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authentication for the JOC Cockpit relies on a connection between the JOC Cockpit web services and the LDAP server. It is desirable that this connection is secured as it would otherwise be vulnerable e.g. to man-in-the-middle attacks.

The LDAP server connection can be secured using two commonly available protocols "LDAP over TLS" (STARTTLS) and "LDAP over SSL" (LDAPS).

Connection Content Encryption with StartTLS

StartTLS in an extension to the LDAP protocol which uses the TLS protocol to encrypt communication. It works by establishing a normal - i.e. unsecured - connection with the LDAP server before a handshake negotiation between the server and the web services is carried out. Here, the server sends its certificate to prove its identity before the secure connection is established. If negotiation for a secure connection is unsuccessful then a standard LDAP connection may be opened. Whether or not this occurs depends on the LDAP server and its configuration.

Connection Encryption with LDAPS

LDAPS is the non-standardized "LDAP over SSL" protocol that in contrast with StartTLS only allows communication over a secure port such as 636. It establishes the secure connection before there is any communication with the LDAP server. However, as LDAPS is not part of the LDAP standard, there is no guarantee that LDAPS client libraries actually verify the host name against the name provided with the security certificate. See here for more information.


  • The current article describes the configuration of StartTLS for use with the JOC Cockpit web services and Web Service Truststore, as well as providing a code example for using LDAPS from the shiro.ini file. Users wishing to configure their server to use LDAPS should refer to their LDAP server administrator.

Configuration for LDAP over TLS

  • The Java Keytools is installed with your Java JRE.
  • Your LDAP server is configured to use starttlsSTARTTLS.
  • When using starttls your LDAP realm

    Your LDAP Realm

    configuration in the shiro.ini configuration file


    should contain ldapRealm.useStartTls=true as in the following example:

    Code Block
    ldapRealm = com.sos.auth.shiro.SOSLdapAuthorizingRealm
    ldapRealm.contextFactory.url = ldap://myHost:389
    securityManager.realms = $ldapRealm

Configuration for LDAP over SSL

The LDAP server must be configured to use SSL.

In the shiro.ini configuration file the LDAPS URL must use a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) as in the following example:

Code Block
ldapRealm = com.sos.auth.shiro.SOSLdapAuthorizingRealm
ldapRealm.contextFactory.url = ldaps://

ldapRealm.contextFactory.environment[] = ssl
securityManager.realms = $ldapRealm


Certificate Management

For both TLS and SSL the public certificates should be distributed as follows:

JOC [label="   JOC Cockpit   ",fillcolor="lightskyblue"]
LDAP [label="   LDAP Server   ",fillcolor="lightskyblue"]
JOC_Truststore [label="JOC Cockpit Truststore\n./jetty_base/etc/joc.jks\nCA certificates\nLDAP server public certificate",fillcolor="orange"]
LDAP_Keystore [label="LDAP Server Keystore\nLDAP Server Private Key",fillcolor="orange"]

CA_RootCertificate [shape="ellipse",shape="ellipse",label="CA Root Certificate",fillcolor="white"]
CA_IntermediateCertificate [shape="ellipse",label="CA Intermediate Certificate",fillcolor="white"]

LDAP_PrivateKey [shape="ellipse",label="LDAP Server Private Key",fillcolor="white"]
LDAP_Keystore_Certificate [shape="ellipse",label="LDAP Server Public Certificate",fillcolor="white"]
LDAP_Truststore_Certificate [shape="ellipse",label="LDAP Server Public Certificate",fillcolor="white"]

LDAP -> LDAP_Keystore 
LDAP -> LDAP_Truststore_Certificate [label=" transfer to JOC Cockpit            "] 
LDAP_Keystore -> LDAP_PrivateKey -> LDAP_Keystore_Certificate [label=" in keystore "]

JOC -> JOC_Truststore
JOC_Truststore -> CA_RootCertificate -> CA_IntermediateCertificate [label=" add to truststore "]
CA_IntermediateCertificate -> LDAP_Truststore_Certificate [label=" add to truststore "]

Set up a secure connection to your


LDAP Server


In the following the placeholders JOC_HOMEJETTY_HOME and JETTY_BASE are used which locate three directories. If you install Jetty with the JOC installer then

  • JOC_HOME is the installation path which is specified during the JOC Cockpit installation:
    • C:\Program Files\\joc (default on Windows)
    • /opt/ (default on Linux)
  • JETTY_BASE is Jetty's base directory which is specified during the JOC Cockpit installation:
    • C:\ProgramData\\joc (default on Windows)
    • /home/<setup-user>/ (default on Linux)

Step 1: Create the Java Keystore for Jetty


Create a JOC Cockpit Truststore and import public certificates

The following steps are performed on the server that hosts the JOC Cockpit.

