Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Extract the downloaded archive to a directory.
  • After extraction the resulting directory structure will include (only files and folders immediately relevant):
    • controller
      • license.gpl (copy of  GPLv3 (General Public License) )
      • license.html, license.txt (copy of JS7 JobScheduler Commercial License Agreement)
      • ThirdParty.txt (list of 3rd party components and licenses included with the JS7 Controller)
      • .version (release information)
      • bin
        • controller.cmd|sh
          • The Start Script for Windows/Unix platforms
        • controller_instance.cmd|sh-example
          • Sample Instance Start Script to set individual environment variables. Drop the -example extension to activate this file.
        • controller_watchdog.cmd|sh
          • Restarts the Controller on Windows/Unix platforms
      • lib (directory for Java libraries)
      • service (directory for operation as a Windows Service)
        • install_controller_windows_service.cmd
        • LICENSE.txt (copy of Apache License, Version 2.0)
        • NOTICE.txt
        • RELEASE-NOTES.txt
        • uninstall_controller_windows_service.cmd
        • amd64
        • manager
        • x86
      • var (configuration directory)
        • config (directory for configuration files)
          • controller.conf (general Controller configuration)
          • lib (optional directory for JDBC Drivers and licensed binary code)
          • license (optional directory for license certificate files)
          • private (directory for security related configuration files)
            • private.conf-example (security related configuration)
            • trusted-pgp-keys (empty directory, can be used to add individual PGP public keys for signing, see JS7 - Secure Deployment)
            • trusted-x509-keys (directory to hold X.509 certificates for signing, see JS7 - Secure Deployment)
              • sos.intermediate-ca.pem (default certificate of SOS to allow deployment with JOC Cockpit)
        • logs (directory for log files)
        • state (directory for journal files)
        • work (directory for work files)
  • On Windows Systems:
    • You have to modify the directory permissions for the above .\logs and .\service directories if you extract the Controller to, forexample: C:\Program Files.
      • This step is not required if you extract the Controller e.g. to C:\ProgamData.
      • Start a command prompt with elevated administrative rights and execute, for example:

        Code Block
        titleAllow full acces for "Users" on .\service and .\logs directories
        cd "path\to\installation-directory"
        icacls "service" /L /grant *S-1-5-32-545:(OI)(CI)F
        icacls "logs" /L /grant *S-1-5-32-545:(OI)(CI)F
  • To start the Controller you can use the commands explained with the JS7 - Controller - Command Line Operation article or your can automate startup from the instructions provided by the below chapter "Automated Startup and Shutdown".


  • When extracting files to a location that has already been used then existing files with the same name will be overwritten. Files added by the user will remain in place
    • This is particularly true for the Controller Start Script ./bin/|cmd which should not be modified by users.
  • The .tar.gz/.zip archive includes Java libraries in the ./lib directory that ships with file names that are unique to every Controller release.
    • Therefore, before extracting files, rename or remove an existing ./lib directory in order to store libraries from the current Controller release only in this directory.

Example for Installation from the Unix Command Line

The Controller is installed with a few straightforward commands:

Code Block
titleExample how to install from the Unix command line
# download archive (consider to use a current release)
curl  '' --output js7_controller_unix.2.1.0.tar.gz

# extract archive
tar xvzf js7_controller_unix.2.1.0.tar.gz

# find extracted files in the "controller" sub-directory
ls -la controller

# prepare an instance start script from the example
cd controller/bin
cp -p

# optionally activate/adjust environment variables in

# run the Controller
./ start

Installation by Windows Installer in Headless Mode
