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agents.<agent-id>.target: optional

  • target: object, optional
    • connection: object, required
      • host: string, required
        • The hostname/FQDN to which the Agent should be deployed.
      • port: number, optional
        • The port number used for SSH connections, default: 22.
    • authentication
      • method: string, required
        • Supported authentication methods include public/private key. The value publickey has to be specified.
      • user: string, required
      • keyFile: string, optional
        • The path to the private key file of the user account connecting to the target host, for example /home/sos/.ssh/id_rsa.
    • forceSudo: boolean, optional
    • packagingLocation: string, required
      • The path to a directory on the target host to which the deployment tarballs will be stored during rollout.
    • execPre: string, optional
      • Holds a command that will be executed on the target host before extraction of deployment tarballs has been performed.
      • Deployment scripts provide shell functions to start and to stop the systemd service for the Agent.
      • Specifying the command StopService will stop the Agent's systemd service. Users are free to specify commands at their will.
    • execPost: string, optional
      • Holds a command that will be executed on the target host after extraction of deployment tarballs has been performed.
      • Deployment scripts provide shell functions to start and to stop the systemd service for the Agent.
      • Specifying the command StartService will start the Agent's systemd service. Users are free to specify commands at their will.
    • makeService: boolean, optional
      • Specifies that a systemd service should be created or renewed for JS7 components such as the Agent. This includes that a service file will be created and will be stored to the relevant systemd service file directory. In addition, the service will be enabled for automated start-up and shutdown of the JS7 component.
    • serviceName: string, optional
      • Specifies the name of the systemd service and its corresponding service file that will be created if the makeService setting is active.
      • The Agent's systemd service file is created in the Agent's <home>/bin directory with the file name agent_<http-port>.service. By default the file will be copied to the systemd's /usr/lib/systemd/system directory with the file name js7_agent_<http-port>.service which results in the corresponding systemd service name. Users who wish to use a different service name can use this setting. If the indicated service name does not include the .service extension then it will be added.
    • serviceDir: string, optional
      • Specifies the location of the systemd directory for service files. By default the /usr/lib/systemd/system directory will be used. An alternative location is the /etc/systemd/system directory. Users are free to specify the systemd directory that is in place on the target host.



agents.<agent-id>.installation: required

  • installation: object, required
    • home: object, required
      • Path to the directory to which the Agent should be installed, for example /opt/
    • data: string, required
      • Path to the Agent's configuration directory, for example /var/
    • homeOwner: string, optional
    • dataOwner: string, optional
    • runUser: string, optional
    • httpPort: number, conditional
      • The HTTP port is used to control the Agent in the localhost network by its Instance Start Script.
      • Use of the port can be limited by specifying <network-interface>:<port>, for example: localhost:4445.
      • One of HTTP Port and/or HTTPS Port has to be specified.
    • httpsPort: number, conditional
      • The HTTPS port is used for access of a Controller to the Agent.
      • Use of the port can be limited by specifying <network-interface>:<port>, for example:
      • One of HTTP Port and/or HTTPS Port has to be specified.
    • javaHome: string, optional
      • Path to a Java JDK that is used to operate the Agent, see Which Java versions is JobScheduler available for?
      • If this setting is omitted then the Agent will try to identify the location of Java from the JAVA_HOME environment variable on the target host.
    • javaOptions: string, optional
      • Specifies the Java options used for the Agent, for example heap space settings as -Xmx256m., see JS7 - FAQ - Which Java Options are recommended.
      • If this setting is omitted then the Agent will try to identify Java options from the JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable on the target host.
