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  • JS7 makes use of the YADE Add-on for transfer of files using a number of protocols such as FTP, FTPS, SFTP, WebDAV, HTTP/HTTPS etc.
  • The JS7 Agent ships with a YADE client installation that is available in the yade sub-directory of the Agent's home directory.
  • In addition to the JS7 - Order History and JS7 - Task History the JS7 - File Transfer History is available, displaying detailed results about transfers and files included.
  • For File Transfers the following aspects should be configured
    • The File Transfer View provides information about past and present transfers.
    •  The File Transfer Configuration is used to manage the configuration, for example to access SFTP servers and to select files and locations for transfer.
    • The File Transfer Jobs can share a File Transfer configuration and perform the effective transfer.


The File Transfer view allows to monitor current transfers and offers to check past and present transfers:

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  • The view shows details about each transfer such as
    • the source, target, transfer result that are reported individually for each file included in a transfer,
    • any errors occurring during transfer.
  • The Advanced Filter allows individual files to be looked up by name, path etc.
  • Find more details from the JS7 - File Transfer History view.


The configuration editor is used for example to manage connection data and credential for access to remote servers. In addition, it allows to manage profiles that specify which servers are involved in a transfer and which files should be transferred.

Find details from the JS7 - File Transfer - Configuration article.

File Transfer Jobs


  • The following command line arguments can be used with a File Transfer job:
    • -settings is the path to a YADE *.xml or *.ini configuration file that holds fragments and profiles for transfer of files.
      • YADE configurations can be managed from the Configuration -> File Transfer View and can be automatically deployed and can be exported to *.xml files:
      • For details how to deploy YADE configurations see JS7 - File Transfer - Deployment.
      • The YADE configuration file has to be located with an Agent, therefore it is an option to transferring this file to an Agent.
    • -profile is the name of the profile to be applied from the the YADE configuration file.
    • -java-options are options for the Java Virtual Machine. Frequently such options are used to specify the maximum heap size. By default YADE will use 32 MB, however, if 1000s of files are transferred with a single call to the YADE Client, e.g. when using a file specification to transfer any files from a directory, then it will be required to increase the default heap size.
    • -log-level enables to specify Log4j2 log level indicators such as info, debug, trace that will provide more detailed information, for example in case that files permanently cannot be transferred. Find more details from JS7 - Log Levels and Debug Options.
  • The above job script does not indicate a specific selection of files for transfer. This gives you two options
    1. to hard-wire the file selection directly with the YADE configuration file (yade.xml).
    2. to specify the file selection from an order variable that is mapped to an environment variable with the job script. Use this environment variable with the YADE configuration.
      • Example:
        • Add an environment variable such as e.g. YADE_FILE_SPEC to your mapping of environment variables.
          • The value can be a hard-wired regular expression:

          • The value can be mapped from an order variable or node argument:

        • The YADE configuration can makes use of the ${YADE_FILE_SPEC} environment variable that will be substituted at run-time, e.g. with:

        • Note that this mechanism can be used for any environment variables that are available for a job and with the YADE configuration.


In this situation consider to use the JS7 - Resource Locks to implement an exclusive lock or a shared lock that will limit parallel access to a resource. Any file transfer jobs that cannot immediately acquire a Resource Lock will wait until the lock is freed.

Further Resources
