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Orders can be cancelled and can be suspended to prevent execution of instructions such as jobs and they can be resumed:.

Status Operations on Orders


  • Cancel: The operation allows the order to complete the current instruction, for example executing a job, and after completion of the instruction the order leaves the workflow with a failed history outcome.
  • Cancel/Kill Task: The operation kills processing of the current instruction, for example a running task for a job, and makes the order leave the workflow.


  • When an order is cancelled this is performed from an asynchronous operation that includes JOC Cockpit, Controller and Agent.
    • In a first step the order is displayed from a green/red bullet Image Added icon that indicates that the order still is running and that the operation to cancel the order is in progress.
      • Should the Controller or Agent not be accessible then display of the order remains unchanged.
      • Consider that "inaccessible" can mean that the network connection is lost and that the Agent in fact is up and running. In this situation the order will continue processing with the Agent until the operation to cancel the order is successfully transmitted to the Agent.

Suspend Order

Orders in a PENDING, SCHEDULED, IN PROGRESS, RUNNING, PROMPTING, WAITING, BLOCKED state offer the operation to suspend the order:

  • Suspend: The operation allows the order to complete the current instruction, for example executing a job, and after completion of the instruction the order is put to the SUSPENDED state.
  • Suspend/Kill Task: The operation kills processing of the current instruction, for example a running task, and puts the order in the SUSPENDED state.


  • When an order is suspended this is performed from an asynchronous operation that includes JOC Cockpit, Controller and Agent.
    • In a first step the order is displayed from a green/orange bullet Image Added icon that indicates that the order still is running and that the operation to suspend the order is in progress.
      • Should the Controller or Agent not be accessible then display of the order remains unchanged.
      • Consider that "inaccessible" can mean that the network connection is lost and that the Agent in fact is up and running. In this situation the order will continue processing with the Agent until the operation to suspend the order is successfully transmitted to the Agent.
    • In a second step the order is displayed from an orange Image Added bullet icon that indicates that the order is suspended.

Resume Order

FAILED and SUSPENDED orders to resume operation from their action menus:
