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Table of Contents

Installing the JS7 Agent



  • Download the Agent archive for the target system from the JobScheduler Download page.
    • For Unix systems:
      • A tarball archive is available that can be extracted to create the Agent's directory structure (see below).
    • For Windows systems:
      • A .zip archive is available that can be extracted to create the Agent's directory structure (see below)
      • An installer zip archive is available that can be used for graphical installation of an Agent.


    • Unzip the downloaded file to an arbitrary directory.
    • The resulting directory structure includes (only files and folders immediately relevant):
      • bin
      • lib
        • The directory for Java libraries.
        • Configure the settings in log4j2.xml file if you want to adjust the logger settings.
      • var_4445
      • service (for Windows)
    • On Windows Systems:
      • You have to change the directory permissions for the .\logs and .\service directories if you extracted the Agent to e.g. C:\Program Files.
        • This step is not required if you extracted the Agent to e.g. C:\ProgamData.
        • Start a command prompt with elevated administrative rights and type e.g.

          Code Block
          titleset full acces for "Users" on .\service and .\logs directory
          cd "path\to\Agent installation"
          icacls "service" /L /grant *S-1-5-32-545:(OI)(CI)F
          icacls "logs" /L /grant *S-1-5-32-545:(OI)(CI)F 
    • If multiple instances are configured then every instance must have its own ./var_4445 data directory (e.g. ./var_<port of the instance>)

Updating an Agent

  • Preparations for an update
    • Stop the Agent instance.
    • Remove the ./lib directory.
  • Unzip the downloaded file to the installation directory.
  • If you use the Windows installer of JobScheduler Universal Agent then the ./lib directory is updated automatically during the setup. It is not necessary to remove the ./lib directory before you start the installer.

Running the Agent

  • SOS does not recommend to run the Agent as root (for Unix) or as Administrator (for Windows).
  • Instead the user account should be used that jobs are executed for. Should jobs be executed for a number of user accounts then consider the chapter Running multiple instances of JobScheduler Universal Agent.


Running the Agent start script without parameters shows the usage clause:

Code Block
titleUsage for Unix
Usage: command [options] [web services]
    start           [options]
    start_docker    [options]
    stop            [options]
    abort           [options]
    restart         [options]
    status          [options] [web services]
    kill            [options]
    -http-port=<[hostname or ip address:]number>     | to listen to a specific host name or ip address if it is specified; default port: 4445, 
    -https-port=<[hostname or ip address:]number>    | 
    -data-directory=<location of data directory>     | default: ./var_4445
    -config-directory=<location of config directory> | default: ./var_4445/config
    -kill-script=<location of kill script>           | default: "./bin/"; only for start
    -java-options=<java options>                     | default: -Xms100m; see
    -job-java-options=<java options>                 | 
 web services:
    overview                                         | default
    task                                             | running Agent tasks
    tunnel                                           | tunnels summary
    tunnel/                                          | list of tunnels
    command                                          | running command summary
    command/                                         | list of running commands (watching file_order_source)
Code Block
titleUsage for Windows
Usage: agent.cmd command [options] [web services]
    start           [options]
    stop            [options]
    abort           [options]
    restart         [options]
    status          [options] [web services]
    kill            [options]
    install-service [options]
    remove-service  [options]
    start-service   [options]
    -http-port=<[hostname or ip address:]number>     | to listen to a specific host name or ip address if it is specified; default port: 4445, 
    -https-port=<[hostname or ip address:]number>    | 
    -data-directory=<location of data directory>     | default: .\var_4445
    -config-directory=<location of config directory> | default: .\var_4445\config
    -kill-script=<location of kill script> | default: ".\bin\agent_kill_task.cmd"; only for start, debug
    -java-options=<java options>           | default: -Xms100m; see
    -job-java-options=<java options>       | 
 web services:
    overview                               | default
    task                                   | running Agent tasks
    tunnel                                 | tunnels summary
    tunnel/                                | list of tunnels
    command                                | running command summary
    command/                               | list of running commands (watching file_order_source)

