Versions Compared


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Code Block
titleExample for use of Installation Script
Invoke-WebRequest `
    -Uri '' `
    -Outfile /tmp/js7_joc_linux.2.5.2.tar.gz

./Install-JS7Joc.ps1 `
    -Tarball /tmp/js7_joc_linux.2.5.2.tar.gz `
    -HomeDir /home/sos/joc `
    -HttpPort 4446 `
    -DBMSConfig /home/sos/joc-deployment/hibernate.cfg.xml `
    -JavaHome /opt/java/jdk-11.0.2+9 `
    -AsUser `

# downloads the H2JOC Cockpit embeddedrelease databasetarball from Maventhe CentralSOS usingWeb Invoke-WebRequestSite
# requires downloadsthat the user creates JOC Cockpit release tarball from the SOS Web Sitea hibernate.cfg.xml file for database access prior to installation
# specifies the Java home location
# creates the home directory if it does not exist
# extracts the tarball and runs the JOC Cockpit installer
# operates JOC Cockpit for HTTP port 4446


Code Block
titleExample for use of Installation Script
Invoke-WebRequest `
    -Uri '' `
    -Outfile /tmp/js7_joc_linux.2.5.2.tar.gz
Invoke-WebRequest `
    -Uri '' `
    -Outfile /tmp/js7-license.jar

./Install-JS7Joc.ps1 `
    -Tarball /tmp/js7_joc_linux.2.5.2.tar.gz `
    -HomeDir /home/sos/joc `
    -HttpPort 4446 `
    -DBMSConfig /home/sos/joc-deployment/hibernate.cfg.xml `
    -LicenseKey /home/sos/joc-deployment/example.pem `
    -LicenseBin /tmp/js7_joc_linux.2.5.2.tar.gzlicense.jar `
    -JavaHome /opt/java/jdk-11.0.2+9 `
    -AsUser `

# downloads the JOC Cockpit release tarball from the SOS Web Site using Invoke-WebRequest
# downloads the binary file for licensed code to enable cluster operations using Invoke-WebRequest
# specifies the location of the JS7 license key and of the .jar file for licensed binary code
# specifies the Java home location
# creates the home directory if it does not exist
# extracts the tarball and runs the JOC Cockpit installer
# operates JOC Cockpit for HTTP port 4446

Install or Update Secondary JOC Cockpit


Instance for Cluster Operations

Code Block
titleExample for use of Installation Script
Invoke-WebRequest `
    -Uri '' `
    -Outfile /tmp/js7_joc_linux.2.5.2.tar.gz
Invoke-WebRequest `
    -Uri '' `
    -Outfile /tmp/js7-license.jar

./Install-JS7Joc.ps1 `
    -Tarball /tmp/js7_joc_linux.2.5.2.tar.gz `
    -ClusterId joc `
    -InstanceId 1 `
    -Title "Secondary JOC Cockpit" `
    -HomeDir /home/sos/joc `  
    -HttpPort 4446 `
    -DBMSConfig /home/sos/joc-deployment/hibernate.cfg.xml `
    -LicenseKey /home/sos/joc-deployment/example.pem `
    -LicenseBin /tmp/js7_joc_linux.2.5.2.tar.gz-license.jar `
    -JavaHome /opt/java/jdk-11.0.2+9 `
    -AsUser `

# downloads the JOC Cockpit release tarball from the SOS Web Site using Invoke-WebRequest
# downloads the binary file for licensed code to enable cluster operations using Invoke-WebRequest
# specifies the Cluster ID that is the same for all JOC Cockpit instances in a cluster
# specifies the Instance ID that is a number between 0 and 99:
#   Instance IDs specify the ordering of JOC Cockpit icons in the Dashboard
#   the first JOC Cockpit started becomes the active node in a cluster independent from its Instance ID
# specifies the title that acts as a caption for JOC Cockpit icons in the Dashbaord
# specifies the location of the JS7 license key and of the .jar file for licensed binary code
# specifies the Java home location
# creates the home directory if it does not exist
# extracts the tarball and runs the JOC Cockpit installer
# operates JOC Cockpit for HTTP port 4446


Code Block
titleExample for use of Installation Script
Invoke-WebRequest `
    -Uri '' `
    -Outfile /tmp/js7_joc_linux.2.5.2.tar.gz

./Install-JS7Joc.ps1 `
    -Tarball /tmp/js7_joc_linux.2.5.2.tar.gz `
    -HomeDir /home/sos/joc `
    -HttpPort 4446 `
    -DBMSConfig /home/sos/joc-deployment/hibernate.cfg.xml `
    -JavaHome /opt/java/jdk-11.0.2+9 `
    -ExecStart StartService `
    -ExecStop StopService `
    -MakeService `
    -AsUser `

# downloads the JOC Cockpit release tarball from the SOS Web Site using Invoke-WebRequest
# creates the home directory if it does not exist
# extracts the tarball and runs the JOC Cockpit installer
# creates the JOC Cockpit's systemd service
# stops and starts the JOC Cockpit's systemd service
# operates JOC Cockpit for HTTP port 4446


