Versions Compared


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  • archive (holds Deployment Packages)
    • <deployment-descriptor> (specifies the Deployment Descriptor)
      • agents (holds Agent Deployment Packages)
        • <agent-id>(specifies the Agent ID)
          • js7_deploy_agent_unix.<agent-id>.<release>.config.tar.gz (Deployment Package for the Agent's configuration directory)
          • js7_deploy_agent_unix.<agent-id>.<release>.install.tar.gz (Deployment Package for the Agent's installation directory)
          • (deployment script)
          • (wrapper script for the parameterized call to
        • <agent-id>(specifies the Agent ID)
        • ...
      • controllers (holds Controller Deployment Packages)
        • <controller-id> (specifies the Controller ID)
          • <controller<instance-type> (specifies the type of the Controller instance which is primary or secondary
            • js7_deploy_controller_unix.<controller-id>.<controller<instance-type>.<release>.config.tar.gz (Deployment Package for the Controller instance's configuration directory)
            • js7_deploy_controller_unix.<controller-id>.<instance-type>.<release>.install.tar.gz (Deployment Package for the Controller instance's installation directory)
            • (deployment script)
            • (wrapper script for the parameterized call to
          • <instance-type> (specifies the type of the Controller instance which is primary or secondary
        • <controller-id> (specifies the Controller ID)
        • ...
      • joc (holds JOC Cockpit Deployment Packages)
        • <joc-id> (specifies the JOC Cockpit ID)
          • <instance-type> (specifies the type of the JOC Cockpit instance which is primary or secondary
            • js7_deploy_joc_linux.<joc-id>.<instance-type>.<release>.config.tar.gz (Deployment Package for the JOC Cockpit instance's configuration directory)
            • js7_deploy_joc_linux.<joc-id>.<instance-type>.<release>.install.tar.gz (Deployment Package for the Controller JOC Cockpit instance's installation directory)
            • (deployment script)
            • (wrapper script for the parameterized call to
          • <controller<instance-type> (specifies the type of the Controller JOC Cockpit instance which is primary or secondary
        • <joc-id> (specifies the JOC Cockpit ID)
        • ...
      • js7_import_tar.gz (holds the Deployment Workflow for import to JS7 JOC Cockpit)
      • (wrapper script to run all run_deploy_*.sh deployment scripts for Agent, Controller and JOC Cockpit instances)
    • <deployment-descriptor> (specifies the Deployment Descriptor)
    • ...
  • bin (holds executable files, preferably individual scripts, deployment scripts and installer scripts available from JS7 - Download)
  • ca  (holds the Certificate Authority as explained from  JS7 - How to create self-signed Certificates, not used if an external Certificate Authority is in place)
    • certs (holds CA-signed Certificates)
    • csr (holds Certificate Signing Requests)
    • private (holds Private Keys)
  • config (holds configuration files)
    • agents (holds Agent configuration files)
      • instances (holds configuration files specific for an Agent)
        • <agent-id>(specifies the Agent ID for directories and files that are specific to an Agent)
          • config (general configuration)
            • private (specific configuration)
              • trusted-pgp-keys (optionally holds PGP public key files and keyring files used for signing, see JS7 - Deployment of Scheduling Objects)
                • <pgp-public-key> (public key file or keyring file)
                • <pgp-public-key> (public key file or keyring file)
                • ...
              • trusted-x509-keys (optionally holds X.509 certificate files used for signing, see JS7 - Deployment of Scheduling Objects)
                • <x509-certificate> (X.509 certificate file)
                • <x509-certificate> (X.509 certificate file)
                • ...
              • https-keystore.p12 (optional default location and file name of a PKCS12 keystore)
              • https-truststore.p12 (optional default location and file name of a PKCS12 truststore)
              • private.conf (optional configuration file, for example to specify keystore, truststore and Distinguished Names of Controller certificate, see JS7 - Agent Configuration Items)
              • log4j2.xml (optional log configuration file, see JS7 - Log Levels and Debug Options)
            • agent.conf (optional configuration file, see JS7 - Agent Configuration Items)
        • <agent-id>(specifies the Agent ID for directories and files that are specific to an Agent)
        • ...
      • templates (holds configuration files that act as templates for a number of Agents)
        • <template-name> (an arbitrary directory names name for templates can be used)
        • <template-name> (an arbitrary directory names name for templates can be used)
        • ...
    • certs (holds certificate files for deployment with Agents and Controllers)
      • ca  (optional Root Certificate Authority used for self-signed certificates)
        • <root-ca-certificate> (the Root CA Certificate file, frequently available with a .pem, .crt extension)
      • server (Server Authentication Certificates)
        • <server-certificate>(Server Certificate file, frequently available with a .pem, .crt extension)
        • <server-certificate>(Server Certificate file, frequently available with a .pem, .crt extension)
        • ...
      • client (Client Authentication Certificates)