Command Line Options

  • -http-port=<[hostname or ip address:]number>
    •  is the HTTP port that the Agent is listening to in order to receive requests from a JobScheduler Master:
      • jobscheduler_agent.cmd|sh command -http-port=####
      • where #### is the numeric port.
      • This option can be also used to indicate which network interfaces the JobScheduler Agent should listen to if you specify a hostname or IP address in addition
    • Without this option being used the port defaults to 4445 and the Agent listens to all available network interfaces.
    • Should you want to specify a port then the following precedence applies:
      • First precedence: command line option
      • Second precedence: environment variable JS7_AGENT_HTTP_PORT (see below)
      • Third precedence: use of default value
  • -https-port=<[hostname or ip address:]number>
    •  is the HTTPS port that the Agent is listening to in order to receive requests from a Controller:
      • agent.cmd|sh command -https-port=####
      • where #### is the numeric port.
      • This option can be also used to indicate which network interfaces the Agent should listen to if you specify a hostname or IP address in addition
    • Without this option being used the port defaults to 4445 and the Agent listens to all available network interfaces.
    • Should you want to specify a port then the following precedence applies:
      • First precedence: command line option
      • Second precedence: environment variable SJS7_AGENT_HTTPS_PORT (see below)
      • Third precedence: use of default value
  • -data-directory=<number>
    • Location of the data directory.
    • It has to be unique for all Agent instances
    • Should you want to specify a data directory then the following precedence applies:
      • First precedence: command line option
      • Second precedence: environment variable JS7_AGENT_DATA (see below)
      • Third precedence: use of default value (=JS7_AGENT_HOME/var_<JS7_AGENT_PORT>)
  • -kill-script=<location of kill script>
    • The kill script provides the functionality to kill a task and any child processes.

    • Two kill script is provided from
      • ./bin/ for Unix.

      • .\bin\jobscheduler_agent_kill_task.cmd for Windows.

    • This option can be used to specify the location of a different "kill script" if required.

    • Should you want to specify a different "kill script" then the following precedence applies:

      • First precedence: command line option
      • Second precedence: environment variable JS7_AGENT_KILL_SCRIPT (see below)
      • Third precedence: use of default value
  • -java-options=<java options>
    • With Java 1.8 the initial memory allocation has changed, for details see How to manage the Java heap space.

    • This option can be used to apply Java options for the Agent, e.g. the memory settings.

    • Without this option being used the Java options default to '-Xms100m'.

    • Should you want to specify the Java options then the following precedence applies:

      • First precedence: command line option
      • Second precedence: environment variable JAVA_OPTIONS (see below)
      • Third precedence: use of default value
  • -job-java-options=<java options>
    • Without this option being used the Java options for each job which is started by the Agent.

    • Should you want to specify the Java options for execution of JITL jobs and JVM jobs then the following precedence applies:

      • First precedence: command line option
      • Second precedence: environment variable JS7_AGENT_JOB_JAVA_OPTIONS (see below)

Starting the Agent

Code Block
agent.cmd|sh start [options]

Stopping the Agent

Code Block
agent.cmd|sh stop [options]

This command will safely terminate the Agent (recommended).

  • The Agent waits for running processes to be completed.
Code Block
agent.cmd|sh abort [options]

The Agent process is terminated immediately.

  • Any running tasks and child processes are killed immediately with a SIGKILL signal.
  • Should tasks use resources such as database connections then they will not be properly closed.
Code Block
agent.cmd|sh kill [options]

The Agent process is killed.

  • This corresponds to sending SIGKILL with a kill command.
  • Should jobs be running that started detached child processes then it is not guaranteed that child processes will be killed.

