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-OrderName <String>
Specifies the name of an order. The JOC Cockpit web service will consider the order name
when creating unique order iDs IDs from the pattern #<YYYY-MM-DD>#<qualifier><timestamp>-<order-name>
such as with #2020-11-22#T072521128-Some_Order_Name.

* YYYY-MM-DD: Date for which the order is scheduled
* qualifier: one of T(emporary), P(lan), F(ile), created by AD(D) Order Instruction
* timespan: time specified in milliseconds
* order-name: the value of the -OrderName parameter



-BatchSize <Int32>
[string] $StartPosition,
[string] $EndPosition,
As this cmdlet accepts pipelined input a larger number of orders can be added at the same time.
This is particularly true if the Invoke-JS7TestRun cmdlet is used.

Larger numbers of orders are split into individual calls to the REST API according to the batch size.
This is required as larger batches could exceed the size of HTTP post requests that frequently
is limited to 4MB if an HTTP proxy is used.

Default value100
Accept pipeline input?true (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters?false


-RunningNumber <Int32>
This parameter is implicitely implicitly used when pipelining input to the cmdlet as e.g. with

1..10 | Add-JS7Order -WorkflowPath /some_path/some_workflow
