Versions Compared


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  • A Java Runtime Environment starting from version 1.8 is required. For details see Which Java versions is JobScheduler available for?
  • It is recommended that a time service is operated on the server that hosts the Agent in order to synchronize the system clock's time.


  • Extract the downloaded archive file to a directory.
  • After extraction the resulting directory structure includes (only files and folders immediately relevant):
    • agent 
      • license.gpl (copy of  GPLv3 (General Public License) used for the Open Source JS7 - License)
      • license.html (HTML format of license terms for the commercial JS7 - License)
      • license.txt (plain text format of license terms for the commercial JS7 - License)
      • ThirdParty.txt (list of 3rd party components and licenses used by JS7)
      • bin
        •|.cmd (used to anonymize log files, see JS7 - Log Anonymization)
        •|.cmd (Start Script for Unix/Windows platforms)
        • agent.service-example (sample file for use with JS7 - systemd Service Files for automated Startup / Shutdown with Unix Systems)
        •|.cmd (Script for access to a Credential Store on Unix/Windows platforms)
        • (template for the Agent Instance Start Script)
        •|.cmd (restarts the Agent for Unix/Windows platforms if not operated as a Daemon/Service, called by Start Script)
      • lib (directory for Java libraries)
        • log4j2.xml (used for based console logging to stdout, see JS7 - Logging)
        • patches (used for JS7 - Patches for Agent, the directory is cleaned up when running the installer)
        • user_lib (used for individual .jar files such as JDBC Drivers, see JS7 - Database)
        • (additional directories for Java libraries)
      • service (directory for operation as a Windows Service)
        • install_agent_windows_service.cmd (used by installer)
        • LICENSE.txt (copy of Apache License, Version 2.0)
        • NOTICE.txt (Apache Commons Daemon license notice)
        • RELEASE-NOTES.txt (Apache Commons Daemon release notes)
        • uninstall_agent_windows_service.cmd (used by uninstaller)
        • amd64
        • manager
        • x86
      • var (data directory, to be copied to var_<http_port> directory based on the HTTP port used by the Agent)
        • config (directory for configuration files)
        • logs (directory for log files)
        • state (directory for journal files, will be created on startup of the Agent)
        • work (directory for work files)
      • yade (directory for the YADE file transfer utility)
    • On Windows Systems:
      • You have to modify the directory permissions for the above-mentioned .\logs and .\service directories if you extracted the Agent to, for example, C:\Program Files.
        • This step is not required if you extract the Agent to, for example, C:\ProgamData.
        • Start a command prompt with elevated administrative rights and execute, for example:

          Code Block
          titleAllow full acces for "Users" on .\service and .\logs directories
          cd "path\to\installation-directory"
          icacls "service" /L /grant *S-1-5-32-545:(OI)(CI)F
          icacls "logs" /L /grant *S-1-5-32-545:(OI)(CI)F 
    • If more than one run-time instance of an Agent starting from the same Agent installation is used then every instance has to use its individual ./var_<http-port of the instance> data directory, e.g. ./var_4445, ./var_4447 etc. as each Agent instance has to use an individual port when operated on the same server.
    • To start the Agent you can use the commands explained in the JS7 - Agent - Command Line Operation article or your can automate startup from the instructions provided by the "Automated Startup and Shutdown" section below.


  • Stop any running JS7 Agent instances. Note that more than one Agent instance can be launched from a single Agent installation.
  • Prepare to rollback in the event of the update of the JS7 Agent not being successful:
    • Make a backup of the Agent's installation directory and configuration data directory, e.g. by creating a .tar.gz/.zip archive.
      • Installation Directory:
        • The default installation directory for the Agent is
          • /opt/ for Unix systems,

          • C:\Program Files\\js7\agent for Windows systems.
      • Configuration Data Directory
        • The default configuration data directory for the Agent is
          • /home/<user-account>/<http-portfor Unix systems,
          • C:\ProgramData\\js7\agent_<http-portfor Windows systems.


The installer creates a log file in the directory specified in the JS7_AGENT_LOGS environment variable or in the logs sub-directory of the Agent configuration data directory.

  • The default location of the logs directory is:
    • C:\ProgramData\\js7\agent_<http-port>
  • Installation log files are named according to the pattern Install_V<release>_<date-time>_....log where <release> is the release number and <date-time> refers to the point in time of installation.
  • For further information about logging see the JS7 - Logging article.


  • Stop any running JS7 Agent instances. Note that more than one Agent instance can be launched from a single Agent installation.
  • Prepare to rollback in case the update of the JS7 Agent is not successful.
    • Make a backup of the Agent's installation and configuration directories, e.g. by creating a .zip archive.
      • Installation Directory:
        • The default installation directory for the Agent is:
          • C:\Program Files\\js7\agent
      • Configuration Data Directory
        • The default configuration data directory for the Agent is:
          • C:\ProgramData\\js7\agent_<http-port>