Restarting the Agent

Code Block
agent.cmd|sh restart [options]

Checking the Agent Status

Code Block
agent.cmd|sh status [options]

Should the Agent be up and running then this command will result in some output such as:

Code Block
isTerminating: false
  hostname: agenthost
      processCpuLoad: 2.5630713121704744E-5
      availableProcessors: 4
      freePhysicalMemorySize: 311668736
      systemCpuLoad: 0.046373903924522855
      committedVirtualMemorySize: 4475301888
      totalPhysicalMemorySize: 3155517440
    java.vendor: Oracle Corporation
    os.arch: amd64
    os.version: 2.6.32-220.17.1.el6.x86_64 Linux
    java.version: 1.8.0_31
version: 1.10.0-SNAPSHOT (6956c56a535d15fcf659f293c42d22dcf92e9e12 2015-07-15 21:23:24+02:00)
startedAt: '2015-07-17T08:38:30.516Z'
totalTaskCount: 21
currentTaskCount: 0

Should the Agent not be running then some output is provided such as:

Code Block
ERROR: spray.can.Http$ConnectionAttemptFailedException: Connection attempt to localhost:4445 failed
...JS7 Agent(4445) not started!

Monitoring Agents

See the JS7 - Active Checks with a System Monitor article for information how to configure an automated status check of Agents for monitoring purposes.

Controller/Agent Compatibility

The Agent will raise an error if it is contacted by a Controller that is not compatible with the Agent's version.

Working Directory for Jobs

The JS7_AGENT_WORK_DIR environment variable can be used to modify the working directory of jobs. The default value is the same as JS7_AGENT_HOME. Alternative locations include values such as $HOME (Unix) or %USEERPROFILE% (Windows).

Windows Service Interface: Usage

The following information applies to batch installation on Windows systems. For installation with a GUI and user dialog see JobScheduler Universal Agent - Installation with Windows Installer.

The Agent is operable as a Windows Service. The start script of the Agent allows to install/remove the Windows Service.

Installing the Windows Service

Code Block
agent.cmd install-service [-http-port=<number>] [-ip-address=<hostname or ip address>]

This command installs the Agent's Windows Service. After the installation you find the Windows Service with the name SOS JS7 Agent -port=<number> in the Services Manager Console. The Windows service uses the "local system" account.


During the service installation it tries to copy the executable file for the Windows Service to the .\service directory. This operation could fail with the error "Access denied" if you have extracted the Agent to e.g. C:\Program Files. In this case you can change the permissions of the .\service directory or open the command prompt with elevated administrator rights and execute the above command once more.

Starting the Windows Service

Code Block
agent.cmd start-service [-http-port=<number>]

This command starts the Windows Service with the name SOS JS7 Agent -port=<number>.


The stop command contains more than a simple stop-service command: the stop command checks whether the Agent was started through the CLI or as a Windows Service and stops the Agent accordingly. Therefore there is no stop-service command.

Removing the Windows Service

Code Block
agent.cmd remove-service [-http-port=<number>]

This command removes the Windows Service. After executing this command you will not find the Windows Service with the name SOS JS7 Agent -port=<number> in the Services Manager Console any longer.


During removal of the service it tries to remove the executable file of the Windows Service from the .\service directory. This operation could fail with the error "Access denied" if you have extracted the Agent to e.g. C:\Program Files. In this case you can change the permissions of the .\service directory or open the command prompt with elevated administrator rights and execute the above command once more.

Configuring the Windows Service

After the installation of the Windows Service you will find the .\service\sos_js7_agent_<http-port>w.exe file. Start this program to configure the Windows Service.


