Versions Compared


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  • Download the Controller archive for the target system from the JS7 - Download page.
    • For Unix systems:
      • A tarball .tar.gz archive is available that is extracted to create the Controller's directory structure (see below).
        • js7_controller_unix.<release>.tar.gz
    • For Windows systems:
      • A .zip archive is available that is extracted to create the Controller's directory structure (see below).
        • js7_controller_windows.<release>.zip
      • A .zip archive including the installer is available that is used to run the installer in headless mode.
        • js7_controller_windows_installer.<release>.zip


  • Extract the downloaded archive to a directory.
  • After extraction the resulting directory structure includes (only files and folders directly immediately relevant):
    • controller
      • bin
        • controller.cmd|sh
          • The Start Script for Windows/Unix platforms
        • controller_watchdog.cmd|sh
          • Restarts the Controller for Windows/Unix platforms
        • environment_variables.cmd|sh
          • Environment Startup Script for the JS7 Controller
      • lib
        • The directory for Java libraries
      • service (for operation as a Windows Service)
        • amd64 (directory)
        • manager (directory)
        • x86 (directory)
        • install_controller_windows_service.cmd
        • LICENSE.txt
        • NOTICE.txt
        • RELEASE-NOTES.txt
        • uninstall_controller_windows_service.cmd
      • user_bin
        • environment_variables.cmd|sh-example 
          • Sample configuration file to set individual environment variables. Drop the -example extension to activate this file.
      • var
        • logs (holds log files)
        • config (holds configuration files)
        • state (hold Controller journal files)
    • On Windows Systems:
      • You have to modify the directory permissions for the above .\logs and .\service directories if you extract the Controller to e.g. C:\Program Files.
        • This step is not required if you extract the Controller e.g. to C:\ProgamData.
        • Start a command prompt with elevated administrative rights and execute e.g.

          Code Block
          titleAllow full acces for "Users" on .\service and .\logs directories
          cd "path\to\installation-directory"
          icacls "service" /L /grant *S-1-5-32-545:(OI)(CI)F
          icacls "logs" /L /grant *S-1-5-32-545:(OI)(CI)F 
