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Table of Contents


Role based access management is offered from JS7 - Identity Services within the scope of JS7 - Identity and Access Management.

  • The Identity Service Type determines if roles are managed from JOC Cockpit or from the Identity Provider, for example from an LDAP Server.
  • Permissions are managed from JOC Cockpit independently from the Identity Service in use.


Scope and Structure

The Permissions sub-view allows to manage permissions for roles, optionally limited to specific folders.

  • Scope
    • JOC Cockpit Permissions are assigned for operations in JOC Cockpit, for example to manage calendars and the daily plan etc.
    • Controller Permissions are assigned for operations on scheduling objects per Controller, for example to deploy workflows, to add orders etc.
      • If more than one Controller is connected to JOC Cockpit then a user account can be assigned a role that for example allows deployment to one Controller but not to other Controllers.
      • Controller permissions can be specified as a default for any Controllers and they can be specified on a per Controller basis.
  • Permission Tree
    • Permissions are organized from a tree that offers a hierarchy of branches.
    • Granting or denying permissions at a higher level inherits the permission recursively to deeper levels of the tree.
  •  States
    • Permissions can take one of three states, being unassigned, granted or denied.
    • An unassigned permission does not take any assumption if the permission is granted or denied.
    • A granted permission is active within limits as is can be overruled by denied permissions.
    • A denied permission is active without limits and cannot be overruled by granted permissions.
  • Merge
    • Permissions are assigned to roles. A user account can accumulate a number of roles, therefore the permissions are merged by the following rules.
      • JOC Cockpit Permissions
        • Unassigned permissions are ignored.
        • Granted permissions work across any roles unless merged with a denied permission from a role.
        • Denied permissions work across any roles and cannot be overruled by granted permissions from any role.
      • Controller Permissions
        • Default Controller
          • Unassigned permissions are ignored.
          • Granted permissions overrule unassigned permissions from any roles and Controllers.
          • Granted permission can be overruled from any roles, they can be
            • denied by a permission of the Default Controller specified by some other role,
            • denied by a permission for a Specific Controller.
          • Denied permissions 
        • Specific Controller
          • Unassigned permissions are ignored, instead the permissions of the Default Controller are applied.
          • Granted permissions work across any roles unless denied by a permission from a role for the given Controller.
          • Denied permissions work without limits across any roles for the given Controller.



A graphical and a textual view are available to manage permissions.

Graphical View

The view allows graphical navigation and selection of permissions and is the default view.

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  • Explanation:
    •  Navigation
      • The Expand All and Collapse All buttons open and close any child branches.
      • The Expand Active and Collapse Active buttons open and close child branches with granted or denied permissions.
      • The + and - icons at the right edge of each permission icon open and close child branches.
    • States and Colors
      • Permissions show the following background colors to indicate their state:
        • White: Permission is not assigned, i.e. is not granted and is not denied.
        • Dark Blue: Permission is granted and the grant is inherited to child permissions recursively.
        • Light Blue: Permission is inherited from a granted parent permission.
        • Dark Grey: Permission is denied and the denial is inherited to child permissions recursively..
        • Light Grey: Permission is inherited from a denied parent permission.
      • Granting Permissions
        • Clicking the middle of an unassigned (white) permission grants the permission (dark blue).
        • Clicking the middle of a granted permission revokes the grant and puts the permission to the unassigned state (white).
      • Denying Permissions
        • The + icon inside a permission icon denies the permission (dark grey) recursively for child permissions that are located deeper in the permissions tree (light grey).
        • A denied permission shows the - icon, clicking this icon revokes the denial and puts the permission to the unassigned state.
    • Undo/Redo
      • Changes to the permissions tree are stored to the JS7 database.
      • The Undo button allows the last 10 changes to be undone stepwise.
        • Any changes held in the Undo button will be deleted when the user leaves the Permissions sub-view.
      • The Redo button changes the permissions tree back to its initial state when the Permissions sub-view is displayed.
        • The state held with the Redo button is deleted when a user leaves the Permissions sub-view.

Textual View

The view displays permissions from a lists of textual entries. The right upper corner of the Permissions sub-view offers to toggle between graphical view and textual view.

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  • Explanation:
    • Individual permissions can be modified and can be removed from a role using the pencil and X icons that are faded in when the user's mouse is moved over a permission.
    • The Edit function allows the permission to be made subtractive, i.e. for permission granted at a higher level to be removed.
    • The folder part of the view is used to restrict the role to access particular folders only - this includes that any scheduling objects such as workflows are visible from the assigned folder only.

Permission Hierarchy

Manage Permissions


Permissions are organized in a hierarchical way:

  • A Role role with the Permission permission sos:products:controller:view 'only' allows a User  allows a user to view ControllersControllers only, while a user with the 'higher'  sos:products:controller permission is able not only to view Controllers but is able to carry out additional operations - in this case,any operations such as to view,  to restart,  to terminate, and to switch_-over between Controller instances.
  • The JS7 - Permissions article contains a link to a full explains the list of all Permissions that can be granted.


  • permissions.

Permission Assignment Strategies

Assign specific Permissions

Consider any a user have account being assigned a role(demo-role) with  holding the following permission:

  • sos:products:controller:view

This permission does not allow the demo-role to perform the operation any modifying operations on the Controllers. These Permissions could be granted individually with the followingInstead, such permissions are granted individually by using:

  • sos:products:controller:restart
  • sos:products:controller:terminate

Assign and Deny specific Permissions

The following Permissions can be set to permissions allow the demo-role Role to view, restart and terminate the  and to restart Controller, but not Switch_overnot to terminate a Controller and to switch-over between Controller instances:

  • sos:products:controller:view
  • sos:products:controller:restart

Alternatively, it may make sense in some situations users might prefer to grant the Role role a higher level of Permission permissions and then to remove one or more specific Permissionspermissions. This approach is shown in used with the following combinationpermission set:

  • sos:products:controller
  • -sos:products:controller:switch_over

where when the ...sos:products:controller Permission  permission is an overall 'Controller' Permission covering  Controller permission covering operations to view,  to restart and to terminate the Controller, and the -sos:products:controller:switch_over Permission  permission is removed from the demo-role Role.



Folder Permissions

Folder Selection

Folders are added using the Add Folder button visible in the background of the below screenshot in the upper right corner:

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Folders are selected from a tree view that is opened by clicking the folder icon, see screenshot.

Editing Procedures

Three editing procedures are available for editing Permissions:
