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JOC Cockpit GUI

JS7 - Reports offer aggregated information about past execution of workflows and jobs.

The Reports view in the JOC Cockpit GUI offers to create and to visualize reports. The Configuration view offers to specify Report Configurations, see JS7 - Reports - Configuration.

The Reports view provides the following sub-views. 

  • Report Creation view to create one or more reports,
  • Reports view to visualize reports,
  • Report Run History view to display the history of report runs.

Report Creation View

The view displays available Report Configurations that have been added by the user with the Configuration view:

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The Report Creation view displays released Report Configurations. User can apply the "Filter results" input field to limit In the number of items displayed. Filtering is performed by matching any columns displayed.

  • The view is used to manually create reports. For automated creation of reports see JS7 - Reports - Automation.
  • The view offers to create individual reports and to apply bulk operations for a number of reports.

ActionTo run the report the action contains the item "Run Reports"
NameThe name of the Report Configuration

The path to the location of the Report Configuration

Report TemplateThe template used to create the report. The values for ${hits} and ${sort} are substituted with the values from the Report Configuration.
Report FrequencyThe frequencies that are assigned the report. For each frequency a separate report run will be executed.


The begin of the Report Period.

Absolute values follow the <yyyy>-<mm> pattern in which yyyy specifies the year and mm specifies the month.

Relative values follow the <n><y>|<m>|<q> pattern using the placeholders

  • n: count
  • y: year
  • q: quarter
  • m: month

In Month-From

  • the month is always 1 if y is specified,
  • the month is one of 1, 4, 7, 10 if q is specified.


The end of the Report Period.

Absolute values follow the <yyyy>-<mm> pattern in which yyyy specifies the year and mm specifies the month.

Relative values follow the <n><y>|<m>|<q> pattern using the placeholders

  • n: count
  • y: year
  • q: quarter
  • m: month

In Month-To

  • the month is always 12 when y is specified,
  • the month is one of the values 3, 6, 9, 12 if q is specified.

Reports View

The view displays available reports:

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Reports displayed have been manually created or by use of JS7 - Reports - Automation.

Reports are grouped by name or by Report Template. If grouped by name then a sub-group for the related sorting (highest/lowest) is created.

To delete a report, open the action menu and select the "Delete" operation.

To view the report, open the action menu and select the "Show Report" operation. Depending on the grouping depth, reports are displayed based on applicable frequencies.

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Reports are displayed from a card for each interval according to the frequency specified. For example, if the Report Period lasts for one year and the frequency is monthly then the report will include 12 cards.

If the report contains more than one frequency, then report cards can be filtered by frequency, for example to show report cards using monthly frequency and to hide report cards using weekly frequency.

To hide/show individual report cards, open the "Manage Cards" sub-view. 

Each card shows the result of a report run. The data will be displayed as specified with the Report Configuration. Visualization is specidfic for the Report Template in use, for example counting workflow, jobs or considering a duration, and is specific for the hits and sort parameters. 

Each report card offers display from a pie chart, form a bar chart and from a list chart.

Display of Reports

Bar Chart

Display from a bar chart can look like this:

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List Chart

Display from a list chart can look like this:

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Pie Chart

Display from a pie chart can look like this:

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Filtering by Date Range

Display of reports can be filtered by a date range matching the begin or end of the report period, for example to show reports only from a Report Period three months back.

Example Report Period:
Start Date: 26.02.2024
End Date: 03.03.2024

Filter: "Last 3 Months" (Executed in June 2024)

The filter covers the time from from March 1, 2024, to May 31, 2024.

Prerequisites for inclusion of reports: A report will be included if its period fully or partly overlaps the date range used as a filter. In the example the Report Period (February 26 to March 3) overlaps the date range (March 1 to May 31).

Filtering by Report Template

The report list can be filtered by the used report template.

Report Run History View

The view displays the history of report runs like this:

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The Report Run History view shows historical data of report runs. 

Full text search across all columns is available from the "Filter Results" input field.

Display can be filtered according to the report run's execution status (successful, failed, in progress).

NameThe name of the Report Configuration
Controller IDThe Controller ID as specified with the Report Configuration
Report TemplateThe Report Template used in the Report Configuration. Placeholders for hits and sort are substituted.
StatusThe current status of report creation. Possible values include successful, failed, in progress. The status can be used to filter reports.
Report FrequenciesThe frequencies that are specified with the Report Configuration
No. of Reports

The number of reports that have been created from the report run. For example, a report run using the Report Period "last year" and a "monthly" frequency will create 12 reports.

The number of reports can be 0 as a report will only be created if its first period does not exist. To force a report to be re-created for a given frequency, the entire report or at least the report for the first partial period of a frequency must be deleted.

Error Message

If the report run fails, then the column shows the last error message.


The begin of the Report Period. Relative values are calculated to absolute values


The end of the Report Period. Relative values are calculated to absolute values

Last Modified

The date of last modification.


Purge of the report history is perfomred by the JS7 - Cleanup Service. The Cleanup Service will delete report history entries from the JS7 - Database that are older than the number of days specified with the cleanup.reporting_age setting. The default value is: 365d.

When creating reports, historical data from the database will be exported to CSV files in the file system. Each month is represented by one file. Export will be skipped for months for which data already have been exported. The Cleanup Service will not remove CSV files. It's the user's responsibility to clean-up the file system in order to match storage limits.

The CSV data files are located in: $JETTY_BASE\reporting\data
