Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Install Controller for Unix

Install or Update from Download

Code Block
titleExample for use of Installation Script
#!/usr/bin/env pwsh

./Install-JS7Controller.ps1 `
    -HomeDir "/opthome/" `
    -DataControllerId "/var/" `
    -Tarball /mnt/releases/scheduler_setups/current/js7_controller_unix.2.5.2.tar.gzHttpPort 4444 `
    -ControllerId "jobscheduler" `
    -HttpPort 4444 `
    -ExecStart StartService `
    -ExecStop StopService `
    -MakeService `
    -JavaHome "/opt/java/jdk-11.0.2+9" `

# Installs the Controller from the given tarball
# Operates the Controller for HTTP port 4444 running in the current user account
# Specifies Java from the given location
# Creates the Controller's systemd service

Install Controller for Windows

Install Controller for HTTP Connections


# downloads the Controller release tarball from the SOS Web Site
# creates the home directory if it does not exist
# specifies the Controller ID that is a unique identifier:
#   in a Controller Cluster all Controller instances use the same Controller ID
#   for Standalone Controller instances each instance requires a unique Controller ID
# extracts the tarball to the Controller's home directory
# operates the Controller for HTTP port 4444

Install or Update from Tarball

Code Block
titleExample for use of Installation Script
./Install-JS7Controller.ps1 `
    -HomeDir "C:\Program Files\Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '\js7\controller" `
    -Data "C:\ProgramData\\js7\controller\jobscheduler"/JobScheduler.2.5/js7_controller_unix.2.5.2.tar.gz' -Outfile /tmp/js7_controller_unix.2.5.2.tar.gz

./Install-JS7Controller.ps1 `
    -Tarball "C:\js7\downloads\js7/tmp/js7_controller_windowsunix.2.5.2.tar.zipgz `
    -HomeDir /home/sos/controller `
    -ControllerId "jobschedulercontroller" `
     -HttpPort 4444 `
    -ExecStart StartService `
    -ExecStop StopService `
    -MakeService `
     -ServiceCredentials ( New-Object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList '.\sos', ( 'sos' | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force) ) `
# Installs the Controller from the indicated .zip archive
# Creates the Controller's Windows Service for the local account ".\sos" using the password "sos"
# There are alternative ways how to avoid passwords from being specified in plain text
# Stops the Controller's Windows Service before installation and starts the service after installation



# downloads the Controller release tarball from the SOS Web Site using Invoke-WebRequest
# creates the home directory if it does not exist
# specifies the Controller ID that is a unique identifier:
#   in a Controller Cluster all Controller instances use the same Controller ID
#   for Standalone Controller instances each instance requires a unique Controller ID
# extracts the tarball to the Controller's home directory
# operates the Controller for HTTP port 4444

Install or Update for separate Home and Data Directories

Code Block
titleExample for use of Installation Script
./Install-JS7Controller.ps1 `
    -HomeDir "C:\Program Files\/opt/\/js7\/controller" `
    -Data "C:\ProgramData\/var/\/js7\/controller\jobscheduler" `
      -TarballControllerId "C:\js7\downloads\" `
    -ControllerIdHttpPort "jobscheduler"4444 `
    -HttpPort localhost:4444 `
    -HttpsPort 44443 `
    -PrivateConf "C:\js7\templates\private.conf-template-controller" `
    -JocPrimaryCert "C:\js7\certs\wintest-primary-joc.crt" `
    -Keystore "C:\js7\keys\https-keystore.pfx" `
    -KeystorePassword ('jobscheduler' | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force) `
    -KeyAlias "wintest-primary-controller" ` 
    -Truststore "C:\js7\certs\https-truststore.pfx" `
    -TruststorePassword ('jobscheduler' | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force) ` 
    -ExecStart StartService `
    -ExecStop StopService MakeDirs

# downloads the Controller release tarball from the SOS Web Site
# suggests use of separate home and data directories for configuration data, log data etc.
# creates the home and data directories if they do not exist
# extracts the tarball to the Controller's home directory
# populates the data directory from initial configuration files
# operates the Controller for HTTP port 4444

Install or Update from Download with Commercial License

Code Block
titleExample for use of Installation Script
./Install-JS7Controller.ps1 `
    -MakeServiceRelease 2.5.2 `
    -HomeDir /home/sos/controller `

