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The following integration level is available from Identity Service Types that can be used with JOC:

Identity ServiceIdentity Service Configuration ItemsJOC Cockpit Configuration
Service TypeBuilt-inUser Accounts/Passwords
stored with
User Accounts/Passwords
managed by
stored with
Roles->User Accounts Mapping
managed with
Roles Mapping
JOCyesJS7 DatabaseJOC CockpitJS7 DatabaseJOC CockpitMapping of user accounts and roles with JOC Cockpit


  • Service Type: JOC
    • Management of user accounts and passwords is performed with JOC Cockpit.
    • The assignment of roles to user accounts is performed with  JOC Cockpit.
    • JOC Cockpit stores user accounts, hashed passwords and role assignments.


  • The Identity Service Name is a unique identifier that can be freely chosen.
  • The Identity Service Type can be selected as available from the above matrix.
  • The Ordering specifies the sequence in which a login is performed with available Identity Services.
  • The Required attribute specifies if login with the respective Identity Service is required to be successful, for example if a number of Identity Services are triggered on login of a user account.
  • The Identity Service Authentication Scheme allows to select
    • single-factor authentication: user account and password are specified for login with the Identity Service.
    • two-factor authentication: in addition to user account and password a Client Authentication Certificate is required, see JS7 - Certificate based Authentication
  • Password as single factor: if the single-factor Authentication Scheme is selected then this switch specifies if specification of the user account and password can be used to login.
  • Certificate as single factor: if the single-factor Authentication Scheme is selected then this switch specifies if use of a certificate - without specifying user account and password - allows to login.

Authentication Scheme

The Authentication Scheme allows a number of options how to authenticate with JOC Cockpit:

  • Two-factor authentication forces a user to provide both the user account/password and a certificate. As certificates are stored in the user's local certificate store they represent a factor that limits access to specific client devices equipped with a certificate store. The user account/password is considered a factor that is in a user's mind.
  • Single-factor authentication gives a choice to use one of user/password or certificate authentication.

Certificate Based based Authentication

  • Certificate based authentication Authentication makes use of the Common Name that is available from the certificate's subject and that maps to the user account that is managed with JOC Cockpit. Certificates cannot be used for authentication if the user account indicated by the Common Name has not been added to the Identity Service.
    • When used with two-factor authentication then the certificate's Common Name has to exactly match the user account specified during login that has to be available with JOC Cockpit.
    • When used with single-factor authentication then the certificate's Common Name has to exactly match a user account available with JOC Cockpit.
  • Certificates act as a replacement for user accounts and passwords. This can be useful for external scripts and for JS7 jobs that access the JS7 - REST Web Service API and that should not store passwords with their configuration. For example the JS7 - Monitoring interface is offered for external scripts, e.g. for System Monitors, to check availability of JS7 components on a regular basis. Such scripts can use a certificate that maps to a JOC Cockpit user account with limited permissions to request the health status of JS7 components only.
