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titleAgent Installer Script:
Usage: [Options] [Switches]

  Installation Options:
    --home=<directory>                 | required: directory to which the Agent will be installed
    --data=<directory>                 | optional: directory for Agent data files, default: <home>/var_4445
    --config=<directory>               | optional: directory from which the Agent reads configuration files, default: <data>/config
    --logs=<directory>                 | optional: directory to which the Agent writes log files, default: <data>/logs
    --work=<directory>                 | optional: working directory of the Agent, default: <data>
    --user=<account>                   | optional: user account for Agent daemon, default: $USER
    --release=<release-number>         | optional: release number such as 2.5.0 for download if --tarball is not used
    --tarball=<tar-gz-archive>         | optional: the path to a .tar.gz archive that holds the Agent installation or patch tarball,
                                       |           if not specified the Agent tarball will be downloaded from the SOS web site
    --patch=<issue-key>                | optional: identifies a patch for an existing Agent installation
    --jar=<jar-file>                   | optional: the path to a .jar file that holds the patch
    --instance-script=<file>           | optional: path to the Instance Start Script that will be copied to the Agent, default <home>/bin/<instance-script>
    --backup-dir=<directory>           | optional: backup directory for existing Agent home directory
    --log-dir=<directory>              | optional: log directory for log output of this script
    --exec-start=<command>             | optional: command to start the Agent, e.g. 'StartService'
    --exec-stop=<command>              | optional: command to stop the Agent, e.g. 'StopService'
    --return-values=<file>             | optional: path to a file that holds return values such as the path to a log file

  Configuration Options:
    --deploy-dir=<dir>[,<dir>]         | optional: deployment directory from which configuration files are copied to the Agent
    --agent-conf=<file>                | optional: path to a configuration file that will be copied to <config>/agent.conf
    --private-conf=<file>              | optional: path to a configuration file that will be copied to <config>/private/private.conf
    --http-port=<port>                 | optional: specifies the http port the Agent will be operated for, default: 4445
                                                   port can be prefixed by network interface, e.g. localhost:4445
    --https-port=<port>                | optional: specifies the https port the Agent will be operated for
                                                   port can be prefixed by network interface, e.g.
    --pid-file-dir=<directory>         | optional: directory to which the Agent writes its PID file, default: <data>/logs
    --pid-file-name=<file-name>        | optional: file name used by the Agent to write its PID file, default:
    --controller-id=<identifier>       | optional: Controller ID, default: controller
    --controller-primary-cert=<file>   | optional: path to Primary/Standalone Controller certificate file
    --controller-secondary-cert=<file> | optional: path to Secondary Controller certificate file
    --keystore=<file>                  | optional: path to a PKCS12 keystore file that will be copied to <config>/private/
    --keystore-password=<password>     | optional: password for access to keystore
    --keystore-alias=<alias-name>      | optional: alias name for keystore entry
    --truststore=<file>                | optional: path to a PKCS12 truststore file that will be copied to <config>/private/
    --truststore-password=<password>   | optional: password for access to truststore password
    --java-home=<directory>            | optional: Java Home directory for use with the Instance Start Script
    --java-options=<options>           | optional: Java Options for use with the Instance Start Script
    --service-dir=<directory>          | optional: systemd service directory, default: /usr/lib/systemd/system
    --service-file=<file>              | optional: path to a systemd service file that will be copied to <home>/bin/<file>
    --service-name=<identifier>        | optional: name of the systemd service to be created, default js7_agent_<http-port>

    -h | --help                        | displays usage
    --no-yade                          | excludes YADE from Agent installation
    --no-install                       | skips Agent installation, performs configuration updates only
    --use-install                      | uses existing Agent installation, populates data directory and creates service
    --uninstall                        | uninstalls Agent and removes <home> and <data> directories
    --uninstall_home                   | uninstalls Agent and removes <home> directory only
    --uninstall_data                   | uninstalls Agent and removes <data> directory only
    --show-logs                        | shows log output of the script
    --make-dirs                        | creates the specified directories if they do not exist
    --make-service                     | creates the systemd service for the Agent
    --move-libs                        | moves an existing Agent's lib directory instead of removing the directory
    --remove-journal                   | removes an existing Agent's state directory that holds the journal files
    --restart                          | stops a running Agent and starts the Agent after installation
    --abort                            | aborts a running Agent if used with the --restart switch
    --kill                             | kills a running Agent if used with the --restart switch 