        • <client-certificate>(Client Certificate file, frequently available with a .pem, .crt extension)
        • <client-certificate>(Client Certificate file, frequently available with a .pem, .crt extension)
        • ...
    • controllers (holds Controller configuration files)
      • instances (holds configuration files specific for a Controller instance)
        • <controller-id>.<controller-type>(specifies the Controller ID for directories and files that are specific to a Controller instance with the instance type being primary or secondary)
          • config (general configuration)
            • private (specific configuration)
              • trusted-pgp-keys (optionally holds PGP public key files and keyring files used for signing, see JS7 - Deployment of Scheduling Objects)
                • <pgp-public-key> (public key file or keyring file)
                • <pgp-public-key> (public key file or keyring file)
                • ...
              • trusted-x509-keys (optionally holds X.509 certificate files used for signing, see JS7 - Deployment of Scheduling Objects)
                • <x509-certificate> (X.509 certificate file)
                • <x509-certificate> (X.509 certificate file)
                • ...
              • https-keystore.p12 (optional default location and file name of a PKCS12 keystore)
              • https-truststore.p12 (optional default location and file name of a PKCS12 truststore)
              • private.conf (optional configuration file, for example to specify keystore, truststore and Distinguished Names of JOC Cockpit certificate, see JS7 - Controller Configuration Items)
              • log4j2.xml (optional log configuration file, see JS7 - Log Levels and Debug Options)
            • controller.conf (optional configuration file, see JS7 - Controller Configuration Items)
        • <controller-id>.<controller-type>(specifies the Controller ID for directories and files that are specific to a Controller)
        • ...
      • templates (holds configuration files that act as templates for a number of Controllers)
        • <template-name> (an arbitrary directory names name for templates can be used)
        • <template-name> (an arbitrary directory names name for templates can be used)
        • ...
    • joc  (holds JOC Cockpit configuration files)
      • instances (holds configuration files that are specific for a JOC Cockpit instance)
        • <server>.<instance-type> (holds configuration files for a JOC Cockpit instance running on a specific server with the instance type being primary or secondary)
          • resources (optionally holds configuration files such as the file, keystore, truststore files etc.)
          • response (holds response files, mainly the joc_install.xml response file, that are copied to the JOC Cockpit's setup directory)
        • <server>.<instance-type> (holds configuration files for a JOC Cockpit instance running on a specific server with the instance type being primary or secondary)
        • ...
      • templates (holds configuration files that act as templates for a number of JOC Cockpit instances)
        • <template-name> (an arbitrary directory names name for templates can be used)
          • resources (optionally holds configuration files such as the file, keystore, truststore files etc.)
          • response (holds response files, mainly the joc_install.xml response file, that are copied to the JOC Cockpit's setup directory)
        • <template-name> (an arbitrary directory names name for templates can be used)
        • ...
  • desc (holds Deployment Descriptors)
    • <deployment-descriptor>.json (Deployment Descriptor .json file)
    • <deployment-descriptor>.json (Deployment Descriptor .json file)
    • ...
  • logs (holds log files)
    • deployment_package.<deployment-descriptor>.<host>.<timestamp>.log (Packaging Script log files)
    • install_js7_agent.<host>.<timestamp>.log (Agent Installer log files)
    • install_js7_controller.<host>.<timestamp>.log (Controller Installer log files)
    • install_js7_joc.<host>.<timestamp>.log (JOC Cockpit Installer log files)
  • release  (holds the installation tarballs for JS7 releases)
    • ... (users can apply an arbitrary directory hierarchy at this level)
      • js7_agent_unix.<release>.tar.gz (JS7 Agent installation tarball as download from the SOS Web Site)
      • js7_controller_unix.<release>.tar.gz (JS7 Controller installation tarball as download from the SOS Web Site)
      • js7_joc_linux.<release>.tar.gz (JS7 JOC Cockpit installation tarball as download from the SOS Web Site)
  • work (the working area is preferably used to perform installation of JS7 components during packaging)
    • agents (directory for Agent installation during packaging)
      • <agent-id>(specifies the Agent ID for directories and files that are specific to an Agent)
        • ... (sub-directories used for Agent installation)
      • <agent-id>(specifies the Agent ID for directories and files that are specific to an Agent)
      • ...
    • controllers (directory for Controller installation during packaging)
      • <controller-id>(specifies the Controller ID for directories and files that are specific to a Controller)
        • ... (sub-directories used for Controller installation)
      • <controller-id>(specifies the Controller ID for directories and files that are specific to a Controller)
      • ...
    • tmp (temporary files are written to this directory, if the --keep-work switch is used when invoking the JS7 - Deployment Packaging Script then files will remain in this directory which suggests cleanup by the user)
  • (Environment Script, see next chapter)


