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Table of Contents


User profiles The JS7 - Profiles hold settings that are specific for a user and that are controlled by the user. 

  • When a user account is added to JOC Cockpit using the JS7 - Identity Services then a profile is created and is populated from a template account, see JS7 - SettingsProfiles include a number of categories such as Preferences, Permissions etc.
  • The profile includes preferences such as language, time zone etc. and it can hold keys and certificates for JS7 - Secure Deployment of scheduling objectsthat are explained below.

Profile Page

The Profile page is accessible from the user menu of an account in the right upper corner of any JOC Cockpit view:

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The Profile page offers to change the user's password and to manage settings from a number of tabs:

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Users are are authenticated from a number of JS7 - Identity Services.

  • If the user is authenticated by the JS7 - JOC Identity Service then the option to change one's password is available.
  • For other Identity Services users change their password with the Identity Provider. For example, if an LDAP Identity Provider is used then the password is changed with the LDAP Directory Service, e.g. an Active Directory.


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  • The initial password cannot be used.
  • The minimum password length has to be considered.


sub-views. The following section explains the Preferences sub-view.


The Preferences sub-view offers the following settings:

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CategorySettingDefault ValueExplanation
LocalesLanguagebrowser default

Specifies the language to be used for the JOC Cockpit GUI, see JS7 - Language Support. Initially the user browser's default time zone is used.

Time Zonebrowser default

Specifies the time zone to which any dates in the JOC Cockpit GUI are converted, see JS7 - Time Zone Support. Initially the user browser's default time zone is used.

Consider that the selected time zone is used to initially populate the time zone of JS7 - WorkflowsJS7 - Jobs and JS7 - Schedules.

Date Time Formatbrowser defaultSpecifies how dates are displayed. This setting initially makes use of the user browser's default.
List DisplayMax. number of History entries5000

Specifies the max. number of entries displayed with the JS7 - History view and its sub-views. Higher values transfer more data from JOC Cockpit to the user browser and will increase the client's CPU load.

This setting offers a Group Limit button to apply the indicated value to any Max. number of ... settings in this category:

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Max. number of Audit Log entries5000Specifies the max. number of entries displayed with the JS7 - Audit Log view.

Max. number of Notification entries5000Specifies the max. number of entries displayed with JS7 - Monitor, chapter: Notifications.

Max. number of Order Overview entries5000

Specifies the max. number of entries displayed with JS7 - Orders, chapter: Orders Overview.

Max. number of Daily Plan entries5000Specifies the max. number of entries displayed with the JS7 - Daily Plan view.

Max. number of Orders per Workflow5000Specifies the max. number of orders displayed with the execution view of JS7 - Workflows.

Max. number of File Transfer entries5000Specifies the max. number of entries displayed with the JS7 - File Transfer view.

Max. number of Orders per Resource Lock5000Specifies the max. number of entries displayed with the JS7 - Lock Instruction, chapter: Resource Locks View

Max. number of Orders per Notice Board5000Specifies the max. number of entries displayed with the JS7 - Notice Boards, chapter: Execution View

Max. number of Order History entries per Workflow10Specifies the max. number of orders displayed with the Order History panel in the execution view of JS7 - Workflows.

Max. number of Job History entries per Workflow10Specifies the max. number of orders displayed with the Task History panel in the execution view of JS7 - Workflows.

Max. number of Audit Log entries per Object10Specifies the max. number of entries displayed with the Audit Log panel in the execution view of JS7 - Workflows.
List PagingMax. number of entries per page1000Any list view performs paging, for example displays 1500 entries in 15 pages with 100 entries on each page. Users can select the number of entries per page in steps of 10, 25, 50, 100 and the indicated maximum. Higher values result in higher CPU load of the client's browser.

Default number of entries per page25Any list view performs paging, for example displays 1500 entries in 15 pages with 100 entries on each page. Users can select the number of entries per page in steps of 10, 25, 50, 100 and the indicated maximum. This setting specifies the which step will be applied by default.
ThemesChange ThemeLightJOC Cockpit offers a number of themes. Some themes are using a more dark or more bright background, some themes provide high contrast for users with disabilities.

