Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Export Operation

The export function operation is available from the Export button in the Configuration->Inventory view like this:

Image Added

In addition, the export function is available and from a folder's action menu like this:


  • File Name
    • The name and extension of the file to which the export is performed.
    • Consider that an extension has to be specified and has to match the File Format, e.g., export.tar.gz.
  • File Format
    • ZIP: This format works for most Unix operating systems and for Windows and creates an archive with a .zip extension.
    • TAR_GZ: This format works preferably for Unix operating systems and creates an archive with a .tar.gz extension.
  • Filter Type
    • Controller: The export includes scheduling object types that are deployed to a Controller such as Workflows, Job Resources etc.
    • Automation: The export includes scheduling object types that are released by JOC Cockpit such as Calendars and Schedules.
  • Filter
    • Valid only: JOC Cockpit does not force users to have objects in a valid status, for example during ongoing work on workflows. Invalid, i.e. incomplete, objects can be exported and imported.
    • Draft:  The export includes a single version of an object. This option specifies that the draft version of an object will be preferred for export if a draft version exists that is newer than the deployed or released version.
    • Deployed:  Specifies that the latest deployed version of an object is exported. If an object is deployed a number of times then JOC Cockpit holds the JS7 - Deployment History and adds the latest version to the export file. 
      • If used with the Draft option in place then this includes to prefer the draft version to the deployed version of an object if a newer draft version exists.
      • If used without the Draft option being in place then deployed objects only will be exported and objects for which a draft version only exists will be omitted from export. 
    • Released: Specifies that the latest released version of an object is exported.
      • If used with the Draft option in place then this includes to prefer the draft version to the released version of an object if a newer draft version exists.
      • If used without the Draft option being in place then released objects only will be exported and objects for which a draft version only exists will be omitted from export.
  • Handle recursively:
    • Specifies that selection of a folder includes to export any objects and sub-folders recursively. If objects should be selected individually then this options should not be used.

When hitting the Submit button the export file is created and is offered for download.


The object type is indicated by the respective extension such as .calendar.json, .workflow.json etc.


Import Operation

The import operation is available from the Import button in the Configuration->Inventory view like this:

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Clicking the Import button brings forward the following popup windows:

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  • Folder
    • During import the folder hierarchy inside the imported file is considered. However, users can specify a target folder as the top-level folder to which import file's folders are added, 
    • For example, if the import file's inside top-level folder is Examples.Unix and
      • no Folder is specified then the import file's top-level folder is added to the inventory root, i.e. /Examples.Unix.
      • a Folder /TestRuns/70 is specified then the import file's top-level folder will be added as /TestRuns/70/Examples.Unix.
  • File Format
    • ZIP: This format works for most Unix operating systems and for Windows and creates an archive with a .zip extension.
    • TAR_GZ: This format works preferably for Unix operating systems and creates an archive with a .tar.gz extension.
  • Overwrite
    • The JOC Cockpit inventory holds unique object names per object type. This means you can have a workflow with the name hello and a job resource, calendar, schedule etc. with the same name, but you cannot have two workflows with the same name. This applies to any scheduling objects.
    • Therefore object name collisions from an import file and from the JOC Cockpit inventory can happen independent from the imported folder hierarchy. The Overwrite option specifies what the title suggests: any existing inventory objects with the same name are replaced by objects from the same name and type of an import file.
  • Object Name: Options in this section are available only if the Overwrite option is not in place.
    • Ignore if exists:  This option grants precedence to objects that exist in the JOC Cockpit inventory should object name collisions occur from an import file: in this situation the object from the import file is ignored.
    • Add Prefix: For any objects of the import file a unique prefix is used. The value of the prefix is specified by JS7 - Settings, chapter: JOC Cockpit Settings with the import_prefix setting ("imported"). If an object with this name - including the prefix - exists then a number is added to the prefix and is incremented until a unique object name is identified.
    • Add Suffix: For any objects of the import file a unique suffix is used.  The value of the suffix is specified by JS7 - Settings, chapter: JOC Cockpit Settings with the import_suffix setting ("imported"). If an object with this name - including the suffix - exists then a number is added to the suffix and is incremented until a unique object name is identified.

The Drag & Drop zone and the Choose Files for Upload button can be used to import scheduling objects from a file.