Code Block
titleExample for Installer Wrapper Script

set -e


mkdir -p "/home/sos/js7.deploy/work/agents/agent_001"

    --real-path-prefix="${JS7_DEP_WORK}" \
    --release="2.5.0" \
    --tarball="/mnt/releases/scheduler_setups/2.5.0/js7_agent_unix.2.5.0.tar.gz" \
    --home="${JS7_DEP_WORK}/opt/" \
    --data="${JS7_DEP_WORK}/var/" \
    --http-port="localhost:31443" \
    --https-port="centostest-primary.sos:31443" \
    --controller-id="testsuite" \
    --controller-primary-cert="${JS7_DEP_DEPLOY}/certs/server/centostest-primary.crt" \
    --controller-secondary-cert="${JS7_DEP_DEPLOY}/certs/server/centostest-secondary.crt" \
    --keystore="${JS7_DEP_DEPLOY}/agents/instances/agent_001/config/private/https-keystore.p12" \
    --keystore-password="jobscheduler" \
    --truststore="${JS7_DEP_DEPLOY}/agents/instances/agent_001/config/private/https-truststore.p12" \
    --truststore-password="jobscheduler" \
    --deploy-dir="${JS7_DEP_DEPLOY}/agents/templates/https/config" \


Code Block
titleExample for use of an individual script to create deployment packages

set -e

SCRIPT_HOME=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" >/dev/null && pwd)

DEP_ARCHIVE=${DEP_ARCHIVE:-$(dirname "${SCRIPT_HOME}")/archive}
DEP_BIN=${DEP_BIN:-$(dirname "${SCRIPT_HOME}")/bin}
DEP_CONFIG=${DEP_CONFIG:-$(dirname "${SCRIPT_HOME}")/config}
DEP_DESC=${DEP_DESC:-$(dirname "${SCRIPT_HOME}")/desc}
DEP_WORK=${DEP_WORK:-$(dirname "${SCRIPT_HOME}")/work}

${DEP_BIN}/ \
    --deploy-desc=${DEP_DESC}/agent-https-2022-12-04.json \
    --deployconfig-dir=${DEP_CONFIG} \
    --archive-dir=${DEP_ARCHIVE} \
    --script-dir=${DEP_BIN} \
    --work-dir=${DEP_WORK} \
    --deploy-agent-id=deploymentAgent \
    --keep-script \