Menu Bar ColorDefaultThe menu bar color can be chosen if the Light theme is active. Some users prefer to use different menu bar colors when setting up separate JOC Cockpit instances and profiles for dev, test, prod environments using colors to indicate the respective environment.

Theme Title
Optionally a title can be added that is displayed in the left upper corner of each JOC Cockpit page. This can be used to indicate the purpose of the JOC Cockpit instance, for example being operated for a dev, test or prod environment.
Tabs and WindowsShow LogsNew Window

Logs of Orders and Tasks can be viewed for example from the JS7 - Order History, chapter: Order Log ViewJS7 - Task History, chapter: Task Log View etc. Users have a choice how to view logs:

  • New Window: a new browser window is opened when displaying log output.
  • New Tab: a new browser tab is opened in the browser when displaying log output.
  • Download: log output is downloaded for viewing with a text editor of the user's client device. Which text editor to use is decided by the associated mime type text/plain or by browser settings. This option is preferably used for larger log output, for example > 10MB, that takes more time for rendering in a browser window or browser tab than display with a local text editor.

Independently from this setting any views displaying log output offer to download a log file by use of the Image Modified download icon.

Show DocumentationNew Window

Users have a choice how to display JS7 - User Documentation:

  • New Window: a new browser window is opened when displaying the documentation.
  • New Tab: a new browser tab is opened in the browser for display of a documentation.
Object ViewShow sub-folders and folder contentsSub-folders and folder contents

The tree navigation in views offers a choice what to display when selecting a folder:

  • Folder contents: Elements only of the selected folder are displayed
  • Sub-folders and folder contents:  Sub-folders and elements are displayed.

Show Files immediately in File Transfer viewuncheckedThe JS7 - File Transfer view displays current and past transfers. Users have an option to display files subject to transfer when opening this view or to display files only when selecting to display details in this view.
Audit LogEnable Reasons for Audit Logunchecked

The JS7 - Audit Log keeps track of any changes to objects, for example when a workflow is stored, is deployed, when an order is added etc. Users can be forced to add a reason why they perform the respective operation. Reasons can be selected from a list and can be added individually. This setting works as a voluntary option for individual users. However, JS7 administrators can enforce use of reasons when modifying objects by JS7 - Settings, chapter: JOC Cockpit Settings.

Log ViewUse time zone for log timestampscheckedJS7 Agents can be operated in different time zones. This includes that each Agent will create log timestamps corresponding to its time zone, for details see JS7 - Time Zone Support. This setting offers to convert timestamps in any log output to the time zone specified with the above Time Zone setting and otherwise will display the original timestamp.
Controller ViewCurrent ControllercheckedIf JOC Cockpit is connected to a number of Controllers then most views offer the option to display information for the currently selected Controller or for all Controllers. For example the JS7 - History offers to display history entries for the current Controller or for all connected Controllers. This option specifies if views should limit data to the current Controller by default. Users have the option to modify this setting with each view.
Inventory ViewSuppress tooltips for Inventory objectsuncheckedThe JS7 - Inventory offers a number of configuration items for Workflows, Jobs etc. When this option is unchecked then tooltips are activated when the user holds the mouse for >0,5s on the label of the respective configuration item. This setting is a good choice for users new to JS7 who are looking for explanations. However, experienced users might want to suppress any tooltips.
View Display ModeShow ViewAs List

A number of views such as the JS7 - Workflows view offer to display entries from a list or from cards. Users can switch the display mode from icons available in the right upper corner of the respective view:

  • As Card: Clicking the Image Modified icon switches to card view.
  • As List: Clicking the Image Modified icon switches to list view.

This setting specifies the display mode used by default.

Show Orders OverviewAs List

The JS7 - Orders, chapter: Orders Overview offers to display individual entries from a list or from cards. In addition, a bulk display mode is available that displays aggregate numbers instead of individual Orders.

  • As Card: Clicking the Image Modified icon switches to card view.
  • As List: Clicking the Image Modified icon switches to list view.
  • As Bulk: Clicking the Image Modified icon switches to bulk view.

This setting specifies the display mode used by default.
