Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


  • JS7 JOC For JS7 - Rollout of Scheduling Objects JOC Cockpit can be configured used to interface with Git repositories in order to store and to rollout its configuration scheduling objects such as workflows and jobs.
    • JS7 supports use of Git compliant servers to manage remote repositories such as GitLabGitHub.
    • JS7 makes use of a Git CLI Client that has to be provided by the user.
  • Configuration Scheduling objects can be versioned (tagged) with Git and can be rolled out to different JS7 environments via Git. This allows to create and to test workflows in a development environment and to perform rollouts to a production environment by use of a Git repository.
  • A connection to a Git repository is considered an additional option to manage versions and rollouts of JS7 configuration scheduling objects.
  • For operations available from the JOC Cockpit GUI see JS7 - Inventory Git Integration.
  • The Git Repository Interface is made available with the following iterationsJS7 releases:
    • Display feature availability
    • Release 2.3.0: Make JS7 objects available from the file system to allow use of external Git tools.
      • Jira
        serverSOS JIRA
    • Release 2.4.0: Offer the functionality from JOC Cockpit to manage JS7 objects with Git.
      • Jira
        serverSOS JIRA
      • Jira
        serverSOS JIRA
      • Jira
        serverSOS JIRA

Object Mappings



Scheduling Objects

JS7 handles the below separation of Rollout Objects and Local Objects. JOC Cockpit offers to configure per object type which category is applied.

  • Jira
    serverSOS JIRA
  • Jira
    serverSOS JIRA

Rollout Objects

JS7 configuration scheduling object types that are independent from a specific environment (dev, test, prod) and that can be rolled out across environments include


Local Objects

The following configuration scheduling object types typically hold values that are specific for an individual environment (dev, test, prod) and therefore usually are added to a separate repository. Such objects are not rolled out across environments.


The JS7 inventory is organized by folders.

  • Folders hold configuration scheduling objects such as workflows etc. and any level of sub-folders.
  • Folders are the basic unit for JS7 - Default Roles and Permissions, for example, users can be granted access to specific folders only.
  • Folders allow to perform bulk operations such as to deploy, to release, to remove and to rename configuration scheduling objects.

Folders can be mapped to Git repositories managed by the same or by different Git servers like this:


  • user access:
    • users with JS7 access permissions to manage folders and to access the Git repository can manage configuration scheduling objects in JOC Cockpit and can commit, push, pull configuration scheduling objects to/from Git,
    • users with JS7 access permissions to manage folders but without access to the Git repository can manage configuration scheduling objects in JOC Cockpit,
    • users with JS7 access permissions to view folders do not require Git access.
  • folder usage:
    • if a single Git repository should be used then all folders have to be available from a single top-level folder,
    • for use with a number of Git repositories each folder maps to a different repository,
    • folders can remain without Git integration for local management and deployment.


  • The JS7 - REST Web Service API executes a set of Git operations by use of the Git Command Line Client.
  • Any operations to add configuration scheduling objects to a repository, to stage, commit, push, pull and to merge objects are available from the JS7 REST Web Service API.
  • The JOC Cockpit offers the user interface for respective Git operations.
  • Users are free to use additional tools such as Git Extensions to manage repositories.

Git Operations


JS7 configuration scheduling objects are transparently managed in a Git repository via the JS7 REST Web Service API. In addition, tools such as Git Extensions and Git command line clients can be used for repository operations.


  • git-checkout
    • checks out a specific branch or tag from the Git repository to the local repository
  • git-clone
    • initially clones a Git repository to a local repository
  • git-add
    • adds or updates (stage) a new or modified configuration scheduling object on the file system to the local repository
  • git-reset
    • un-stages a modification from the local repository, the modified file in the file system remains unchanged and still contains the modification
  • git-delete
    • removes an already added configuration scheduling object from the local repository
  • git-commit
    • commits newly staged configuration scheduling objects to a local repository
  • git-push
    • pushes changes from the local repository to the remote Git repository


Versioning of JS7 configuration scheduling objects is performed by use of the tagging capabilities of Git. 


JOC Cockpit Operations

The synchronization of configuration objects scheduling objects between the JOC Cockpit database and the local repositories are managed by the JS7 REST Web Service API and are available from the JOC Cockpit GUI.


