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Restarts a JS7 Controller Instance and optionally performs cluster fail-over


Restart-JS7ControllerInstance [[-Url] <Uri>] [[-Action] <String>] [-NoFailover] [-Service] [[-AuditComment] <String>] [[-AuditTimeSpent] <Int32>] [[-AuditTicketLink] <Uri>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]


A JS7 Controller instance is restarted. In a JS7 cluster by default a fail-over
to the passive standby cluster member is performed.

The following REST Web Service API resources are used:

* /inventory/releasable



-Url <Uri>
Optionally the Url of the Controller to be restarted can be specified.
Without this parameter the active Controller instance will be restarted.
Consider that restarting a passive standby Controller instance in a JS7 cluster cannot does not perform
a fail-over as the current cluster member is passiveoperation.

Default value
Accept pipeline input?false
Accept wildcard characters?false


-Action <String>
Restarting a Controller instance includes the following actions:

* Action 'terminate' (Default)
** no new tasks are started.
** running tasks are continued to complete:
*** shell jobs will continue until their normal termination.
*** API jobs complete a current spooler_ process () callstep.
** JS7 Controller terminates normally.

* Action 'abort'
** no new tasks are started.
** any running tasks are killed.
** JS7 Controller terminates normally.


-NoFailover <SwitchParameter>
This switch prevents a fail-over to happen when restarting the active Controller instance
in a cluster. Instead, the restarted Controller instance will remain the active cluster member.


Terminates and restarts the JS7 Controller. In a cluster the active cluster member is restarted and a fail-over takes place to the passive standby cluster member. Use -of the -NoFailover switch prevents the switch-over.


PS > Restart-JS7ControllerInstance -Url (Get-JS7ControllerStatus).Passive.Url -NoFailover

Retarts Restarts the JS7 Controller passive standby cluster member. Consider use of the -NoFailover switch as a passive standby cluster member cannot switch-over to an active cluster member.