Code Block
titleExample for use of Installation Script
Invoke-WebRequest `
    -Uri '' `
    -Outfile /tmp/js7_joc_linux.2.5.2.tar.gz

./Install-JS7Joc.ps1 `
    -Tarball /tmp/js7_joc_linux.2.5.2.tar.gz `
    -HomeDir /home/sos/joc `
    -HttpPort 4446 `
    -DBMSConfig /home/sos/joc-deployment/hibernate.cfg.xml `
    -JavaHome /opt/java/jdk-11.0.2+9 `
    -ExecStart "sudo systemctl start js7_joc" `
    -ExecStop "sudo systemctl start js7_joc" `
    -AsUser `

# downloads the JOC Cockpit release tarball from the SOS Web Site using Invoke-WebRequest
# creates the home directory if it does not exist
# extracts the tarball and runs the JOC Cockpit installer
# stops and starts the JOC Cockpit by individual commands
# operates JOC Cockpit for HTTP port 4446


Code Block
titleExample for use of Installation Script
Invoke-WebRequest `
    -Uri '' `
    -Outfile /tmp/js7_joc_linux.2.5.2.tar.gz

./Install-JS7Joc.ps1 `
    -Tarball /tmp/js7_joc_linux.2.5.2.tar.gz `
    -HomeDir /homeopt/ `
    -Data /var/ `  
    -HttpsPort 4446 `
    -DBMSConfig /home/sos/joc-deployment/hibernate.cfg.xml `
    -JavaHome /opt/java/jdk-11.0.2+9 `
    -Keystore /home/sos/joc-deployment/https-keystore.p12 `
    -KeystorePassword ('jobscheduler' | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force) `
    -Truststore /home/sos/joc-deployment/https-truststore.p12 `
    -TruststorePassword ('jobscheduler' | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force) `
    -ExecStart StartService `
    -ExecStop StopService `
    -MakeService `
    -AsUser `

# downloads the JOC Cockpit release tarball from the SOS Web Site using Invoke-WebRequest
# creates the home directory if it does not exist
# extracts the tarball and runs the JOC Cockpit installer
# deploys keystore and truststore files
# creates the systemd service
# stops and starts JOC Cockpit by its systemd service
# operates JOC Cockpit for HTTPS port 4446


Code Block
titleExample for use of Installation Script
./Install-JS7Joc.ps1/Install-JS7Joc.ps1 `
    -HomeDir /opt/ `
    -HomeDirData /homevar/ ` 
     -HttpsPort 4446 `
    -JavaHome /opt/java/jdk-11.0.2+9 `
    -Keystore /home/sos/joc-deployment/https-keystore.p12 `
    -KeystorePassword ('jobscheduler' | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force) `
    -Truststore /home/sos/joc-deployment/https-truststore.p12 `
    -TruststorePassword ('jobscheduler' | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force) `
    -ExecStart StartService `
    -ExecStop StopService `

# performs no installation but certificate renewal only
# addresses an existing JOC Cockpit instance operated for HTTPS port 4446
# deploys keystore and truststore files
# stops and starts JOC Cockpit by its systemd service


Code Block
titleExample for use of Installation Script
Invoke-WebRequest `
    -Uri '' `
    -Outfile C:\tmp\
Invoke-WebRequest `
    -Uri '' `
    -Outfile C:\tmp\js7-license.jar

./Install-JS7Joc.ps1 `
    -Tarball C:\tmp\ `
    -HomeDir "C:\Program Files\\js7\joc" `
    -Data "C:\ProgramData\\js7\joc" `
    -HttpPort 4446 `
    -DBMSConfig C:\js7\joc-deployment\hibernate.cfg.xml `
    -LicenseKey C:\js7\joc-deployment\example.pem `
    -LicenseBin C:\tmp\js7-license.jar `
    -JavaHome "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.2+9" `
    -AsUser `

# downloads the JOC Cockpit release tarball from the SOS Web Site using Invoke-WebRequest
# downloads the binary file for licensed code to enable cluster operations using Invoke-WebRequest
# specifies the location of the JS7 license key and of the .jar file for licensed binary code
# specifies the Java home location
# creates the home directory if it does not exist
# extracts the tarball and runs the JOC Cockpit installer
# operates JOC Cockpit for HTTP port 4446

Install or Update Secondary JOC Cockpit Instances for Cluster Operations

Code Block
titleExample for use of Installation Script
Invoke-WebRequest `
    -Uri '' `
    -Outfile C:\tmp\
Invoke-WebRequest `
    -Uri '' `
    -Outfile C:\tmp\js7-license.jar

./Install-JS7Joc.ps1 `
    -Tarball C:\tmp\ `
    -ClusterId joc `
    -InstanceId 1 `
    -Title "Secondary JOC Cockpit" `
    -HomeDir "C:\Program Files\\js7\joc" `
    -Data "C:\ProgramData\\js7\joc" `
    -HttpPort 4446 `
    -DBMSConfig C:\js7\joc-deployment\hibernate.cfg.xml `
    -LicenseKey C:\js7\joc-deployment\example.pem `
    -LicenseBin C:\tmp\js7-license.jar `
    -JavaHome "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.2+9" `
    -AsUser `

