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Command Line Client


  • --help
    • Shows this the help page, this option is exclusive and has no value.
  • --token=
    • UUID of the token for a onetime authentication to JS7 JOC to receive the generated certificates.
    • Example: --token=73bfc4b8-3f15-44b9-a75b-cdb44aec8f4b
    • Required
  • --subject-dn=
    • The SubjectDN to be used consisting of [CN, OU, O, C, L, S] where the current hostname has to be set as CN.
    • Example: --subject-dn="CN=myControllerHostname, OU=development, O=SOS,  L=Berlin, S=Berlin, C=DE"
    • Required
  • --san=
    • The subject alternative names(SAN) should be set with variation of the hostname e.g. including the domain part. The alternatives are separated by comma.
    • Example: --san="myControllerHostname.sos, myControllerHostname, sp.sos, sp"
    • Required
  • --joc-uri=
    • URI of the JS7 JOC to receive the generated certificates from.
    • Example: --joc-uri=https://joc-2-0-secondary:4443
    • Required
  • --source-keystore=
    • Path of the Keystore holding the keys to connect to JS7 JOC over HTTPS.
    • Example: --source-keystore=C:/sp/devel/js7/keys/sp-keystore.p12
    • Optional
  • --source-keystore-type=
    • Type of the keystore to connect to JS7 JOC over HTTPS. (PKCS12[default] and JKS are supported only)
    • Example: --source-keystore-type=PKCS12
    • Optional
  • --source-keystore-pass=
    • Password for the keystore holding the keys to connect to JS7 JOC over HTTPS.
    • Example: --source-keystore-pass="YourKeystorePassword" or --source-keystore-pass="" if no password is set.
    • Optional
  • --source-keystore-entry-pass=
    • Password for the private key entry of the keystore holding the keys to connect to JS7 JOC over HTTPS.
    • Example: --source-keystore-entry-pass="YourKeystoreEntryPassword" or --source-keystore-entry-pass="" if no password for the entry is set.
    • Optional
  • --source-truststore=
    • Truststore holding the trusted certificates to connect to JS7 JOC over HTTPS.
    • Example: --source-truststore=C:/sp/devel/js7/keys/sp-truststore.p12
    • Optional
  • --source-truststore-type=
    • Type of the truststore to connect to JS7 JOC over HTTPS. (PKCS12[default] and JKS are supported only)
    • Example: --source-truststore-type=PKCS12
    • Optional
  • --source-truststore-pass=
    • Password for the truststore holding the keys to connect to JS7 JOC over HTTPS.
    • Example: --source-truststore-pass="YourTruststorePassword" or --source-truststore-pass="" if no password is set.
    • Optional
  • --source-private-key=
    • Path to the private Key file used to connect to JS7 JOC over HTTPS.
    • Example: --source-private-key=C:/sp/devel/js7/keys/sp/sp.key
    • Optional
  • --source-certificate=
    • Path to the certificate file used to connect to JS7 JOC over HTTPS.
    • Example: --source-certificate=C:/sp/devel/js7/keys/sp/sp.cer
    • Optional
  • --source-ca-cert=
    • Path to the CA certificate file(s) used to connect to JS7 JOC over HTTPS. (Comma separated)
    • Example: --source-ca-cert="C:/sp/devel/js7/keys/sp/sos_intermediate_ca.cer, C:/sp/devel/js7/keys/sp/sos_root_ca.cer"
    • Optional
  • --target-keystore=
    • Keystore where the generated SSL certificates and keys should be stored.
    • Example: --target-keystore=C:/sp/devel/js7/testing/CLI/controller/https-keystore.p12
    • Required
  • --target-keystore-type=
    • Type of the keystore to store to. (PKCS12[default] and JKS are supported only)
    • Example: --target-keystore-type=PKCS12
    • Optional
  • --target-keystore-pass=
    • Password for the keystore to store to.
    • Example: --target-keystore-pass="YourKeystorePassword" or --target-keystore-pass="" if no password is set.
    • Optional
  • --target-keystore-entry-pass=
    • Password for the private key/certificate entry of the target keystore holding the keys for mutual https.
    • Example: --target-keystore-entry-pass="YourKeystoreEntryPassword" or --target-keystore-entry-pass="" if no password for the entry should be set.
    • Optional
  • --target-truststore=
    • Truststore where the trusted ca certificate should be stored.
    • Example: --target-truststore=C:/sp/devel/js7/testing/CLI/controller/https-truststore.p12
    • Required
  • --target-truststore-type=
    • Type of the truststore to store to. (PKCS12[default] and JKS are supported only)
    • Example: --target-truststore-type=PKCS12
    • Optional
  • --target-truststore-pass=
    • Password for the truststore to store to.
    • Example: --target-truststore-pass="YourTruststorePassword" or --target-truststore-pass="" if no password is set.
    • Optional
  • --key-alias=
    • Alias used to store the certificate and its private key in the target keystore.
    • Example: --key-alias="MyKeyAlias"
    • Required
  • --ca-alias=
    • Alias used to store the ca certificate in both, the target keystore and truststore.
    • Example: --ca-alias="MyTrustedCertificateAlias"
    • Required