Image Removed


For example goto the "Startup" tab
to modifiy the start parameter


  • Log File
    • On startup the Agent creates a log file in the directory that is pointed to by the environment variable JS7_AGENT_LOG_DIR or in the var_4445/logs sub-directory of the Agent installation directory.
    • Log file names are created from a prefix and from the port used by the Agent like this:
      • agent.log
    • Log files are rotated for each day (see ./lib/log4j2.xml) for which job activities occur.
    • Rotated log files are assigned file names like this: agent.log.<yyyy-MM-dd>
    • For days where the Agent has no jobs to execute no log rotation will be performed.
  • PID File
    • On startup the Agent creates a PID file in the directory that is pointed to by the environment variable JS7_AGENT_PID_FILE_DIR or in the log directory. The PID file contains the Process ID of the system process that the Agent is running in.
    • The PID file is used in order to prevent the Agent to be started twice with the same settings and it can be used for shutdown scripts that require the PID to terminate the process.
    • PID file names are created like this:
  • Further References



  • First of all, you don't need to read all the parts of this article. For most situations it is sufficient to check the prerequisites, download the software and run the installer that will guide you.
  • In this article you will find the details about available installer options, updates and rollbacks for interested parties.
  • The JS7 Agent can be installed and operated on any Unix and Windows environments that meet the prerequisites.
  • The JS7 Agent can be installed on Windows using the graphical installer - for headless installation see JS7 - Agent - Use of Linux/Windows Headless Installation.


  • A Java Runtime Environment 1.8 or newer is required. For details see the  Which Java versions is JobScheduler available for? article.
  • It is recommended that a time service is operated on the server that hosts the Agent in order to synchronize the system clock's time.


  • Select the Agent archive for Windows systems and the graphical installer from the JS7 - Download page.
  • A .zip archive including the installer is available for Windows systems: js7_agent_windows_installer.<release>.zip.

Installation Video

This video explains how to install the JS7 Agent:

Widget Connector

Installing the JS7 Agent


Extract the downloaded archive to a directory, e.g. C:\Temp.

After extraction of the installer .zip archive the directory structure will include:

  • agent_install.xml (installer response file)
  • install_agent.txt (installation notes)
  • js7_agent_windows.<release>.jar (installer library for a given release)
  • license.gpl (copy of  GPLv3 (General Public License) )
  • license.txt, license.html (copy of JS7 JobScheduler Commercial License)
  • setup.cmd (installer script)

Note the following implications before running the installer:

  • The installer can be run in graphical or in headless mode, see the JS7 - Agent - Headless Installation on Unix and Windows article.

  • The installer asks for elevated administrative privileges, so it will not be necessary to change the permissions in the .\service directory and the installer will set read/write permissions for the .\logs directory.
  • After the installation you will find:
    • a Windows Service "SOS JS7 Agent -port=<http-port>"
    • an executable file .\service\js7_agent_<http-port>.exe that is started by the Windows Service.

Run Installer

  • Run the installer for the JS7 Agent using the following command:

    Code Block
    titleWindows command to run the installer GUI
  • The installer asks for administrative privileges.  
  • Select the language to be used for the setup: English, Japanese and German are available.

    Image Added

Welcome Window

  • Click Next on the welcome window.

    Image Added

License Options

  • The License window displays the licenses available for the JS7 Agent.
    • The Open Source License GPLv3 (General Public License) is available.
    • The SOS Commercial License can also be selected. When using this license, the license certificate file that you receive from SOS after purchase of a license will be added when installing the Controller that forwards the license to the Agent. For details see the JS7 - How to apply a JS7 License Key article.

      Image Added

License Agreement

  • The License Agreement corresponding to the license option selected has to be accepted before installation can occur.

    Image Added

Installation Directory

  • The installer opens a window to specify the installation directory after you have accepted the terms of the License Agreement.

    Image Added

Installation Settings

  • Add the HTTP port that is to be used by the JS7 Agent. Make sure that the HTTP port is available and is not otherwise used. If you run other applications that use this port then choose a different port.
  • If you specify a Windows Service account, make sure that this account has "Log on as service permissions". Note that the credentials that you enter in this window are stored in clear text with the installer response file. It is considered more secure not to add credentials with this step, but to add credentials directly with the Windows Service panel after installation.

