Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The public Change Management System keeps track of any changes including patches and bug-fixes and :

  • For example, consider a 3rd-party vulnerability such as  
    serverSOS JIRA
    • The issue description provides immediate instructions how to replace 3rd-party libraries.
    • Users download patched libraries from the 3rd-party vendor's site.
    • The issue is reported for release 2.2.1 that can be patched from the instructions. Subsequent releases 2.2.2 and later include the updated libraries to fix the issue.
  • For example, consider a bug such as 
    serverSOS JIRA
    • The issue is reported to affect release 2.2.2 and us fixed with release 2.2.3.
    • For immediate resolution a patch file is offered for download. This patch can be applied to the indicated release 2.2.2, it cannot be applied to earlier releases.

Apply Patch to JOC Cockpit

On Premises

JOC Cockpit expects Java .jar libraries for patching in the following location:

  • Unix
    • /var/
  • Windows
    • C:\ProgramData\\js7\joc\jetty_base\webapps\joc\WEB-INF\classes

The JETTY_BASE part of the above path is specified during installation and can point to a different location. The remaining part webapps/joc/WEB-INF/classes is the same for any installation.

Apply Patch



the following steps to a JOC Cockpit instance. If a JOC Cockpit cluster is operated the steps are performed for any JOC Cockpit instance.

Code Block
titleExample how to apply a patch to JOC Cockpit for Unix
# navigate to the target directory for patches
cd /var/

# verify the directory by checking if this file is available
ls api-schema-version.json

# download the patch archive
curl -O

# unzip the patch archive
jar -xf patch-20220309-JOC-1256-2.2.2_2.2.3.jar
# remove the patch archive
rm patch-20220309-JOC-1256-2.2.2_2.2.3.jar
Code Block
titleExample how to apply a patch to JOC Cockpit for Windows
# navigate to the target directory for patches
cd %ProgramData%\\js7\joc\jetty_base\webapps\joc\WEB-INF\classes

# verify the directory by checking if this file is available
dir api-schema-version.json

# download from URL
# copy from download location (could be different from this example)
copy %USERPROFILE%\Downloads\patch-20220309-JOC-1256-2.2.2_2.2.3.jar .

# unzip the patch archive
jar -xf patch-20220309-JOC-1256-2.2.2_2.2.3.jar
# remove the patch archive
del patch-20220309-JOC-1256-2.2.2_2.2.3.jar

The resulting directory hierarchy should look like this (with the com sub-directory being created from the extracted patch):

  • webapps/joc/WEB-INF/classes
    • com
      • sos
        • ...

Note: A restart of JOC Cockpit is required to apply the patch.

Note: As an alternative for Windows you can download the .jar patch file to the target directory and use tools such as 7-Zip to extract the archive. Do not create a sub-folder from the archive name but extract directly to the directory hierarchy as indicated above.

Remove Patch

Patches are automatically removed when a JOC Cockpit release is installed.

Patches can be manually removed by dropping the com sub-directory that holds the extracted patch.

Note: A restart of JOC Cockpit is required to apply removal of patches.

Docker® Containers

Apply Patch

Remove Patch

Apply Patch for Controller

On Premises

The Controller expects Java .jar libraries for patching in the following location:

  • Unix
    • /opt/
  • Windows
    • C:\Program Files\\js7\controller\<controller-id>\lib\patches

The <controller-id> part of the above path is specified during installation and defaults to controller, this can point to a different location. The remaining part lib/patches is the same for any installation.

Apply Patch

Apply the following steps to a Controller instance. If a Controller cluster is operated the steps are performed for any Controller instance.

Code Block
titleExample how to apply a patch to a Controller for Unix
# navigate to the target directory for patches
cd /opt/

# download the patch archive
curl -O
Code Block
titleExample how to apply a patch to a Controller for Windows
# navigate to the target directory for patches
cd %ProgramFiles%\\js7\controller\<controller-id>\lib\patches

# download from URL
# copy from download location (could be different from this example)
copy %USERPROFILE%\Downloads\patch-20220309-JOC-1256-2.2.2_2.2.3.jar .

Note: A restart of the Controller instance is required to apply the patch.

Remove Patch

Patches are automatically removed when a Controller release is installed using the JS7 - Controller - Installation Using the Windows Graphical Installer.

Patches can be manually removed by dropping the files in the patches sub-directory that holds the extracted patch. 

Note: A restart of the Controller is required to apply removal of patches.