# Installs the Controller from the indicated tarball
# Limits the HTTP port to the localhost network interface, makes the HTTPS port available for any network interfaces
# Applies a template file for SSL/TLS related settings that is automatically updated from arguments to the installation script
# Specifies the server certificate location of the JOC Cockpit instance that is used to manage the Controller
# Makes use of a keystore in PKCS12 format with the given alias name and password and a truststore respectively

Find an example for a private.conf template file for download: private.conf-template-controller


Patch Controller for Linux

Patch Controller from Download

   -ControllerId "controller" `
    -HttpPort 4444 `
    -LicenseKey /home/sos/controller-deployment/example.pem `

# downloads the Controller release tarball from the SOS Web Site
# downloads the binary file for licensed code to enable cluster operations
# creates the home directory if it does not exist
# extracts the tarball to the Controller's home directory
# installs the license key file and binary file for licensed code
# operates the Controller for HTTP port 4444

Install or Update from .zip Archive with Commercial License

Code Block
titleExample for use of Installation Script
#!/usr/bin/env pwsh

./Install-JS7Controller.ps1 `
    -HomeDir /opt/Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '' -Outfile /tmp/js7_controller_unix.2.5.2.tar.gz
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ' `
    -HttpPort 4444 -license.jar' -Outfile /tmp/js7-license.jar

./Install-JS7Controller.ps1 `
    -Release Tarball /tmp/js7_controller_unix.2.5.2.tar.3gz `
    -HomeDir /home/sos/controller `
    -Patch JS-1984ControllerId "controller" `

# Patches the Controller by downloading the indicated patch for the given release HttpPort 4444 `
    -LicenseKey /home/sos/controller-deployment/example.pem `
    -LicenseBin /tmp/js7-license.jar `

# downloads the Controller release tarball from the SOS Web Site using Invoke-WebRequest
# Restartsdownloads the binary systemd service

Patch Controller from Tarball

Code Block
titleExample for use of Installation Script
#!/usr/bin/env pwsh

./Install-JS7Controller.ps1 `
    -HomeDir /opt/ `
    -HttpPort 4444 `
    -Tarball  /tmp/js7_controller_unix.2.2.3.JS-1984.tar.gz `
    -Patch JS-1984 `

# Patches the Controller from a previously downloaded patch tarball
# Restarts the systemd service

Patch Controller for Windows

file for licensed code to enable cluster operations
# creates the home directory if it does not exist
# extracts the tarball to the Controller's home directory
# installs the license key file and binary file for licensed code
# operates the Controller for HTTP port 4444

Install or Update and Stop/Start using systemd


Code Block
titleExample for use of Installation Script
./Install-JS7Controller.ps1 `
    -HomeDir "C:\Program Files\Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '\js7\controller" `
    -HttpPort 4444 /JobScheduler.2.5/js7_controller_unix.2.5.2.tar.gz' -Outfile /tmp/js7_controller_unix.2.5.2.tar.gz

./Install-JS7Controller.ps1 `
    -Release Tarball /tmp/js7_controller_unix.2.5.2.tar.3gz `
     -Patch JS-1984HomeDir /home/sos/controller `

# Patches the Controller by downloading the indicated patch for the given releaseControllerId "controller" `
    -HttpPort 4444 `
    -ExecStart StartService `
    -ExecStop StopService `
    -MakeService `

# downloads the release tarball from the SOS Web Site using Invoke-WebRequest
# Restartsextracts the Controller's Windows Service to apply the patch


tarball to the Controller's home directory
# creates the Controller's systemd service
# stops and starts the Controller's systemd service
# operates the Controller for HTTP port 4444

Install or Update and Stop/Start using individual Commands

Code Block
titleExample for use of Installation Script
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '' -Outfile /tmp/js7_controller_unix.2.5.2.tar.gz

./Install-JS7Controller.ps1 `
    -Tarball /tmp/js7_controller_unix.2.5.2.tar.gz `
    -HomeDir /home/sos/controller `
    -ControllerId "jobscheduler" `
    -HttpPort 4444 `
    -ExecStart "sudo systemctl start js7_controller_jobscheduler" `
    -ExecStop "sudo systemctl stop js7_controller_jobscheduler" `
    -MakeService `

# downloads the release tarball from the SOS Web Site using Invoke-WebRequest
# extracts the tarball to the Controller's home directory
# creates the Controller's systemd service
# stops and starts the Controller instance by use of individual commands
# operates the Controller for HTTP port 4444

