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Returns an array of with a Subagent objectsobject
New-JS7Subagent [-SubagentId] <String> [-Url] <Uri> [[-Title] <String>] [[-DirectorType] <String>] [[-Ordering] <Int32>] [-GenerateSubagentCluster] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]
This cmdlet returns an array of with a Subagent objectsobject.
Consider that the Subgent Subagent identification specified with the -SubagentId parameter cannot be modified
for the lifetime of a Subagent.
-SubagentId <String>
Specifies a unique identifier for the Subagent. The Subagent ID cannot be chaned changed during the lifetime of a Subagent.
PS > $subagents = @()
$subagents += New-JS7Subagent -SubagentId 'subagent_001' -Url https://subagent-2-0-primary:4443
$subagents += New-JS7Subagent -SubagentId 'subagent_0021' -Url https://subagent-2-0-secondary:4443
Returns an array of Subagent objects with the specified Subagent ID and URL.