# downloads the JOC Cockpit release tarball from the SOS Web Site using Invoke-WebRequest
# downloads the binary file for licensed code to enable cluster operations using Invoke-WebRequest
# specifies the Cluster ID that is the same for all JOC Cockpit instances in a cluster
# specifies the Instance ID that is a number between 0 and 99:
#   Instance IDs specify the ordering of JOC Cockpit icons in the Dashboard
#   the first JOC Cockpit started becomes the active node in a cluster independent from its Instance ID
# specifies the title that acts as a caption for JOC Cockpit icons in the Dashbaord
# specifies the location of the JS7 license key and of the .jar file for licensed binary code
# specifies the Java home location
# creates the home directory if it does not exist
# extracts the tarball and runs the JOC Cockpit installer
# operates JOC Cockpit for HTTP port 4446


Code Block
titleExample for use of Installation Script
Invoke-WebRequest `
    -Uri '' `
    -Outfile C:\tmp\

./Install-JS7Joc.ps1 `
    -Tarball C:\tmp\ `
    -ResponseDir C:\js7\joc-deployment\response `
    -HomeDir "C:\Program Files\\js7\joc" `
    -HttpPort 4446 `
    -JavaHome "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.2+9" `
    -AsUser `

# downloads the JOC Cockpit release tarball from the SOS Web Site using Invoke-WebRequest
# specifies a response directory that holds
#    the joc_install.xml file for installation options such as the HTTP Port
#    the hibernate.cfg.xml configuration file for database access
# specifies the Java home location
# creates the home and data directories if they doe not exist
# extracts the tarball and runs the JOC Cockpit installer
# operates JOC Cockpit for HTTP port 4446


Code Block
titleExample for use of Installation Script
Invoke-WebRequest `
    -Uri '' `
    -Outfile C:\tmp\

./Install-JS7Joc.ps1 `
    -Tarball C:\tmp\ `
    -HomeDir "C:\Program Files\\js7\joc" `
    -Data "C:\ProgramData\\js7\joc" `
    -HttpPort 4446 `
    -DBMSConfig C:\js7\joc-deployment\hibernate.cfg.xml `
    -JavaHome "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.2+9" `
    -ExecStart StartService `
    -ExecStop StopService `
    -MakeService `
    -AsUser `

# downloads the JOC Cockpit release tarball from the SOS Web Site using Invoke-WebRequest
# creates the home directory if it does not exist
# extracts the tarball and runs the JOC Cockpit installer
# creates the JOC Cockpit's systemd service
# stops and starts the JOC Cockpit's systemd service
# operates JOC Cockpit for HTTP port 4446


Code Block
titleExample for use of Installation Script
./Install-JS7Joc.ps1 `
    -Release 2.2.3 `
    -Patch JS-1984 `
    -HomeDir /homeopt/ `
    -Data /var/ ` 
    -HttpPort 4446 `
    -JavaHome /opt/java/jdk-11.0.2+9 `
    -ExecStart StartService `
    -ExecStop StopService

# downloads the patch tarball from the SOS Web Site
# extracts the tarball to the JOC Cockpit's data directory assuming that this corresponds to the home directory
# stores the patch files to the JOC Cockpit's <data>/webapps/joc/WEB-INF/classes sub-directory
# stops and starts the JOC Cockpit's systemd service


Code Block
titleExample for use of Installation Script
Invoke-WebRequest `
    -Uri '' `
    -Outfile /tmp/js7_joc_linux.2.2.3.JS-1984.tar.gz

./Install-JS7Joc.ps1 `
    -Tarball /tmp/js7_joc_unix.2.2.3.JS-1984.tar.gz `
    -Patch JS-1984 ` 
    -HomeDir /homeopt/ `
    -Data /var/ ` 
    -HttpPort 4446 `
    -JavaHome /opt/java/jdk-11.0.2+9 `
    -ExecStart StartService `
    -ExecStop StopService
# downloads the patch tarball from the SOS Web Site using Invoke-WebRequest
# extracts the tarball to the JOC Cockpit's data directory assuming that this corresponds to the home directory
# stores the patch files to the JOC Cockpit's <data>/webapps/joc/WEB-INF/classes sub-directory
# stops and starts the JOC Cockpit's systemd service


Code Block
titleExample for use of Installation Script
Invoke-WebRequest `
    -Uri '' `
    -Outfile /tmp/patch-20220331-JS-1984-2.2.3.jar

./Install-JS7Joc.ps1 `
    -Jar /tmp/patch-20220331-JS-1984-2.2.3.jar `
    -Patch JS-1984 ` 
    -HomeDir /homeopt/ `
    -Data /var/ `
    -HttpPort 4446 `
    -JavaHome /opt/java/jdk-11.0.2+9 `
    -ExecStart StartService `
    -ExecStop StopService
# downloads the patch .jar file from the SOS Web Site using Invoke-WebRequest
# stores the patch .jar file to the JOC Cockpit's <data>/webapps/joc/WEB-INF/classes sub-directory
# stops and starts the JOC Cockpit's systemd service
