell implementation to update the business date with a Job Resource variable
#!/usr/bin/env pwsh

# Adjust the path to your Job Resource
$jobResourcePath = '/ProductDemo/Variables/pdBusinessDate'

# Consider to use the appropriate URL that matches host and port of the JOC Cockpit instance
$url = "http://joc-2-0-primary:4446"

# Consider to store credentials with a PowerShell profile or with a credential store or to use certificate based authentication as an alternative to user/password
$credentials = ( New-Object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList "root", ( "root" | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force) )

Import-Module JS7
Connect-JS7 -Url $url -id $env:CONTROLLER_ID -Credentials $credentials

$jobResource = Get-JS7InventoryItem -Path $jobResourcePath -Type JOBRESOURCE

    if ( $jobResource.arguments.BusinessDate )
        # update the business date
        $jobResource.arguments.BusinessDate = (Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd")
    } else {
        # add a business date variable to the Job Resource
        $jobResource.arguments | Add-Member -Membertype NoteProperty -Name BusinessDate -Value (Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd")

# Update and deploy the Job Resource
Set-JS7InventoryItem -Path $jobResourcePath -Type JOBRESOURCE -Object $jobResource
Publish-JS7DeployableItem -Path $jobResourcePath -Type JOBRESOURCE -ControllerID $env:CONTROLLER_ID


Job for Windows using PowerShell

Download (.json upload)pdwVariableBusinessDateSet.workflow.json


  • Consider use of the following shebang in the first line of the job script:
    @@setlocal enabledelayedexpansion & @@findstr/v "^@@f^@@[fs].*&" "%~f0" | pwshpowershell.exe -&goto:eofNonInteractive -Command - & exit !errorlevel!/b&
  • The PowerShell executable pwsh.exe is available starting from PowerShell 6.0. PowerShell releases 5.x use the executable powershell.exe that can be used accordingly with the shebang.
  • For details about the PowerShell shebang see the JS7 - How to run PowerShell scripts from jobs article.
