Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
titleUsage for on Unix
Usage: command [options]
    start         [options]
    start_docker  [options]
    stop          [options]
    abort         [options]
    restart       [options]
    status        [options]
    kill          [options]
    --id=<JS7 Controller Id>                          | default: controller
    --http-port=<[hostname or ip address:]number>     | default: 4444
    --https-port=<[hostname or ip address:]number>    | default:
    --data-directory=<location of data directory>     | default: /var/
    --config-directory=<location of config directory> | default: /var/
    --java-options=<java options>                     | default: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8  -Xmx500m -Dlog4j2.contextSelector=org.apache.logging.log4j.core.async.AsyncLoggerContextSelector -Dlog4j2.asyncLoggerWaitStrategy=Block; see also
see also for more information.


Code Block
titleUsage for on Windows
Usage: controller.cmd command [options]
    start           [options]
    stop            [options]
    abort           [options]
    restart         [options]
    status          [options]
    kill            [options]
    install-service [options]
    remove-service  [options]
    start-service   [options]
    --id=<JS7 Controller ID>                                    | default: controller
    --http-port=<[hostname or ip address:]number>               | default: 4444
    --https-port=<[hostname or ip address:]number>              | default:
    --data-directory=<location of data directory>               | default: C:\ProgramData\\js7\controller\controller
    --config-directory=<location of config directory>           | default: C:\ProgramData\\js7\controller\controller\config
    --java-options=<java options>                               | default: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8  -Xmx500m -Dlog4j2.contextSelector=org.apache.logging.log4j.core.async.AsyncLoggerContextSelector -Dlog4j2.asyncLoggerWaitStrategy=Block; see also
see also for more information.


This command will safely terminate the Controller (recommended).

If a Controller cluster is operated then no fail-over will occur.

Code Block
languagebash|cmd abort [options]


  • This corresponds to sending a SIGKILL signal with a kill command such as e.g. kill -9 (Unix) or taskkill (Windows).

If a Controller cluster is operated then this command will cause a fail-over.

Restarting the Controller Instance


For example, go to the "Startup" tab
to modify start parameters

Debugging the Windows Service

  • The Controller instance log level can be increased using the Controller's Apache ProcRun Demon Service Manager demon/service.
  • For Windows systems this is installed in the Controller instance's service folder with a name such as js7_controller_<controller-id>w.exe  where <controller-id> is the unique Controller ID.
  • Start the ProcRun Manager, select the Logging tab in the Manager interface and set the level to Debug
  • The location of log files is explained above. 
  • Consider to revert a debug log level once you are finished with debugging.
