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The SSHJob can be used with a credential store to hold sensitive arguments. For use of the credential_store_* arguments see JS7 - Use of Credential Store with JITL Jobs.


The following operations are available:

  • The cancel operation is applied to the order, not to the SSHJob. In case of cancellation the job continues until completion and the order is put in the failed state.
  • The cancel/kill operation is applied to the order and to the job. The SSHJob will be killed immediately, similarly child processes in the remote SSH session will be killed. The order is put in the failed state.
    • For older SSH servers, for example OpenSSH before version 7.5, to kill child processes in the remote SSH session the simulate_shell job attribute has to be used.


Display feature availability


  • The global variable JS7_AGENT_TZ is available with the remote SSH session and indicates the JS7 Agent's local time zone.
  • A specific variable $dbName is mapped to the environment variable JS7_VAR_DBNAME in the remote SSH session.
  • A specific variable $ScriptDir is specified by a job resource with a value /usr/scripts and is declared with a workflow using the default value /var/scripts. The resulting environment variable JS7_VAR_SCRIPTDIR will hold the value /var/scripts unless a different value is specified by the order that is added to the workflow.


The following operations are available:

  • The cancel operation is applied to the order, not to the SSHJob. In case of cancellation the job will continue until completion and the order will be put in the failed state.
  • The cancel/kill operation is applied to the order and to the job. The SSHJob will be killed immediately, similarly child processes in the remote SSH session will be killed. The order will be put in the failed state.
    • For older SSH servers, for example OpenSSH before version 7.5, to kill child processes in the remote SSH session the simulate_shell job attribute has to be used.

Further Resources
