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  • Name: A job name is required. No spaces are allowed and a number of characters are not allowed. 
  • Label: A label assigns a name to the workflow node that is assigned the job.
    • A job can be re-used in a workflow, however, the job label must be unique.
  • Agent: Assignment to an Agent is required.
  • Return Code: The meaning of the job's return code has to be specified. 
    • Return Codes
      • For shell jobs the OS exit code determines the return code. By default an exit code 0 signals success, any other exit codes signal failure.
      • For JVM jobs the return code is specified by the job implementation.
    • Values
      • Return Codes are integer values within the range from 0 to 9999.
      • A number of return codes can be specified separated by a comma. 
    • On Success / On Error
      • Either successful return codes can be specified or return codes signaling failure.
      • If a job terminates with a return code that is not indicated with the successful return codes or that is stated with return codes signaling failure then the job is considered to have failed. For further details see the section below on Error Handling.
      • JS7 - Notification is created for failed jobs.
    • On Warning
      • For return codes that signal warnings the job execution is considered successful and no error handling applies.
      • JS7 - Notification is created for jobs with raising warnings.
  • Executable Type: Allows the job implementation to be selected as a shell job or a JVM job.
    • For shell jobs the Job Property Editor displays the Script subtab and Environment Variables sub-tab.
    • For JVM jobs the Job Property Editor displays the Java subtab.
  • Script Sub-tab
    • This tab holds the input field for the job script. 

    • The right upper corner of this tab offers a pencil icon to invoke the script editor if more than a few commands are to be added to the job script:

    • The script editor offers resizing, syntax highlighting, capabilities for search & replace, undo & redo etc. Closing the script editor with the Submit button will add the script content to the script sub-tab.


  • Job options include the following configuration items:

  • Parallelism: Should more than one order pass the workflow at any given  time or should parallel child orders execute the same job, then this setting determines the maximum number of tasks that are available for the job. This limits parallelism of tasks to the specified number. If more than the specified number of tasks is requested then orders have to wait until a task becomes free.
  • Timeout / Grace Timeout: Specifies the maximum duration that a job should run.
    • If the timeout is exceeded then the Agent will send a SIGTERM signal to a shell job. This corresponds to executing the kill -15 command in Unix environments. The purpose of the SIGTERM signal is to let the job know that it should terminate and to leave it up to the job implementation to perform some cleanup tasks such as disconnecting from a database or removing temporary files.
    • After sending the SIGTERM signal the Agent will wait for the duration of the Grace Timeout to allow the task to complete. If the Grace Timeout is exceeded then the Agent will send a SIGKILL signal that will kill the task. This corresponds to executing the kill -9 command in Unix environments.
  • Warn on shorter execution: Specifies that a warning is created if job execution time falls below this limit. Jobs with warnings are considered successful and are not subject to error handling.
    • The setting can specify an absolute value in seconds, for example 3s.
      • Alternatively to specifying seconds the duration can be specified using the format hh:mm:ss, for example 01:30:00 for one and a half hours.
      • Alternatively to specifying absolute values a percentage can be specified that is calculated from successful past job executions. A value 30% indicates that a warning is raised if the execution time falls below the average by this ratio.
    • The job will raise a notification when falling below this limit.
  • Warn on longer execution: Specifies that a warning is created if job execution exceeds this limit. Jobs with warnings are considered successful and are not subject to error handling.
    • The setting can specify an absolute value in seconds, for example 3s.
      • Alternatively to specifying seconds the duration can be specified using the format hh:mm:ss, for example 01:30:00 for one and a half hours.
      • Alternatively to specifying absolute values a percentage can be specified that is calculated from successful past job executions. A value 30% indicates that a warning is raised if the execution time exceeds the average by this ratio.
    • The job will raise a notification when exceeding this limit.
  • Compatibility: For users of JobScheduler branch 1.x a compatibility mode is available.
    • For use of environment variables compatibility enables:
      • the automatic creation of environment variables for shell jobs from any available order variables and job arguments.
      • the use of the SCHEDULER_PARAM_ prefix for any environment variable created.
    • For use of job arguments the compatibility mode offers a corresponding tab.
  • Criticality: This option allows a level to be selected that can be used for monitoring purposes to prioritize alerts depending on a job's criticality.
  • Credential Key / Load User Profile: Specifies for jobs executed with Agents for Windows that the job should switch user context, see JS7 - Running Jobs as a different User.
  • Fail on output to stderr / Warn on output to stderr: Checks for output in the stderr channel and raises an error or a warning.
    • Fail: If output in the stderr channel is identified then an error is raised and the job is subject to error handling.
    • Warn: If output in the stderr channel is identified then the job run is considered successful and a warning is created.
    • In both situations a JS7 - Notification is created.
  • Skip job if no admission time / Show periods: Specifies that the job should be skipped if the order's daily plan date does not match the days specified with the JS7 - Admission Times for Jobs.
    • If the checkbox is no checked then the job will wait for the next admission time.
    • The  Show Periods link allows to manage the job's admission times.
  • Job options for JVM jobs do not offer all above options:
