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Add-JobSchedulerEvent [[-EventClass] <String>] [-EventId] <String> [[-ExitCode] <Int32>] [[-AllowedExitCodes] <Int32[]>] [[-Job] <String>] [[-JobChain] <String>] [[-Order] <String>] [[-MasterUrl] <Uri>] [[-SupervisorJobChain] <String>] [[-ExpirationDate] <DateTime>] [[-ExpirationCycle] <String>] [[-ExpirationPeriod] <String>] [[-Timezone] <TimeZoneInfo>] [-NoExpiration] [[-Parameters] <Hashtable>] [<CommonParameters>]


-ExpirationDate <DateTime>
Specifies the point in time for which an event automatically expires: this parameter is considered by the
Event Processor. A specific point in time can be specified by Should no expiration be considered then use of the ISO date format, i.e. yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.
The value 'never' ensures that the event does not ever expire-NoExpiration parameter is recommended.

The parameters -ExpirationDate, -ExpirationCycle, -ExpirationPeriod, -NoExpiration may not be used at the same time.

Default: 00:00 midnight on the following day in the UTC time zone.

Default value
Accept pipeline input?true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?false


-ExpirationCycle <String>
Specifies the time for which the event will expire in the current period.
Periods start at 00:00 and end at 24:00. An expiration cycle of 21:00
specifies 9pm of the current cycle for event expiration.

The time zone specified with the -Timezone parameter is applied to the value
of the expiration cycle.

Values are specified by use of the format HH:mm:ss.

The parameters -ExpirationDate, -ExpirationCycle, -ExpirationPeriod, -NoExpiration may not be used at the same time.


Default value
Accept pipeline input?true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?false


-Timezone <TimeZoneInfo>
Specifies the time zone that is applied to the -ExpirationCycle parameter.
This parameter is not used for the -ExpirationDate parameter that implicitly specifies its time zone.

A time zone can e.g. be specified like this:

Add-JobSchedulerEvent -ExpirationCycle 04:00 -Timezone (Get-Timezone -Id 'GMT Standard Time') ...

Default: The value of the -ExpirationCycle parameters is considered for the UTC time zone.

Default value(Get-Timezone -Id 'UTC')
Accept pipeline input?true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?false


-NoExpiration <SwitchParameter>
Specifies that an event will not expire. Such events have to be removed by event action scripts.


-Parameters <Hashtable>
Allows additional parameters for event handlers to be specified. Parameters are created using name-value
pairs from a hashmap as e.g. @{'name1'='value1'; 'name2'='value2'}.

Parameter names can be freely chosen and event handlers configured to
take account of values handed over. Any number of parameters can be added.

Default value
Accept pipeline input?true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?false



-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
