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Example: File


Transfer using



The following scenario is given:Job Scheduler Reads

  • JobScheduler reads a status information from an Oracle


  • database table scenario1 where we store


  • values every 5 minutes


    • For this demo we handle the table as if  there were just one row of data


    • .

If the Oracle Table.Statush1. “GO” thencolumn value of scenario1.Status = “GO” then

  • read additional FTP attributes from an database table, Read Additional FTP Job Attributes from an Oracle Table ( i.e. $SourceFilePathSourceFilePath, %SourceFileNameSourceFileName, $TargetFilePathTargetFilePath, $TargetFileNameTargetFileName, $EncryptedYN)EncryptedYN.
  • Store store FTP Attributes attributes as Memory Variables memory variables for later use.
  • Call JADE to SFTP files using Memory Variables
  • call YADE to transfer files by SFTP using its configuration from the stored memory variables.
  • If SourceFile If $SourceFile does not exist
    • send
    • e-mail indicating the error
    • including the file properties (source file name, source file size, source file date/time created, date/time of failure, target file name, target directory, failure detail)
  • If $SourceFile SourceFile does exist
    • If $EncryptedYN EncryptedYN has the value Y
      • run through Encryption Routine
      • execute encryption routine
    • perform SFTP file transfer Perform SFTP to target system
    • Confirm confirm that File the file has been successfully received at the destination.
    • If File the file has not been successfully received at the destination
      • Send email send mail indicating the error that occurred with including the file properties (source file name, source file size, source file date/time created, date/time of failure, target file name, target directory, failure detail)
    • If File the file has been successfully received
      • send a confirmation email with mail including the file properties (source file name, source file size, source file date/time created, date/time of failure, target file name, target director)
  • Log All transport activities
  • Produce Create PDF report of all transport activities between two dates/times


Representation of the Solution


digraph "Example: File Transfer using YADE JadeJobJITL Job"\ {

graph [rankdir=TB]
node [fontsize=10]
node [style=filled,fillcolor=aquamarine]

checkDB [shape=Mrecord,  label="\{checkDB | \{GO<GO>GO|no<no_GO>no_GO \}\}"]
checkEncrypted [shape=Mrecord, label="\{checkEncrypted | \{Yes<Yes>Yes|No\<No>No}\}"]

checkDB:GO ->  checkEncrypted
checkDB:no_GO -> WAITING

checkEncrypted:Yes  -> transportSourceToLocal -> encrypt -> transportLocalToTarget -> report
checkEncrypted:No -> transportSourceToTarget -> report

Components of the Solution

checkDB: Access to


Oracle database using pl/sql

For the connection to the Oracle™ RDBMSDB DBMS we use the pl/sql script plsql_script.txt which is executed by the JAVA-AdapterClass
{*}Java adapter class sos.scheduler.db.JobSchedulerPLSQLJobJSAdapterClass{*}.

The pl/sql script is defined as:

Code Block

	status 			varchar2(64);
	sourcefilepath 	varchar2(2048);
	sourcefilename 	varchar2(2048);
	targetfilepath 	varchar2(2048);
	targetfilename 	varchar2(2048);
	encryptedyn 	varchar2(16);

	into   status, sourcefilepath, sourcefilename, targetfilepath, targetfilename, encryptedyn
	from scenario1;
	dbms_output.put_line('status=' || status);
	dbms_output.put_line('sourcefilepath=' || sourcefilepath);
	dbms_output.put_line('sourcefilename=' || sourcefilename);
	dbms_output.put_line('targetfilepath=' || targetfilepath);
	dbms_output.put_line('targetfilename=' || targetfilename);
	dbms_output.put_line('encryptedyn=' || encryptedyn);


  • name of the pl/sql script and where it is found
  • name of the DB database and access parameters

For the interpretation of the table status column value of scenario1.Status being "GO" a postprocessing some post-processing routine is used (here programmed in javax.script:rhino)

Code Block

function spooler_process_after(spooler_process_result)
  var params = spooler_task.order().params();
  var status = params.value("status");
  if ( status == "GO" )
	\{"Table status is \"GO\", continue!");
	\{"Waiting until table status is \"GO\" ...");

  return spooler_process_result;

CheckFileExists: check


if file exists

  • The file defined by the parameters


  • SourceFilePath and


  • SourceFileName is checked with the JITL job


checkEncrypted: Interpretation of Parameter encryptedyn

The value of the parameter encryptedyn decides wether whether the file is to be encrypted or not. The encryption is done in for a local copy of the file, therefore different steps of the jobchain job chain are used. The functions are part of the job checkEncrypted programmed in javax.script:rhino.

Code Block

function spooler_process()\ {"------- " + + " -------");
	var encryptedyn = spooler_task.order().params().value("encryptedyn");
	if ( "Y" == encryptedyn )
	\{"Encryption required");
	else if ( "N" == encryptedyn )
	\{"No encryption required");
		spooler_log.error("encryptedyn = \"" + encryptedyn + "\" (must be Y or N)");
		return false;

	return true;

In case of encrypting encryption we have use the following steps:

  • transportSourceToLocal: copy file from source system to local system
  • encrypt: encrypting encrypt file
  • transportLocalToTarget: copy file from local system to target system

Without encrypting encryption only one transfer is used to copy the file from source to target in step

  • transportSourceToTarget




The transport steps are using the JITL job sos.scheduler.jade.JadeJob.

These The following parameters are neededrequired as per step:

encrypt: encryption of the local file

In our example the encryption is only simulated. An own routine may be used here.

Report: Mailing a report

A mail is generated to send the JADE YADE history file as an example for a report. External report features may be used here. The JITL job sos.scheduler.managed.JobSchedulerManagedMailJob is used here to manage the mail.

JobChain in JOE