Install or Update and Stop/Start using Instance Start Script

Code Block
titleExample for use of Installation Script
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '' -Outfile /tmp/js7_controller_unix.2.5.2.tar.gz

./Install-JS7Controller.ps1 `
    -Tarball /tmp/js7_controller_unix.2.5.2.tar.gz `
    -HomeDir /home/sos/controller `
    -ControllerId "controller" `
    -HttpPort 4444 `
    -Restart `
    -MakeService `

# downloads the release tarball from the SOS Web Site using Invoke-WebRequest
# extracts the tarball to the Controller's home directory
# creates the Controller's systemd service
# stops and starts the Controller from its instance start script <home>/bin/
# operates the Controller for HTTP port 4444

Install or Update using Java Home and Java Options

Code Block
titleExample for use of Installation Script
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '' -Outfile /tmp/js7_controller_unix.2.5.2.tar.gz

./Install-JS7Controller.ps1 `
    -Tarball /tmp/js7_controller_unix.2.5.2.tar.gz `
    -HomeDir /home/sos/controller `
    -ControllerId "controller" `
    -HttpPort 4444 `
    -JavaHome /opt/java/jdk-11.0.2+9 `
    -JavaOptions "-Xmx512m -Xms256m" `
    -Restart `

# downloads the release tarball from the SOS Web Site using Invoke-WebRequest
# extracts the tarball to the Controller's home directory
# specifies the Java version and Java options to be used
# stops and starts the Controller from its instance start script <home>/bin/
# operates the Controller for HTTP port 4444

Install or Update and Apply Certificates for HTTPS Connections

Code Block
titleExample for use of Installation Script
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '' -Outfile /tmp/js7_controller_unix.2.5.2.tar.gz

./Install-JS7Controller.ps1 `
    -Tarball tmp/js7_controller_unix.2.5.2.tar.gz `
    -HomeDir /home/sos/controller `
    -ControllerId "controller" `
    -HttpPort localhost:4444 `
    -HttpsPort `
    -PrivateConf /home/sos/controller-deployment/private.conf `
    -JocPrimaryCert /home/sos/controller-deployment/centostest-primary.crt `
    -JocSecondaryCert /home/sos/controller-deployment/centostest-secondary.crt `
    -Keystore /home/sos/controller-deployment/https-keystore.p12 `
    -KeystorePassword ('jobscheduler' | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force) `
    -Truststore /home/sos/controller-deployment/https-truststore.p12 `
    -TruststorePassword ('jobscheduler' | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force) ` 
    -Restart `
    -MakeService `

# downloads the release tarball from the SOS Web Site using Invoke-WebRequest
# extracts the tarball to the Controller's home directory
# specifies the Controller ID
# specifies HTTP port 4444 on the localhost network interface and the same HTTPS port on the server network interface
# specifies the paths to the Primary and Secondary JOC Cockpit's server certificates if a JOC Cockpit Cluster is used
#     for a Standalone JOC Cockpit the -JocSecondaryCert argument is omitted
# deploys the Controller private configuration file which holds references to keystore and truststore
# deploys keystore and truststore files in PKCS12 format 
# stops and starts the Controller's systemd service


  • For details about certificates and HTTPS connections see JS7 - Controller HTTPS Connections.
  • The private.conf configuration file holds references to the Controller's certificate in order to verify the connection from the Controller using HTTPS mutual authentication.
  • Users have a choice how to provide the required configuration:
    • The Agent Installation Script performs replacements of placeholders in the private.conf configuration file from option values, for details see chapter Replacements.
    • Users can manually adjust configuration items in the private.conf file that they specify for the Agent Installation Script., see JS7 - Controller Configuration Items.

Renew Certificates for HTTPS Connections

Code Block
titleExample for use of Installation Script
./Install-JS7Controller.ps1 `
    -HomeDir /home/sos/controller `
    -ControllerId "controller" `
    -HttpPort localhost:4444 `
    -HttpsPort `
    -PrivateConf /home/sos/controller-deployment/private.conf `
    -JocPrimaryCert /home/sos/controller-deployment/centostest-primary.crt `
    -JocSecondaryCert /home/sos/controller-deployment/centostest-secondary.crt `
    -Keystore /home/sos/controller-deployment/https-keystore.p12 `
    -KeystorePassword ('jobscheduler' | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force) `
    -Truststore /home/sos/controller-deployment/https-truststore.p12 `
    -TruststorePassword ('jobscheduler' | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force) ` 
    -Restart `
    -MakeService `

