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For security reasons private keys and certificates of Controllers and Agents are not stored with JOC Cockpit. Instead, they are requested to be created by use of a command line client available from the Start Script that ships with each Controller and Agent instance. The command line client
- You can use the Controller's action menu to create one-time security tokens for Controller instances.
- You can select one or more Agents to create one-time security tokens per Agent, then use the Create one-time Token button.
- After selection of the Controller or Agents a popup window is displayed that asks for the lifetime of the token.
- The security token is valid until its lifetime expires.
- It is recommended to use short lifetimes such as 30 minutes that are sufficient to perform the steps for rollout of certificates to the respective Controller and Agents.
- The lifetime is specified for a time zone as the user browser's time zone and the time zone of the server operating a Controller instance or an Agent might differ.
- Security tokens become invalid after one-time use. Cleanup of expired security tokens is performed automatically by JOC Cockpit.
- Once the security tokens are generated they are visible from the user interface.
- Each For each Agent for which a security token has been created displays the expiration date and offers and a key symbol are displayed:
- when hitting the key symbol the security token will be is displayed,
- display of the security token offers a button to copy the security token value to the user's clipboard.
- Having copied the security token to the clipboard, proceed by switching establishing a session (SSH, RDP) to the server that hosts the Controller instance 's or Agents server and perform the steps for JS7 - Certificate Authority - Rollout Certificates for HTTPS Connections that require to specify the security token for authentication with JOC Cockpit.
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