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Stores a permission to a role in the JOC a Cockpit Identity Service



-Role <String>
Specifies the unique name of a the role that is added to the Identity Servicepermissions should be assigned.

Default value
Accept pipeline input?true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?false


-Permission <String[]>
Specifies one or more permissions for the role. Permissions are specified form by identifiers like this:

* sos:products:controller:view
* sos:products:controller:agents:view
* sos:products:controller:deployment:manage

If more than one permission is used then they can be specified as an array or separated by comma:

* -Permissions @( "sos:products:controller:view", "sos:products:controller:agents:view" )
* -Permissions "sos:products:controller:view","sos:products:controller:agents:view"


-ControllerId <String>
Specifies the unique identifier of the Controller that controller- related permissions are assigned.


PS > Set-JS7IAMPermission -Service 'JOC' -Role 'application_manager' -Permission @( 'sos:products:controller:view', 'sos:products:controller:agents:view' )

Stores the indicated permissionpermissions with the role.