    Image Added

Data Directory for Configuration, Logs, Journals

  • Choose the data directory for the Agent which you want to use to store the Agent's configuration, log and journal files.

    Image Added

Specific Directories

  • If you choose the installation directory to be located in C:\Program Files then it is recommended that you specify a log directory outside of the installation path, e.g. C:\ProgramData\\js7\agent_<http-port>\logs.
  • The installer sets read/write permissions for the specified Windows Service account. Typically only the administrator group should have write permissions for C:\Program Files.

    Image Added

Installation Progress

  • This step displays progress of the first part of the installation procedure.
  • Changes to installer options can no longer be applied once this step has been started.

    Image Added

Configuration Progress

  • The processing panel displays progress of the second part of the installation procedure that includes setting permissions and installing the Windows Service.

    Image Added

    • The information displayed with this step will be written to the installation log file which can be found in the JS7_AGENT_DATA/logs folder.


  • The last step of the installation displays a summary of the installation (success/error) and paths to relevant information.

    Image Added

    • Note that if a problem occurs during installation a warning will be displayed and a link to the installation log file will be provided.

    • A failed installation can be repeated at any time, Uninstalling is not required.

Directory Structure

  • The resulting directory structure after installation includes (only files and folders immediately relevant):
    • C:\Program Files\\js7\agent (installation directory)
      • .js7agentinstallinformation (binary installer information)
      • .version (release information)
      • agent_install.xml (installer response file used from previous installation)
      • license.gpl (copy of  GPLv3 (General Public License) used for the Open Source JS7 - License)
      • license.html (HTML format of license terms for the commercial JS7 - License)
      • license.txt (plain text format of license terms for the commercial JS7 - License)
      • sbom.json (JS7 - Software Bill of Materials)
      • ThirdParty.txt (list of 3rd party components and licenses used by JS7)
      • var_<http-port> (junction to data directory)
      • bin
        • anonymize-logs.cmd (used to anonymize log files, see JS7 - Log Anonymization)
        • agent.cmd (Start Script)
        • agent_<http-port>.cmd (Instance Start Script)
        • agent_credential_value.cmd (Script for access to a Credential Store)
        • agent_watchdog.cmd (restarts the Agent if not operated as a Windows Service, called by Start Script)
      • lib (directory for Java libraries)
        • log4j2.xml (used for based console logging to stdout, see JS7 - Logging)
        • patches (used for JS7 - Patches for Agent, the directory is cleaned up when running the installer)
        • user_lib (used for individual .jar files such as JDBC Drivers, see JS7 - Database)
        • (additional directories for Java libraries)
      • service (directory for operation as a Windows Service)
        • install_agent_windows_service.cmd (used by installer)
        • LICENSE.txt (copy of Apache License, Version 2.0)
        • NOTICE.txt (Apache Commons Daemon license notice)
        • RELEASE-NOTES.txt (Apache Commons Daemon release notes)
        • uninstall_agent_windows_service.cmd (used by uninstaller)
        • amd64
        • manager
        • x86
      • Uninstaller
        • install.log (lists installed files)
        • js7.ico (uninstaller icon)
        • shortcut.vbs (creates shortcuts for the Windows start menu)
        • uninstall.cmd (used by uninstaller)
        • uninstall_prepare.cmd (used by uninstaller)
        • uninstaller.jar (used by uninstaller)
      • yade (directory of the YADE file transfer client)
    • C:\ProgramData\\js7\agent (data directory)

Updating the JS7 Agent

Find detailed instructions in the JS7 - Update and Patch Management article.

An update of the JS7 Agent is performed from the same download archive as used for any fresh installation:

  • js7_agent_windows_installer.<release>.zip


  • Stop any running JS7 Agent instances. Note that more than one Agent instance can be launched from a single Agent installation.
  • Prepare to rollback in case the update of the JS7 Agent is not successful:
    • Make a backup of the Agent's installation directory and data directory, e.g. by creating a .zip archive.
      • Installation Directory:
        • The default installation directory for the Agent is C:\Program Files\\js7\agent
      • Data Directory
        • The default data directory for the Agent is C:\ProgramData\\js7\agent_<http-port>

Update and Upgrade

An update/upgrade using the graphical installer can be carried out by rerunning the installer setup.cmd file from the .zip archive and by providing the same parameters such as installation paths, ports etc.


