Page History
- A rewrite of the product code base as has been applied to the JS7 branch of JobScheduler. This allows the software to be redesigned in line with current standards and the state of the art.
- Use of open source licensed code. This allows everybody to analyze the code for security flaws and is performed automatically by an increasing number of tools that analyze vulnerabilities in source code. The JS7 source code repositories available at are automatically checked for vulnerabilities by Github.
- Using digital signatures to sign deployable objects such as workflows and jobs. This approach is used in JS7 and a number of security levels are offered that determine the degree of foreclosure, for example by forcing signatures to be applied to deployable objects outside of the JOC Cockpit application on a secure device.
- Placing certificates for digital signatures on the Agents that execute jobs. This is carried on out on JS7 Controllers and Agents and if the signature does not match available certificates then deployment is denied by the Agent. This mechanism does not prevent an authorized person from deploying workflows and it prevents attackers from hijacking a user's identity and deploying malicious code.
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