  • ./inventory/repository/read
    • reads file tree of the local repository file system folder and updates the JOC Cockpit database
  • ./inventory/repository/store
    • stores a set of configuration scheduling objects from the JOC Cockpit database to the file system folder of the local repository
  • ./inventory/repository/delete
    • deletes a set of configuration scheduling objects from the file system folder of the local repository
  • ./inventory/repository/update
    • adds or updates a set of configuration scheduling objects in the JOC Cockpit database with configuration scheduling objects from the local repository's file system folder


  • Architecture
    • A dedicated JOC Cockpit instance is used with Controller and Agents for each rollout environment such as dev, test, prod.
    • A set of two Git repositories are used per folder and per rollout environment:
      • one repository holding local objects such as job resources that are specific for an environment,
      • one repository holding rollout objects such as workflows that are rolled out across environments.
    • The JOC Cockpit database holds the JS7 configuration scheduling objects:

      • each JOC Cockpit instance is connected to its own database,
      • each repository is mapped to an individual JOC Cockpit instance,
      • the database can be updated from a local repository.
  • Users
    • All users act in the same JOC Cockpit instance of the respective rollout environment that is a single client to the Git server.
    • Changes to the Git repositories are performed on behalf of the users' individual accounts and are added to the remote repositories.
  • Rollout
    • Deployments are performed from a single source (JOC Cockpit) to each Controller and Agents per rollout environment (dev, test, prod).
    • Rollouts are performed by copying rollout objects from a local Git repository to a remote Git repository of the target rollout environment (dev => test => prod).


  • Job Management
    • Manage changes to configuration scheduling objects such as workflows and jobs.
    • Deploy configuration scheduling objects to Controller and Agents.
  • Repository Management
    • Store and commit changes to a set of local repositories, push changes to a set of remote repositories.
      • one repository holding local objects such as job resources that are specific for an environment
      • one repository holding rollout objects such as workflows that are rolled out across environments.
    • Pull changes from a remote repository to a local repository and update JOC Cockpit from the local repository.
    • Tag changes (commits) for versioning purposes in a remote repository.


  • Job Development in a dev environment 
    • A number of configuration scheduling objects, e.g. workflows, are created or changed by a job developer.
    • On completion of the change the job developer deploys the workflows to Controller and Agents to perform functional tests in the dev environment.
    • With functional tests being successful the developer
      • stores changes of workflows and related rollout objects to the local dev-rollout repository, commits changes and pushes changes to the remote dev-rollout repository.
      • optionally stores changes of local objects such as job resources to the local dev-local repository, commits changes and pushes changes to the remote dev-local repository.
  • Integration Testing in a test environment:
    • A tester with access to the job developer's remote dev-rollout repository adopts the current change:
      • The tester performs a checkout operation of the remote dev-rollout repository to a local dev-rollout repository.
      • The tester is offered the list of recent commits to the dev-rollout repository. From this list the tester filters by date, author or message the commits related to the change. Typically the change is assigned an identifier (Issue Key or similar) that is available with the messages of any commits related to this change.
      • From the selected commits the tester receives the list of changed files and launches the operation to copy the files in this list from the local dev-rollout repository to the local test-rollout repository.
      • The tester updates the JOC Cockpit instance from the local test-rollout repository.
    • The tester adjusts local objects such as job resources as required by the change.
    • The tester deploys changed workflows and related local objects to Controller and Agents to perform integration testing.
    • On completion of integration tests with changes being approved the tester
      • optionally tags the latest commit in the remote test-rollout repository with a label, e.g. v2.3-approved.
        • Should the tester modify workflows then the tester commits changes to the local test-rollout repository and pushes changes to the remote test-rollout repository before tagging.
        • Some users might deny object modifications to be performed in a test environment and instead prefer to apply modifications in dev environments only.
      • optionally stores changes of local objects to the local test-local repository, commits changes and pushes changes to the remote test-local repository.
  • Production Rollout to a prod environment
    • An operator with access to the tester's test-rollout repository adopts the current change:
      • The operator performs a checkout operation of the remote test-rollout repository to a local test-rollout repository. Optionally the checkout is performed for the tag v2.3-approved should the tester have tagged the change accordingly.
      • The operator is offered the list of recent commits to the test-rollout repository. From this list the operator filters by date, author or message the commits related to the change. Typically the change is assigned an identifier (Issue Key or similar) that is available with the messages of any commits related to this change.
      • From the selected commits the operator receives the list of changed files and launches the operation to copy the files in this list from the local test-rollout repository to the local prod-rollout repository.
      • The operator updates the JOC Cockpit instance from the local prod-rollout repository
    • The operator adjusts local objects such as job resources as required by the change. 
    • The operator deploys changed workflows and local objects to Controller and Agents for production use.
    • On completion of deployment the operator
      • stores changes to the local prod-rollout repository, commits changes and pushes changes to the remote prod-rollout repository.
      • optionally tags changes in the remote prod-rollout repository with a label, e.g. v2.3.
      • optionally stores changes of local objects to the local prod-local repository, commits changes and pushes changes to the remote prod-local repository.