Follow the steps listed to perform a rollback on Windows:

  • Run the uninstaller to perform JS7 Agent instance rollback.
    • The default location of the uninstall.cmd file is:
      • C:\Program Files\\js7\agent\Uninstaller
  • Restore the folders from the backup by unzipping the .zip archive for the installation and configuration directories to their respective locations.
  • Re-install the Windows Service from the command line:
    • Switch to the  Agent's .\bin directory from the command line
      • The default location of the .\bin directory is:
        • C:\Program Files\\js7\agent\bin

    • Run the following command that installs the Agent's Windows Service:

      agent.cmd install-service

Installation Log

The installer creates a log file in the directory which is specified in the JS7_AGENT_LOGS environment variable or in the logs sub-directory of the Agent's data directory.

  • The default path of the logs directory for the Agent is:
    • C:\ProgramData\\js7\agent_<http-portfor Windows.
  • Installation log files use names according to the pattern Install_V<release>_<date-time>_....log where <release> is the release number and <date-time> refers to the point in time of installation.
  • For further information about logging see the JS7 - Logging article.

Automated Start-up and Shutdown

It is recommended that on Windows systems the Agent is operated as a Windows Service as such services can be configured to start/stop automatically on server start-up and shutdown.

  • Consider assigning a service account to the JS7 Agent service with the Windows Service Panel.
  • Consider allowing the JS7 Agent service to be automatically started on server start-up.

Initial Operation

Having completed the installation or update of a JS7 Agent you can either start the Agent manually or from its Unix daemon/Windows Service - see the JS7 - Agent Command Line Operation article for details.

Further References


The following environment variables can be used:

    • points to the location of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE).
    • Without setting this environment variable Java will be used from the location specified by the system path.
    • Please consider that JAVA_HOME does not point to the location of a JDK but to a JRE directory where the bin/java executable resides.
    • sets Java options, e.g. the Java memory settings for the Agent.
    • Without setting this environment variable the Java options default to '-Xms100m'.
    • sets Java options for each job that is started by the Agent.
    • points to the directory where the JobScheduler Agent has been installed.
    • Without setting this environment variable the default value is the parent directory of the start script.
    • Should you want to start the Agent from a directory different to the Agent installation directory, e.g. by copying the start script to some other location, then this environment variable has to be set in order to locate the JobScheduler Agent installation directory.
    • points to the directory where the Agent finds its data directory.
    • Without setting this environment variable the default value is JS7_HOME/var_<JS7_HTTP_PORT>.
    • sets the HTTP port that the Agent is listening to.
    • indicates which network interfaces the Agent should listen to if a hostname or IP address is specified.
    • if only a port number is specified then the Agent listens to all available network interfaces via HTTP.
    • Without setting this environment variable the port defaults to 4445.
    • sets the HTTPS port that the Agent is listening to.
    • indicates which network interfaces the Agent should listen to if a hostname or IP address is specified.
    • if only a port number is specified then the Agent listens to all available network interfaces via HTTPS.
    • Without setting this environment variable the HTTPS protocol is not used.
    • sets the user account that the Agent is operated for. This includes running jobs with the permissions of the specified user.
    • This setting is available for Unix systems only. For Windows systems the user account that runs the start script is used.
    • Without setting this environment variable the user account that runs the start script is used.
    • This setting can be used when running the Agent start script in system start-up and shutdown configurations that are executed by root, e.g. in /etc/init.d or corresponding locations.
    • sets the directory where the Agent log file is created.
    • This setting defaults to the directory logs in the JS7_AGENT_DATA directory.
    • sets the working directory for the jobs started by the Agent, e.g. ${HOME} or %USERPROFILE%.
    • This setting defaults to JS7_AGENT_HOME.
    • sets the location of a "kill script" if required.
    • The kill script provides the functionality to kill a task and any child processes.