You can use the Java Keytstore that will be created


with the private key


for the HTTPS support in Jetty, see JOC Cockpit - HTTPS Authentication. Otherwise you might have to create the JETTY_BASE/etc directory.

    • Example for import of a public certificate to a JOC Cockpit Truststore in JKS format:

      Code Block
      titleExmple for import of LDAP Server public certificate to JKS Keystore
      # import LDAP server public certificate to a truststore (joc.jks) by specifying the certificate file (ldap-certificate.crt) and alias name (ldap)
      keytool -importcert -noprompt -file "ldap-certificate.crt" -alias "ldap"
  • Jetty and export the certificate to the Keystore that is later on used by the browsers.


    Code Block
    titleSample for generate Keystore with private key and certificate
    keytool -genkey -alias "joc" -dname "CN=jocHost,O=myCompany" -validity 1461 -keyalg RSA -keysize 1024 -keypass secret_key
    •  -keystore "JETTY_BASE/etc/joc.jks" -storepass secret_store
  • Explanations

  • Replace the JETTY_BASE placeholder as specified above.
  • The -dname option specifies the certificate issuer, therefore use your own set of CN, OU, DC that specify the issuer's distinguished name. The O setting is required for the issuer.
    •  -trustcacerts
    • Example for import of a public certificate to a JOC Cockpit Truststore in PKCS12 format:

      Code Block
      titleExmple for import of LDAP Server public certificate to PKCS12 Keystore
      # import LDAP server public certificate to a truststore (joc.p12) by specifying the certificate file (ldap-certificate.crt) and alias name (ldap)
      keytool -importcert -noprompt -file "ldap-certificate.crt" -alias "ldap" -keystore "JETTY_BASE/etc/joc.p12" -storetype pkcs12 -storepass secret_store -trustcacerts
  • The -keypass option accepts the password that you will need later on to manage your private key. 
  • The -keystore option specifies the location of your Keystore Truststore file.
  • The -storepass option specifies the password for access to your Keystore file.


Step 2: Configure Jetty

Edit the following entries in the JETTY_BASE/start.ini configuration file corresponding to the Java Keystore:

Code Block
## Keystore file path (relative to $jetty.base)

## Truststore file path (relative to $jetty.base)

## Keystore password

## KeyManager password

## Truststore password


  • your Truststore file.
  • The public certificate file ldap-ertificate.crt should be available from the LDAP server. Transfer this file to the JOC Cockpit server. Alternatively the public certificate can be requested on-the-fly.
    • Example for request of public certificate:

      Code Block
      titleExample for request of public certificate from LDAP server
      # connect to the LDAP server (ldap_server) with the available port (636), in the server response you should find the public certificate that you can copy & paste to a certificate file
      openssl s_client -connect ldap_server:636
  • If the public certificate is signed by a CA then the certificate should include the certificate chain of CA Root Certificate and CA Intermediate Certificate. Otherwise it might be required to concatenate the certificates into one file, for example:

    Code Block
    titleExample for export of public certificate
    # concatenate CA root certificate and CA intermediate certificate to a single CA Bundle certificate file (ca-bundle.crt)
    cat RootCACertificate.crt > certificates.crt
    cat CACertificate.crt >> certificates.crt
    cat ldap-certificate.crt >> certificates.crt
    # import LDAP server public certificate and certificate chain to a truststore (joc.jks) by specifying the certificate file (ldap-certificate.crt) and alias name (ldap)



Step 3: Import your certificat to the JOC Cockpit Web Service Truststore

The following steps are performed on the server that hosts the JOC Cockpit.


    Code Block
    titleSample for import master certificate
  • keytool -importcert -noprompt -file "
  • myCertificate
  • certificates.
  • pem
  • crt" -alias "
  • my_alias
  • ldap" -keystore "JETTY_BASE/etc/joc.jks" -storepass secret_store -trustcacerts

Configure JOC Cockpit Truststore

  • Edit the following entries in the JETTY_BASE/resources/joc/ configuration file corresponding to the Java Truststore:

    • Example for use of a Truststore in JKS format:

      Code Block
      titleExample for setting for a Truststore in JKS format
      truststore_path = ../../etc/joc.jks
      truststore_type = jks
      truststore_password = secret_store
    • Example for use of a Truststore in PKCS12 format:

      Code Block
      titleExample for setting for a Truststore in PKCS12 format
      truststore_path = ../../etc/joc.p12
      truststore_type = pkcs12
      truststore_password = secret_store
    • Explanations

      • Specify the location of the Truststore with the truststore_path setting. A location relative to the JETTY_BASE directory can be specified.