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  • --id=<JS7 Controller ID>
    • Specifies a unique identifier for a Controller. You can use identifiers such as "controller-test", "controller-production" etc. Upper case and lower case characters are considered, the characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, underscore and hyphen are allowed. Spaces are not allowed in a Controller ID.
    • If you intend to operate a Controller cluster with two Controller instances for the active and for the standby cluster member, then specify the same Controller ID for both Controller instances as otherwise the instances will not be considered members of the same cluster.
  • --http-port=<[hostname or ip address:]number>
    • Specifies the HTTP port that the Controller instance is listening to in order to receive requests from JOC Cockpit.
      •|cmd command --http-port=####

      • where #### is the numeric port.
      • This option can be also used to indicate which network interface the JS7 Controller should listen to if in addition you specify a hostname or IP address for example with --http-port=myhost:4444.
    • Without this option being used the port defaults to 4444 and the Controller listens to all available network interfaces.
    • Should you want to specify a port then the following precedence applies:
      • First precedence: command line option
      • Second precedence: environment variable JS7_CONTROLLER_HTTP_PORT (see below)
      • Third precedence: use of default value
  • --https-port=<[hostname or ip address:]number>
    • Specifies the HTTPS port that the Controller is listening to in order to receive requests from a Controller:
      •|cmd command --https-port=####

      • where #### is the numeric port.
      • This option can be used to indicate which network interface the Controller should listen to if you additioly additionally specify a hostname or IP address such as --https-port=myhost:4443.
      • When using the HTTPS protocol for connections from JOC Cockpit and from a pairing Controller instance consider additionally allowing the HTTP protocol for local connections such as --http-port=localhost:4444. As the Controller Start Script makes use of an HTTP connection this protocol has to be in place to allow the Controller instance to be started, stopped etc. by its Start Script.
    • Should you want to specify a port then the following precedence order applies:
      • First precedence: command line option
      • Second precedence: environment variable JS7_CONTROLLER_HTTPS_PORT (see below)
      • Third precedence: use of default value
  • --data-directory=<location of data directory>
    • Specifies the location of the data directory that usually includes the config, logs and state directories.
    • Should you want to specify a data directory then the following precedence orderapplies:
      • First precedence: command line option
      • Second precedence: environment variable JS7_CONTROLLER_DATA (see below)
      • Third precedence: use of default value JS7_CONTROLLER_HOME\var
  • --config-directory=<location of config directory>
    • Specifies the location of the config directory for configuration data.
    • Should you want to specify a configuration directory then the following precedence order applies:
      • First precedence: command line option
      • Second precedence: environment variable JS7_CONTROLLER_CONFIG_DIR (see below)
      • Third precedence: use of default value JS7_CONTROLLER_DATA/config
  • --java-options=<java options>
    • With Java 1.8 the initial memory allocation has changed, for details see How to manage the Java heap space.

    • This option can be used to apply Java options for the Controller, e.g. for memory settings.

    • Without this option being used the Java options default to '-Xms500m'.

    • Should you want to specify the Java options then the following precedence order applies:

      • First precedence: command line option
      • Second precedence: environment variable JAVA_OPTIONS (see below)
      • Third precedence: use of default value


    • The unique identifier of a Controller. You can use identifiers such as "controller-test", "controller-production" etc. Upper case and lower case characters are considered, the characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, underscore and hyphen are allowed. Spaces are not allowed in a Controller ID.
    • If you intend to operate a Controller cluster with two Controller instances for the active and for the standby cluster member, then specify the same Controller ID for both Controller instances, as otherwise the instances will not be considered members of the same cluster. This identifier cannot be modified after initial start of a Controller, changes to the Controller ID require to drop the Controller's journal, i.e. the contents of its JS7_CONFIG_DIR\state directory..
    • Corresponding command line option: --id
    • The operating system user account that the Controller instance is started with. The Controller Start Script will switch to this account when being executed from a different account, e.g. if started by the root account.
    • There is no corresponding command line option.
    • The HTTP port that the JS7 Controller is listening to.
    • This setting optionally indicates which network interface the JS7 Controller should listen to if a host or IP address is specified such as JS7_CONTROLLER_HTTP_PORT=myHost:4444.
    • If only a port number is specified then the JS7 Controller listens to all available network interfaces via HTTP.
    • Without setting this environment variable the port defaults to 4444.
    • Corresponding command line option: --http-port
    • Sets the HTTPS port that the JS7 Controller is listening to.
    • This setting indicates which network interface the JS7 Controller should listen to if a host or IP address is specified as e.g. with JS7_CONTROLLER_HTTPS_PORT=myHost:4443
    • If only a port number is specified then the JS7 Controller listens to all available network interfaces via HTTPS.
    • When using the HTTPS protocol for connections from JOC Cockpit and from a paired Controller instance consider additionally alloing allowing the HTTP protocol local connections such as JS7_CONTROLLER_HTTP_PORT=localhost:4444. As the Controller Start Script makes use of an HTTP connection this protocol has to be in place to allow the Controller instance to be started, stopped etc. by its Start Script.
    • Without setting this environment variable the HTTPS protocol is not used.
    • Corresponding command line option: --https-port
    • Points to the parent directory where the JS7 Controller finds its configuration data, log data and journals.
    • Without setting this environment variable the default value is JS7_CONTROLLER_HOME\var.
    • For Windows systems for which the JS7 Controller is installed in the program directory that is pointed to by the %ProgramFiles% system environment variable. It is recommended that the default setting is not used. Instead a different path should be specified via the JS7_CONTROLLER_DATA environment variable, such as a location in the system data directory that is pointed to by the %ProgramData% environment variable, for example, JS7_CONTROLLER_DATA=C:\ProgramData\\js7\controller.
    • Corresponding command line option: --data-directory
    • Specifies the directory where configuration files are stored.
    • Without specifying this environment variable the default value is JS7_CONTROLLER_DATA/config.
    • Corresponding command line option: --config-directory
    • Specifies the directory where the JS7 Controller log files are created.
    • This setting defaults to the JS7_CONTROLLER_DATA/logs directory.
    • There is no corresponding command line option.
    • Sets the directory where the JS7 Controller PID file is created.
    • This setting defaults to the directory that is specified with the JS7_CONTROLLER_LOGS environment variable or the log directory default value.
    • There is no corresponding command line option.
    • Points to the location of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE).
    • Without setting this environment variable Java will be used from the location specified by the system path.
    • Please consider that JAVA_HOME does not point to the location of a JDK but to a JRE directory where the bin/java executable resides, for example if the location of the Java executable is /opt/java/jdk8u202-b08/jre/bin/java then JAVA_HOME=/opt/java/jdk8u202-b08/jre.
    • There is no corresponding command line option.
    • Specifies Java options, for example the Java memory settings for the Controller instance.
    • Without setting this environment variable the Java options default to '-Xms500m'.
    • Corresponding command line option: --java-options
