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Table of Contents


  • First of all, you don't need to read this article in all its parts. For most situations it is sufficient to check the prerequisites, download the software and run the installer that will guide you.
  • In this article you will find the details about available installer options, updates and rollbacks for interested parties.
  • The JS7 Agent can be installed and operated on any Unix and Windows environments that meet the prerequisites.
  • The JS7 Agent can be installed using the graphical installer - for headless installation see JS7 - Agent - Use of Linux/Windows Headless Installation.

Installing the JS7 Agent



  • Choose the Agent archive for Windows systems and the graphical installer from the JS7 - Download page.
  • A .zip archive including the installer is available for Windows systems from js7_agent_windows_installer.<release>.zip.


Extract the downloaded archive to a directory, e.g. C:\Temp.

After extraction of the installer .zip archive the directory structure will include:

  • agent_install.xml (installer response file)
  • install_agent.txt (installation notes)
  • js7_agent_windows.<release>.jar (installer library for a given release)
  • license.gpl (copy of  GPLv3 (General Public License) )
  • license.txt, license.html (copy of JS7 JobScheduler Commercial License)
  • setup.cmd (installer script)

Consider the following implications before running the installer:

  • The installer can be run in graphical or in headless mode, see JS7 - Agent - Headless Installation on Unix/Windows.

  • The installer asks for elevated administrative privileges, so it will not necessary to change the permissions in the .\service directory and the installer will set read/write permissions for the .\logs directory.
  • After the installation you will find
    • a Windows Service "SOS JS7 Agent -port=<http-port>"
    • an executable file .\service\js7_agent_<http-port>.exe that is started by the Windows Service.

Run Installer

  • Run the installer for the JS7 Agent using

    Code Block
    titleWindows command to run the installer GUI
    > C:\Temp\agent.<release>\setup.cmd
  • The installer asks for administrative privileges.  
  • Select the language to be used for the setup: English and German are available.

Welcome Window

  • Click Next on the welcome window.

License Options

  • The License window displays the licenses available for the JS7 Agent.
    • The Open Source License GPLv3 (General Public License) is available.
    • The SOS Commercial License can also be selected. When using this license then the license certificate file that you receive from SOS after purchase of a license will be added when installing the Controller that forwards the license to the Agent. For details see JS7 - FAQ - How to apply a JS7 License Key.

License Agreement

  • The License Agreement corresponding to the license option selected has to be accepted before installation can occur.

Installation Directory

  • The installer opens a window to specify the installation directory after you accept the terms of the License Agreement.

Installation Settings

  • Add the HTTP port that is used by the JS7 Agent. Make sure that the HTTP port is available and is not otherwise used. If you run other applications that use this port then choose a different port.
  • If you specify a Windows Service account then make sure that this account has "Log on as service permissions". Consider that credentials that you enter to this window are stored in clear text with the installer response file. It is considered more secure not to add credentials with this step, but to add credentials directly with the Windows Service panel after installation.

Configuration Directory

  • Choose the configuration directory for the Agent to which you want to store the Agent's configuration, log and journal files.

Specific Directories

  • If you choose the installation directory to be located in C:\Program Files then it is recommended that you specify a log directory outside of the installation path, e.g. C:\ProgramData\\js7\agent_<http-port>\logs.
  • The installer sets read/write permissions for the specified Windows Service account. Typically only the administrator group should have write permissions for C:\Program Files.

Installation Progress

  • This step displays progress of the first part of the installation procedure.
  • Changes to installer options can no longer be applied once this step has been started.

Configuration Progress

  • The processing panel displays progress of the second part of the installation procedure that includes setting permissions and installing the Windows Service.

    • The information displayed with this step will be written to the installation log file that can be found in the JS7_AGENT_DATA/logs folder.


  • The last step of the installation displays a summary of the installation (success/error) and paths to relevant information.

    • Note that if a problem occurs during installation a warning will be displayed and a link to the installation log file will be provided.

    • A failed installation can be repeated at any time, uninstallation is not required.

Directory Structure

  • The resulting directory structure after installation includes (only files and folders immediately relevant):
    • agent 
      • license.gpl (copy of  GPLv3 (General Public License) )
      • license.html, license.txt (copy of JS7 JobScheduler Commercial License Agreement)
      • ThirdParty.txt (list of 3rd party components and licenses included with the JS7 Agent)
      • bin
        • agent.cmd|sh
          • The Start Script for Windows/Unix platforms
        • agent_<http-port>.cmd
          • For Windows systems the installer creates the Agent Instance Start Script.
          • The template for the Agent Instance Start Script for Unix systems.
        • agent_watchdog.cmd|sh
          • Restarts the Agent for Windows/Unix platforms
      • lib (directory for Java libraries)
      • service (directory for operation as a Windows Service)
      • var_<http-port(data directory)
        • config (directory for configuration files)
          • agent.conf (general Agent configuration) 
          • private (directory for security related configuration files)
            • private.conf-example  (security related configuration)
        • logs (directory for log files)
        • tmp (directory for temporary files)
      • yade (directory of the YADE file transfer utility)

Updating the JS7 Agent

An update of the JS7 Agent is performed from the same download archive as used for any fresh installation:

  • js7_agent_windows_installer.<release>.zip


  • Stop any running any JS7 Agent instances. Note that more than one Agent instance can be launched from a single Agent installation.
  • Prepare to rollback in case that the update of the JS7 Agent is not successful:
    • Take a backup of the Agent's installation directory and configuration directory, e.g. by creating a .zip archive.
      • Installation Directory:
        • The default installation directory for the Agent is C:\Program Files\\js7\agent
      • Configuration Directory
        • The default configuration directory for the Agent is C:\ProgramData\\js7\agent_<http-port>


An update using the graphical installer can be carried out by rerunning the installer setup.cmd file from the .zip archive and by providing the same parameters such as installation paths, ports etc.


Follow the steps listed to perform a rollback on Windows:

  • Run the uninstaller to perform JS7 Agent instance rollback.
    • The default location of the uninstall.cmd file is:
      • C:\Program Files\\js7\agent\Uninstaller
  • Restore the folders from the backup by unzipping the .zip archive for the installation and configuration directories to their respective locations.
  • Re-install the Windows Service from the command line:
    • Switch to the  Agent's .\bin directory from the command line
      • The default location of the .\bin directory is:
        • C:\Program Files\\js7\agent\bin

    • Run the following command that installs the Agent's Windows Service:

      agent.cmd install-service

Installation Log

The installer creates a log file in the directory that is specified in the JS7_AGENT_LOGS environment variable or in the logs sub-directory of the Agent's configuration directory.

  • The default path of the logs directory for the Agent is:
    • C:\ProgramData\\js7\agent_<http-portfor Windows.
  • Installation log files use names according to the pattern Install_V<release>_<date-time>_....log where <release> is the release number and <date-time> refers to the point in time of installation.
  • For further information about logging see JS7 - Logging.

Automated Startup and Shutdown

It is recommended that on Windows systems an Agent is operated as a Windows Service as such services can be configured to start/stop automatically on server startup and shutdown.

  • Consider assigning a service account to the JS7 Agent service with the Windows Service Panel.
  • Consider allowing the JS7 Agent service to be automatically started on server startup.

Initial Operation

Having completed the installation or update of a JS7 Agent you can either start the Agent manually or from its Unix daemon/Windows Service - see JS7 - Agent Command Line Operation.

Further References