# performs no installation but certificate renewal only
# specifies the Controller ID
# specifies HTTP port 4444 on the localhost network interface and the same HTTPS port on the server network interface
# specifies the paths to the Primary and Secondary JOC Cockpit's server certificates if a JOC Cockpit Cluster is used
#     for a Standalone JOC Cockpit the -JocSecondaryCert argument is omitted
# deploys the Controller private configuration file which holds references to keystore and truststore
# deploys keystore and truststore files in PKCS12 format
# stops and starts the Controller's systemd service

Install Controller for Windows

Install or Update from Download

Code Block
titleExample for use of Installation Script
./Install-JS7Controller.ps1 `
    -HomeDir "C:\Program Files\\js7\controller" `
    -Data "C:\ProgramData\\js7\controller" ` 
    -ControllerId "controller" `
    -HttpPort 4444 `

# downloads the Controller release tarball from the SOS Web Site
# creates the home and data directories if they do not exist
# specifies the Controller ID that is a unique identifier:
#   in a Controller Cluster all Controller instances use the same Controller ID
#   for Standalone Controller instances each instance requires a unique Controller ID
# extracts the tarball to the Controller's home directory
# operates the Controller for HTTP port 4444

Install or Update from .zip Archive

Code Block
titleExample for use of Installation Script
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '' -Outfile C:\tmp\

./Install-JS7Controller.ps1 `
    -Tarball "C:\tmp\ `
    -HomeDir "C:\Program Files\\js7\controller" `
    -Data "C:\ProgramData\\js7\controller" `
    -ControllerId "controller" `
    -HttpPort 4444 `
# downloads the Controller release tarball from the SOS Web Site using Invoke-WebRequest
# creates the home and data directories if they do not exist
# specifies the Controller ID that is a unique identifier:
#   in a Controller Cluster all Controller instances use the same Controller ID
#   for Standalone Controller instances each instance requires a unique Controller ID
# extracts the tarball to the Controller's home directory
# operates the Controller for HTTP port 4444

Install or Update from Download with Commercial License

Code Block
titleExample for use of Installation Script
./Install-JS7Controller.ps1 `
    -Release 2.5.2 `
    -HomeDir "C:\Program Files\\js7\controller" `
    -Data "C:\ProgramData\\js7\controller" `
    -ControllerId "controller" `
    -HttpPort 4444 `
    -LicenseKey "C:\js7\controller-deployment\example.pem `

# downloads the Controller release tarball from the SOS Web Site
# downloads the binary file for licensed code to enable cluster operations
# creates the home directory if it does not exist
# extracts the tarball to the Controller's home directory
# installs the license key file and binary file for licensed code
# operates the Controller for HTTP port 4444

Install or Update from .zip Archive with Commercial License

Code Block
titleExample for use of Installation Script
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '' -Outfile C:\tmp\
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '' -Outfile C:\tmp\js7-license.jar

./Install-JS7Controller.ps1 `
    -Tarball "C:\tmp\" `
    -HomeDir "C:\Program Files\\js7\controller" `
    -Data "C:\ProgramData\\js7\controller" `
    -ControllerId "controller" `
    -HttpPort 4444 `
    -LicenseKey "C:\js7\controller-deployment\example.pem" `
    -LicenseBin "C:\tmp\js7-liclense.jar" ` 

# downloads the Controller release tarball from the SOS Web Site using Invoke-WebRequest
# downloads the binary file for licensed code to enable cluster operations
# creates the home directory if it does not exist
# extracts the tarball to the Controller's home directory
# installs the license key file and binary file for licensed code
# operates the Controller for HTTP port 4444

Install or Update and Stop/Start using Windows Service

Code Block
titleExample for use of Installation Script
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '' -Outfile C:\tmp\

./Install-JS7Controller.ps1 `
    -Tarball "C:\tmp\" `
    -HomeDir "C:\Program Files\\js7\controller" `
    -Data "C:\ProgramData\\js7\controller" `
    -ControllerId "controller" `
    -HttpPort 4444 `
    -MakeService `
    -Restart `

# downloads the release tarball from the SOS Web Site using Invoke-WebRequest
# extracts the tarball to the Controller's home directory
# creates the Controller's Windows service that is running in the system account
# stops and starts the Controller's Windows service
# operates the Controller for HTTP port 4444

