Page History
- The JS1 preferably implements forward dependencies and a few options for backward dependencies by additional JITL jobs and JITL based monitors.
- For example, the How to split and join jobs in a job chain article explains JITL job templates that have to be added to a job chain in addition to business related jobs and that are parameterized in a somewhat sophisticated way.
- For example, the How To Synchronize Job Execution Across Job Chains article explains the JITL Job JobSchedulerSynchronizeJobChains that makes orders in a number of job chains wait for each other.
- The JS7 implements a larger number of workflow patterns, see JS7 - Workflow Patterns that are available from JS7 - Workflow Instructions.
- For example, the JS7 includes a native JS7 - Fork / Join Instruction that does not require use of additional JITL jobs and that works without parameterization.
- For example, the JS7 offers use of JS7 - Notice Boards with the JS7 - ExpectNotice Instruction and the JS7 - PostNotice Instruction to synchronize workflows.
Individual Implementation of dependencies moved to workflow patterns
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