Versions Compared


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  • The Configuration View offers a graphical design view from the JS7 - Workflow Editor.
  • The Workflows View offers offers a tactical execution view that can be used to monitor the processing of orders with workflows in near real-time and perform interventions if required.


  • Cancel: The operation allows the order to complete the current instruction, for example executing a job, and after completion of the instruction the order is set to the FAILED stateleaves the workflow.
  • Cancel/Kill Task: The operation kills processing of the current instruction, for example a running task, and makes the order enter leave the FAILED stateworkflow.


Suspend Order

Orders in a RUNNING state offer a number of operation to suspend the order from its action menu:

  • Suspend: The operation allows Cancel: The operation causes the order to complete the current instruction, for example executing a job, and then to be set in the FAILED after completion of the instruction the order is put to the SUSPENDED state.
  • CancelSuspend/Kill Task: The  The operation kills processing of the current instruction, for example a running task, and makes puts the order enter in the FAILED SUSPENDED state.

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Resume Order

Running orders offer a number of operations from their action menu:

  • Suspend
  • Suspend/Kill Task

Resume Order

FAILED orders offer a number of operations from their action menu:


FAILED and SUSPENDED orders to resume operation from their action menus:

  • Resume: The order is resumed from its current position in the workflow or from some 
  • Resume Parameterized: The order is resumed similar to the Resume operation. In addition this operation allows to modify order parameters.

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If the Resume operation is used then the the tabular view of the work is displayed:

  • Users can hit the Submit button to resume the order from its current position.
  • Users can resume the order from a different position before or after the current position: clicking the order with the mouse and moving the order to the desired position makes the order resume from this position.
    • This operation is offered for top level instructions in a workflow.
    • This operation is denied for nested instructions, for example resuming an order from a position inside a JS7 - Fork-Join Instruction or JS7 - Lock Instruction is not allowed.
    • This operation is offered inside nested instructions, for example if an order in the branch of a Fork/Join Instruction is suspended then it can be freely resumed inside its branch.

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If the Resume Parameterized operation is used then in addition to the tabular view of the workflow

  • The order can be resumed from a position in the workflow as explained above.
  • In addition the list of order variables is displayed.
    • Users can modify values of order variables.
    • Users can use the Add Variable link to specify a variable that is not available from the order but has been declared with a default value from the workflow.

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