Install or Update and Stop/Start using Windows Service and specific Account

Code Block
titleExample for use of Installation Script
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '' -Outfile C:\tmp\

./Install-JS7Controller.ps1 `
    -Tarball "C:\tmp\" `
    -HomeDir "C:\Program Files\\js7\controller" `
    -Data "C:\ProgramData\\js7\controller" `
    -ControllerId "controller" `
    -HttpPort 4444 `
    -ServiceCredentials ( New-Object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList '.\sos', ( 'secret' | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force) ) `
    -MakeService `
    -Restart `

# downloads the release tarball from the SOS Web Site using Invoke-WebRequest
# extracts the tarball to the Controller's home directory
# creates the Controller's Windows service that is running in the local account '.\sos' using the password 'secret'
#    credentials can be specified in a number of ways
# stops and starts the Controller's Windows service
# operates the Controller for HTTP port 4444

Install or Update using Java Home and Java Options

Code Block
titleExample for use of Installation Script
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '' -Outfile C:\tmp\

./Install-JS7Controller.ps1 `
    -Tarball "C:\tmp\ `
    -HomeDir "C:\Program Files\\js7\controller" `
    -Data "C:\ProgramData\\js7\controller\" `
    -ControllerId "controller" `
    -HttpPort 4444 `
    -JavaHome "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.2+9" `
    -JavaOptions "-Xmx512m -Xms256m" `
    -MakeService `
    -Restart `

# downloads the release tarball from the SOS Web Site using Invoke-WebRequest
# extracts the tarball to the Controller's home directory
# specifies the Java version and Java options to be used
# stops and starts the Controller from its Windows service
# operates the Controller for HTTP port 4444

Install or Update and Apply Certificates for HTTPS Connections

Code Block
titleExample for use of Installation Script
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '' -Outfile C:\tmp\

./Install-JS7Controller.ps1 `
    -Tarball "C:\tmp\" `
    -HomeDir "C:\Program Files\\js7\controller" `
    -Data "C:\ProgramData\\js7\controller" `
    -ControllerId "controller" `
    -HttpPort localhost:4444 `
    -HttpsPort `
    -PrivateConf "C:\js7\controller-deployment\private.conf" `
    -JocPrimaryCert "C:\js7\controller-deployment\wintest-primary.crt" `
    -JocSecondaryCert "C:\js7\controller-deployment\wintest-secondary.crt" `
    -Keystore "C:\js7\controller-deployment\https-keystore.pfx" `
    -KeystorePassword ('jobscheduler' | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force) `
    -Truststore "C:\js7\controller-deployment\https-truststore.pfx" `
    -TruststorePassword ('jobscheduler' | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force) ` 
    -Restart `
    -MakeService `

# downloads the release tarball from the SOS Web Site using Invoke-WebRequest
# extracts the tarball to the Controller's home directory
# specifies the Controller ID
# specifies HTTP port 4444 on the localhost network interface and the same HTTPS port on the server network interface
# specifies the paths to the Primary and Secondary JOC Cockpit's server certificates if a JOC Cockpit Cluster is used
#     for a Standalone JOC Cockpit the -JocSecondaryCert argument is omitted
# deploys the Controller private configuration file which holds references to keystore and truststore
# deploys keystore and truststore files in PKCS12 format 
# stops and starts the Agent's Windows service


  • For details about certificates and HTTPS connections see JS7 - Controller HTTPS Connections.
  • The private.conf configuration file holds references to the Controller's certificate in order to verify the connection from the Controller using HTTPS mutual authentication.
  • Users have a choice how to provide the required configuration:
    • The Agent Installation Script performs replacements of placeholders in the private.conf configuration file from option values, for details see chapter Replacements.
    • Users can manually adjust configuration items in the private.conf file that they specify for the Agent Installation Script., see JS7 - Controller Configuration Items.

