Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.


  • JS7 - Download offers current releases of the product for download. For initial installation see JS7 - Installation
  • Any updates or upgrades are performed using the installation archive .tar.gz/.zip files provided for initial installation of newer releases. Instructions provided by the JS7 - Installation section apply to updates and upgrades.
  • JS7 follows semantic versioning, therefore the wording is applied as follows:
    • JS7 - Update to newer JS7 maintenance releases: switch to a maintenance release within the same branch, for example within minor release 2.2
      • update from 2.2.1 to 2.2.2
      • update from 2.2.0 to 2.2.2 (the latest maintenance release includes any fixes of previous maintenance releases)
    • Upgrade to newer JS7 releases: switch to a newer minor release, for example from minor release 2.1 to 2.2
      • upgrade from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0
      • upgrade from 2.1.1 to 2.2.2



Before updating users should identify the version in use by JS7 Components and the indicated compatibility, see JS7 - Compatibility Indicator.


  • For any upgrade most upgrades the JOC Cockpit , and the Controller and Agents are required to use the same minor release, for example 2.2.
  • Existing Agents cannot can continue to be operated with newer Controller releases across different minor releaseswithin the same minor release, for example 2.2.
    • An older Agent maintenance version 2.2.1 will work with a Controller maintenance release 2.2.2.
    • A newer Agent minor version cannot be used with an older Controller minor version: for example, an Agent 2.2 will not work with a Controller 2.1.
    • An older Agent minor version cannot be used with newer Controller minor versions: for example, an Agent 2.1 will not work with a Controller 2.2.

The above rules generally apply. However, such rules can differ for specific minor/maintenance releases.

The information of the JS7 - Compatibility Indicator about compatibility is authoritative.

Order of Components

  • In a first step update JOC Cockpit.
  • In a second step update Controller and Agents.


  • Consider instructions from JS7 - JOC Cockpit Installation On Premises.
  • Take a backup of the JOC Cockpit's installation directory.
  • Automated Upgrade
  • Manual Upgrade
    • Extract the installer archive .tar.gz/.zip file. This will create a sub-directory that includes the maintenance release number, for example joc.2.2.2.
      • Users basically can re-use an existing joc_install.xml installer response file from a previous installation, however, users should check for changes, for example new or changed installer options that are available from the joc_install.xml file after extraction of the installer archive. If in doubt copy settings from a previous joc_install.xml file to the new version of this file.
      • Consider to copy additional resources to the directory of the extracted installer archive, for example to joc.2.2.2
        • any JDBC Drivers that you downloaded individually for installation with a previous JOC Cockpit release,
        • the Hibernate configuration file that holds the database connection and that has been used for a previous installation,
        • the JS7 license key *.pem file if JS7 is operated with a Commercial License. 
    • Stop the JOC Cockpit daemon (Linux) or service (Windows).
    • Take a backup of the JS7 - Database schema. During upgrade changes to the database schema might be applied that prevent to rollback to the previous JOC Cockpit release.
    • Run the JOC Cockpit installer
      • Invoke the installer script in the same way as for installation of a previous release, for example
        • ./|.cmd joc_install.xml
        • ./|.cmd -u joc_install.xml
    • Start the JOC Cockpit daemon (Linux) or service (Windows)


  • Consider instructions from JS7 - Controller Installation On Premises.
  • Take a backup of the Controller instance's installation directory.
  • Suspend all orders.
  • Automated Upgrade
  • Manual Upgrade
    • Extract the installer archive .tar.gz/.zip file from a neutral directory not related to the current Controller installation. This will create a sub-directory that includes the maintenance release number, for example controller.2.2.2.
    • Stop the Controller.
      • Standalone Controller
        • Stop the Controller instance.
      • Controller Cluster
        • Take a note which Controller instance is the active node when stopping Controller instances.
        • Stop both Controller instances.
        • Stop the Cluster Watch Agent.
    • From the existing Controller installation directory move or remove the lib directory.
    • Copy the lib and bin sub-directories from the extracted installer archive to the Controller instance's installation directory. This will replace the previous lib sub-directory and will overwrite the existing bin sub-directory from the new release. The Controller's instance start script that can contain individual settings, is not included with the installation archive and therefore will not be overwritten, see JS7 - Controller - Command Line Operation.
      • For a Controller Cluster consider to perform this step for both Controller instances.
  • For a Controller Cluster update the Cluster Watch Agent as explained below and start the Cluster Watch Agent.
  • Start the Controller. For a Controller Cluster start both Controller instances.
  • Resume all orders.


  • Consider instructions from JS7 - Agent Installation On Premises.
  • Take a backup of the Agent's installation directory.
  • Suspend all orders related to the Agent in question.
  • Automated Upgrade
  • Manual Upgrade
    • Extract the installer archive .tar.gz/.zip file from a neutral directory not related to the current Agent installation. This will create a sub-directory that includes the maintenance release number, for example agent.2.2.2.
    • Stop the Agent.
    • From the existing Agent installation directory move or remove the lib directory.
    • Copy the lib and bin sub-directories from the extracted installer archive to the Agent's installation directory. This will replace the previous lib sub-directory and will overwrite the existing bin sub-directory from the new release. The Agent's instance start script that can contain individual settings is not included with the installer archive and therefore will not be overwritten, see JS7 - Controller - Command Line Operation.
    • Start the Agent.
  • Resume orders for the related Agent.