    • Kill scripts are provided by
      • ./bin/ for Unix.

      • .\bin\jobscheduler_agent_kill_task.cmd for Windows.

    • sets the directory where the Agent PID file is created.
    • This setting defaults to the directory that is specified with the JS7_AGENT_LOG_DIR environment variable or the log directory default value.

Usage Examples

Running the Agent on Windows

For Windows® operating systems the location of the Java Runtime Environment and of the log directory can be specified e.g. like this:

Code Block
set JAVA_HOME=%ProgramFiles%\Java\jre8
set JS7_AGENT_LOG_DIR=%ProgramData%\\js7\agent\agent_2.0\logs 
"%ProgramFiles%\\agent\js7\agent_2.0\bin\agent.cmd" start

Running the Agent on Mac OS X

For Mac® OS X the location of the Java Runtime Environment can be specified like this:

Code Block
JAVA_HOME=/Library/Internet\ Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home
export JAVA_HOME
/Users/ap/Documents/js7/agent/bin/ start

Automated Start-up and Shutdown of an Agent

  • For Unix systems the start-up and shutdown configurations apply that are executed by root, e.g. in /etc/init.d or corresponding locations.
    • Consider use of the JS7_USER environment variable to run an Agent that is started by root for a different user account.
  • For Windows systems the start-up of the Agent by installing it as a Windows Service is recommended.


  • The Agent log level can be increased using the Agent's Apache ProcRun Demon Service Manager demon/service.
  • On Windows systems this is installed in the Agent service folder and will have a name such as sos_agent_4445w.exe where 4445 is the port the Agent listens to. 
  • Start the ProcRun Manager, select the Logging tab in the Manager interface and set the level to Debug
  • The location of log files is explained above. 
  • Do not forget to set the debug level back to Info once finished.


Show If
  • Any number of Agent instances can be started from the same installation, however, different ports have to be used that the Agent is listening to for requests of a JS7 Controller.
  • Running the Agent for different user accounts and ports 
    • Use the environment variable JS7_USER to operate the Agent for a user account that is different from the one that starts the Agent.
    • Use the environment variable JS7_HTTP_PORT or the option -http-port=#### to start the Agent for a port that is different from the default setting.
    • Make sure that the directories JS7_LOG_DIR and JS7_PID_FILE_DIR are readable and writable for the different user accounts
  • Add the startup options as given in the following examples to your individual startup script.

Examples for Windows

Code Block
titleSet port by commands and options
set JAVA_HOME=%ProgramFiles%\Java\jre8
"%ProgramFiles%\\js7\agent\agent_2.0\bin\agent.cmd" start -http-port=4447
Code Block
titleSet log directory and port by environment variables
set JAVA_HOME=%ProgramFiles%\Java\jre8
set JS7_LOG_DIR=%ProgramData%\\agent\jobscheduler_agent_1.10\logs
set JS7_HTTP_PORT=4445
"%ProgramFiles%\\js7\agent\agent_2.0\bin\agent.cmd" start

Examples for Unix

Code Block
titleSwitch user account and port by commands and options
su - js start -http-port=4446
Code Block
titleSwitch user account and port by environment variables

Testing Agent Operability



Behavior in the event of the Agent crashing

It is important that all the tasks running on an Agent are killed if the Agent should crash or otherwise terminate abnormally while executing tasks. To this end, every task that is being executed by an Agent is noted by a agent watchdog process in a script. This script is located in the Agent's tmp folder and tasks are dynamically added to and deleted from the script as they are started and completed. This script is dynamically created when a first task is started by the Agent and is deleted when no tasks are running.