Renew Certificates for HTTPS Connections

Code Block
titleExample for use of Installation Script
./Install-JS7Controller.ps1 `
    -HomeDir "C:\Program Files\\js7\controller" `
    -Data "C:\ProgramData\\js7\controller" `
    -ControllerId "controller" `
    -HttpPort localhost:4444 `
    -HttpsPort `
    -PrivateConf "C:\js7\controller-deployment\private.conf" `
    -JocPrimaryCert "C:\js7\controller-deployment\wintest-primary.crt" `
    -JocSecondaryCert "C:\js7\controller-deployment\wintest-secondary.crt" `
    -Keystore "C:\js7\controller-deployment\https-keystore.pfx" `
    -KeystorePassword ('jobscheduler' | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force) `
    -Truststore "C:\js7\controller-deployment\https-truststore.pfx" `
    -TruststorePassword ('jobscheduler' | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force) ` 
    -Restart `

# performs no installation but certificate renewal only
# specifies the Controller ID
# specifies HTTP port 4444 on the localhost network interface and the same HTTPS port on the server network interface
# specifies the paths to the Primary and Secondary JOC Cockpit's server certificates if a JOC Cockpit Cluster is used
#     for a Standalone JOC Cockpit the -JocSecondaryCert argument is omitted
# deploys the Controller private configuration file which holds references to keystore and truststore
# deploys keystore and truststore files in PKCS12 format
# stops and starts the Agent's Windows service


Patch Controller for Linux

Patch Controller from Download

Code Block
titleExample for use of Installation Script
./Install-JS7Controller.ps1 `
    -Release 2.2.3 `
    -Patch JS-1984 `
    -HomeDir /home/sos/controller `
    -HttpPort 4444 `

# downloads the patch tarball from the SOS Web Site
# extracts the patch tarball to the Controller's home directory
# stores the patch files to the Controller's <home>/lib/patches sub-directory
# stops and starts the Controller's systemd service

Patch Controller from Tarball

Code Block
titleExample for use of Installation Script
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '' -Outfile /tmp/js7_controller_unix.2.2.3.JS-1984.tar.gz

./Install-JS7Controller.ps1 `
    -Tarball  /tmp/js7_controller_unix.2.2.3.JS-1984.tar.gz ` 
    -Patch JS-1984 `
    -HomeDir /home/sos/controller `
    -HttpPort 4444 `

# downloads the patch tarball from the SOS Web Site using Invoke-WebRequest
# extracts the patch tarball to the Controller's home directory
# stores the patch files to the Controller's <home>/lib/patches sub-directory
# stops and starts the Controller's systemd service

Patch Controller for Windows

Patch Controller from Download

Code Block
titleExample for use of Installation Script
./Install-JS7Controller.ps1 `
    -Release 2.2.3 `
    -Patch JS-1984 `
    -HomeDir "C:\Program Files\\js7\controller" `
    -HttpPort 4444 `

# downloads the patch tarball from the SOS Web Site
# extracts the patch tarball to the Controller's home directory
# stores the patch files to the Controller's <home>\lib\patches sub-directory
# stops and starts the Controller's Windows Service

Patch Controller from .zip Archive

Code Block
titleExample for use of Installation Script
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '' -Outfile C:\tmp\

./Install-JS7Controller.ps1 `
    -Tarball "C:\tmp\downloads\" `
    -Patch JS-1984./Install-JS7Controller.ps1 `
    -HomeDir "C:\Program Files\\js7\controller" `
    -HttpPort 4444 `
    -Tarball "C:\js7\downloads\" `
    -Patch JS-1984 `

# Patches the Controller using the previously downloaded .zip archive
# RestartsRestart

# downloads the patch tarball from the SOS Web Site using Invoke-WebRequest
# extracts the patch tarball to the Controller's home directory
# stores the patch files to the Controller's <home>\lib\patches sub-directory
# stops and starts the Controller's Windows Service to apply the patch


Uninstall Controller for Linux

Code Block
titleExample for use of Installation Script
#!/usr/bin/env pwsh

./Install-JS7Controller.ps1 `
    -HomeDir "/opt/" `
    -Data "/var/`controller/jobscheduler" `
    -ControllerId "jobschedulercontroller" `
    -HttpPort 4445 `
    -ExecStop "StopService" `

# Uninstallsstops the Controller's using systemd to stop the Controller service
# Removesremoves the Controller's systemd service
# Removesremoves the home directory and data directory


Code Block
titleExample for use of Installation Script
./Install-JS7Controller.ps1 `
    -HomeDir "C:\Program Files\\js7\controller" `
    -Data "C:\ProgramData\\js7\controller\jobscheduler" `
    -ControllerId "jobschedulercontroller" `
    -HttpPort 4445 `
    -StopTimeoutExecStop 10StopService `

# Uninstallsstops the Controller's waiting for a maximum of 10s for the Controller to terminate before aborting the Controller
# Stops andWindows Service
# removes the Controller's Windows Service
# Removes the home directory and data directory
