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titleList of Standard Arguments

URI of the JOC Cockpit instance from which to receive the private key and certificate.


UUID of the security token for one-time authentication with JOC Cockpit.


The subject of the requested certificate includes the Distinguished Name (DN) consisting of CN, OU, O, L, S, C attributes. The hostname of the requesting client is specified as CN.

--subject-dn="CN=myhost, OU=IT Operations, O=SOS,  L=Berlin, S=Berlin, C=DE"

The Subject Alternative Name (SAN) specifies the hostname of the requesting client and optionally variations of the hostname, e.g. the domain part (FQDN). Alternative hostnames are separated by comma.


Alias name used when storing the requested private key and certificate to the target keystore.


Alias name used when storing the requested CA certificate in both, the target keystore and truststore.



Path to the keystore to which the requested private key and certificate should be stored.


Type of the keystore used. Supported values include: PKCS12 (default),
JKS (deprecated).


Password for access to the keystore.


Password for the requested private key that should be added to the keystore.



Path to the truststore to which the trusted CA certificate should be stored.


Type of the truststore used. Supported values include: PKCS12 (default),
JKS (deprecated).


Password for access to the truststore.


--helpNoDisplays usage information, this option has to be specified as the only command line option and has no value.


  • Arguments qualified as required have to be used with any request to JOC Cockpit to create a private key and certificate.
  • The --joc-uri agument argument specifies the URL for JOC Cockpit. When used with the HTTPS protocol then check the next section for additional arguments.
  • The --target-keystore is located in the Controller or Agent instance's ./config/private directory.


Code Block
titleHTTPS Connection to JOC Cockpit with Mutual Authentication from a Client Key File
java -jar sos-commons-cli.jar com.sos.cli.ExecuteRollOut \
     --token=73bfc4b8-3f15-44b9-a75b-cdb44aec8f4b \
     --joc-uri= \
     --san=", myhost" \
     --subject-dn="CN=myhost, OU=IT Operations, O=SOS, C=DE, L=Berlin, ST=Berlin" \
     --key-alias=myhost \
     --ca-alias="Root CA" \
     --source-private-key=/home/sos/private/myhost.key \
     --source-certificate=/home/sos/public/myhost.pem \
     --source-ca-cert="/home/sos/public/intermediate_ca.pem, /home/sos/public/root_ca.pem" \
     --target-keystore=var/ \
     --target-keystore-pass=jobscheduler \
     --target-keystore-entry-pass=jobscheduler \
     --target-truststore=var/ \


  • tbd

Developer Notes

The jar file to use is present in two forms 

  • sos-commons-cli-2-0-0-SNAPSHOT.jar (ca. 9 KB)
    • this is a standard jar file 
    • using this jar needs to get the complete classpath set from the outside 
  • sos-commons-cli-2-0-0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar (ca. 22 MB)
    • this is a fat/uber jar file
    • using this jar needs no classpath at all

The filename of the jar file should be changed through the setup, so that customers will later only have to call sos-commons-cli.jar or a different desired name in either way (external classpath in agent, without classpath in the controller)
