Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
titleExample how to commit and push changes to a remote repository
Import-Module JS7
Connect-JS7 -Url http://root:root@test_host:4446 -Id 'Controller' | Out-Null

# Add, commit and push changes to the remote Git repository
Invoke-JS7GitRepositoryAdd -Folder '/Accounting' | Out-Null

# Commit changes
$reponse = Invoke-JS7GitRepositoryCommit -Folder '/Accounting' -Message 'changes for release v1.13'
Invoke-JS7GitRepositoryPush -Folder '/Accounting'

Example of a CI/CD Pipeline Script for TEST Environment

The below example includes use of the above cmdlets in a pipeline script.

Download PowerShell Script: Rollout-JS7FromTest.ps1

# Parse commit hash from response
if ( $matchInfo = ( $response.stdout | Select-String '^\[.* +([0-9a-z]+)\]' ) )
	$commitHash = $matchInfo.Matches.Groups[1].Value

# Push changes
Invoke-JS7GitRepositoryPush -Folder '/Accounting' | Out-Null

Example of a CI/CD Pipeline Script for TEST Environment

The below example includes use of the above cmdlets in a pipeline script.

Download PowerShell Script: Rollout-JS7FromTest.ps1

Code Block
titleExample CI/CD pipeline script for test environment
# --- Parameterization ---

$url = 'http://root:root@test_host:4446'
$controllerId = 'Controller'
$folder = '/Accounting'

# --- Connection ---

Import-Module JS7
Connect-JS7 -Url $url -Id $controllerId | Out-Null

# --- Step 1: Check status of releasable and deployable objects ---

$items = Get-JS7ReleasableItem -Folder $folder -NoReleased
if ( $items.count )
    Write-Warning "CI/CD pipeline stopped: unreleased objects found:"
    foreach( $item in $items )
        Write-Warning "unreleased object: type=$($item.objectType), valid=$($item.valid), folder=$($item.folder), name=$($item.objectName)"

    # optionally release items
    $items | Publish-JS7ReleasableItem
Code Block
titleExample CI/CD pipeline script for test environment
# --- Parameterization ---

$url = 'http://root:root@test_host:4446'
$controllerId = 'Controller'
$folder = '/Accounting'

# --- Connection ---

Import-Module JS7
Connect-JS7 -Url $url -Id $controllerId | Out-Null

# --- Step 1: Check status of releasable and deployable objects ---

$items = Get-JS7ReleasableItemJS7DeployableItem -Folder $folder -NoReleasedNoDeployed
if ( $items.count )
    Write-Warning "CI/CD pipeline stopped: unreleased objects found:"
    foreach( $item in $items )
        Write-Warning "unreleased object: type=$($item.objectType), valid=$($item.valid), folder=$($item.folder), name=$($item.objectName)"
CD pipeline stopped: undeployed objects found:"
    foreach( $item in $items )
 optionally release items
    $items | Publish-JS7ReleasableItem

$items = Get-JS7DeployableItem -Folder $folder -NoDeployed
if ( $items.count )
    Write-Warning "CI/CD pipeline stopped: undeployed objects found:"
    foreach( $item in $items )
        Write-Warning "undeployed object: type=$($item.objectType), valid=$($item.valid), folder=$($item.folder), name=$($item.objectName)"

    # optionally deploy items
    $items | Publish-JS7DeployableItem -ControllerId $controllerId

Write-Warning "undeployed object: type=$($item.objectType), valid=$($item.valid), folder=$($item.folder), name=$($item.objectName)"

    # optionally deploy items
    $items | Publish-JS7DeployableItem -ControllerId $controllerId

# --- Step 2: Cleanup repository and store scheduling objects to repository ---

# Cleanup local repository by removing existing objects
Remove-JS7RepositoryItem -Folder $folder
# Store scheduling objects of the given folder and exclude draft versions to be used
Set-JS7RepositoryItem -Folder $folder -Recursive -NoDraft

# --- Step 23: add Cleanupobjects, repositorycommit and storepush schedulingto objects toremote repository ---

# Add changes Cleanupto local repository by removing existing objects
Remove-JS7RepositoryItem -Folder $folder
# Store scheduling objects of the given folder and exclude draft versions to be used
Set-JS7RepositoryItem -Folder $folder -Recursive -NoDraft

# --- Step 3: add objects, commit and push to remote repository ---

Invoke-JS7GitRepositoryAdd -Folder $folder
Invoke-JS7GitRepositoryCommit -Folder $folder -Message 'changes to accounting jobs for v12.3'staging area
Invoke-JS7GitRepositoryAdd -Folder $folder | Out-Null

# Commit changes
$response = Invoke-JS7GitRepositoryCommit -Folder $folder -Message 'changes to accounting jobs for v12.3'

# Parse commit hash from response
if ( $matchInfo = ( $response.stdout | Select-String '^\[.* +([0-9a-z]+)\]' ) )
	$commitHash = $matchInfo.Matches.Groups[1].Value

# Push changes to remote repository
Invoke-JS7GitRepositoryPush -Folder $folder | Out-Null

# --- Connection ---

