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Resets an a Standalone Agent to revoke current orders, workflows etc. and to initialize the Agent



This cmdlet resets an a Standalone Agent. In a first step any orders, workflows and other deployable objects are revoked from an the Agent.
In a second step the Agent performs a restart and initialiszes initializes its journal.
In a final step the Controller reconnects to the Agent and deploys any required deployable objects.

It is recommended to first check the state of orders prior to resetting the Agent and to complete or to cancel any attached orders.
Consider that orders have to be re-submitted to an Agent after reset.

The following REST Web Service API resources are used:

* /agent/reset


-AgentId <String>
Specifies a unique identifier for an Agent. This identifier cannot be modified during the lifetime the unique identifier of an Agent. In order to modify the Agent identifier the Agent has to be removed and added.

Default value
Accept pipeline input?true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?false


-ControllerId <String>
Specifies the identification of the Controller from for which Agents are removedreset.

Default value
Accept pipeline input?true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?false


-Force <SwitchParameter>
This switch should be used with care as it kills any tasks running with an Agent, revokes any orders and workflows
from the Agent and forces the Agent to drop its journal and to restart.

The purpose of this switch is to hijack seize an Agent that is assigned a different Controller or that holds
information in its journal that is no longer applicable, for example if the Agent ID should be modified.