  • --deploy-dir
    • Specifies the path to a deployment directory that holds configuration files and sub-directories that will be copied to the <config> folder. A deployment directory allows to manage central copies of configuration files such as agent.conf, private.conf, log4j2.xml etc.
    • Use of a deployment directory has lower precedence as files can be overwritten by individual options such as --agent-conf, --private-conf etc.
  • --agent-conf
    • Specifies the path to a configuration file for global JS7 - Agent Configuration Items. The file will be copied to the <config>/agent.conf file.
    • Any path to a file can be used as a value of this option, however, the target file name agent.conf will be used.
  • --private-conf
    • Specifies the path to a configuration file for private JS7 - Agent Configuration Items. The file will be copied to the <config>/private/private.conf file.
    • Any path to a file can be used as a value of this option, however, the target file name private.conf will be used.
  • --controller-id
    • Specifies the Controller ID, a unique identifier of the Controller installation. Agents will be dedicated to the Controller with the given Controller ID.
    • The Controller ID is used in the Agent's private.conf file to specify which Controller can access a given Agent.
  • --controller-primary-cert
    • Specifies the path to the SSL/TLS certificate of the Primary Controller Instance. The Agent Installation Script extracts the distinguished name from the given certificate and adds it to the Agent's private.conf file to allow HTTPS connections from the given Controller using mutual authentication without the need for passwords.
  • --controller-secondary-cert
    • Corresponds to the --controller-primary-cert option and is used for the Secondary Controller Instance.
  • --keystore
    • Specifies the path to a PKCS12 keystore file that holds the private key and certificate for HTTPS connections to the Agent.
    • Users are free to specify any file name, typically the name https-keystore.p12 is used. The keystore file will be copied to the <config>/private directory.
    • If a keystore file is made available then the Agent's <config>/private/private.conf file has to hold a reference to the keystore location and optionally the keystore password. It is therefore recommended to use the --private-conf option to deploy an individual private.conf file that holds settings related to a keystore.
    • For automating the creation of keystores see JS7 - How to add SSL TLS Certificates to Keystore and Truststore.
  • --keystore-password
    • Specifies the password for access to the keystore. Use of a keystore password is required.
    • Consider use of quotes when specifying the password.
  • --keystore-alias
    • If a keystore holds more than one private key, for example if separate pairs of private keys/certificates for server authentication and client authentication exist, then it is not determined which private key/certificate will be used. The alias name of a given private key/certificate is specified when the entry is added to the keystore. The alias name allows to indicate a specific private key/certificate to be used.
  • --truststore
    • Specifies the path to a PKCS12 truststore file that holds the certificate(s) for HTTPS connections to the Agent using mutual authentication .
    • Users are free to specify any file name, typically the name https-truststore.p12 is used. The truststore file will be copied to the <config>/private directory.
    • If a truststore file is made available then the Agent's <config>/private/private.conf file has to hold a reference to the truststore location and optionally the truststore password. It is therefore recommended to use the --private-conf option to deploy an individual private.conf file that holds settings related to a truststore.
    • For automating the creation of truststores see JS7 - How to add SSL TLS Certificates to Keystore and Truststore.
  • --truststore-password
    • Specifies the password for access to the truststore. Use of a password is recommended as it is not primarily intended to protect access to the truststore. The password is intended to allow verification that truststore entries have been added using the same password.
    • Consider use of quotes when specifying the password.
  • --java-home
    • Specifies the Java home directory that will be made available to the Agent from the JAVA_HOME environment variable specified with the Agent Instance Start Script typically available from the ./bin/agent_<http-port>.sh script.
  • --java-options
    • Specifies the Java options that will be made available to the Agent from the JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable specified with the Agent Instance Start Script typically available from the ./bin/agent_<http-port>.sh script.
    • Java options can be used for example to specify Java heap space settings for the Agent.
    • If more than one Java option is used then the value has to be quoted, for example --java-options="-Xms256m -Xmx512m".
  • --service-dir
    • Specifies the systemd service directory to which the Agent's service file will be copied if the --make-service switch is used.
    • By default the a/usr/lib/systemd/system will be used. Users can specify an alternative location.
  • --service-file
    • Specifies the path to a systemd service file that acts as a template and that will be copied to the Agent's <home>/bin directory. Users are free to choose any file name as a template for the service file. The resulting service file name will be agent_<http-port>.service.
    • The Agent Installation Script will perform replacements in the service file to update paths and the port to be used, for details see ./bin/agent.service-example.
  • --service-name
    • Specifies the name of the systemd service that will be created if the --make-service switch is used.
    • By default the service name js7_agent_<http-port> will be used.
